Just as we arrived at the intersection of Sobu High, there was a clear voice.

Yui stood there timidly with both hands in front of her body holding her schoolbag, the ball on her head dangling, and she seemed to be in a very good mood.

He must have successfully lost the extra pounds, otherwise he wouldn't be smiling so happily.

Behind him is Mrs. Yuigahama wearing a kitchen apron.

Since getting along with Izumi Masamune, at his request, Mrs. Yuigahama has quit her original job and become a real stay-at-home wife.

In addition to taking care of Yui every day, she also accompanies Yui to play against Izumi Masamune.

Also having a good time.

But at this moment, when he looked at his daughter and Izumi Masamune holding hands and moving forward, he looked like his daughter had taken care of him and had no regrets in this life, which made Izumi Masamune feel helpless.

This wife always thinks about a lot of things sometimes.

Even if Izumi Masamune spent more time on him than Yuigahama every time, it wouldn't be enough.

Masamune Izumi feels that it is very necessary for him to correct Mrs. Yuigahama's thinking. Maybe he can spend a day and night with his wife at Yuigahama's house next weekend?

While enjoying the offensive attack of Yui's two dumplings, Izumi Masamune was thinking very unscrupulously about how to appease Mrs. Yuigahama, who suddenly had bad signs.

I kept walking forward with Yuigahama in a daze, and then there was a high uphill road.

Yukino has moved, have you forgotten?

Looking at Yui who was exhausted after walking uphill for a while, Izumi Masamune, who had just come back to his senses, reminded him helplessly.

During the summer vacation, Yukino seemed to be called back by her parents to start the so-called bridal education.

At that time, when Masamune Izumi was giving souvenirs when he just returned from Enoshima, he saw Yukinoshita Harano pretending to be a private person and messing around by cleaning up Yukino's room.

It seems that it was rented to a new house in the back. Didn't Yukino tell you?

He grabbed the ball and kneaded it until the comfortable force made the depression disappear.

Ah, Azong, why didn't you remind me?

Yui, who was unwilling to abandon the thoughts of anyone in the trio no matter what, looked at Izumi Masamune with a desperate expression on her face and bulging cheeks.

Isn't it because you took the initiative to walk up the slope, so I didn't have the heart to stop you? If Xiao Yui really wants to maintain a normal weight, I've told you, just exercise more with me.

Looking at this guy who seemed to want to rely on the so-called uphill climb and do other things to prevent making the same mistakes again, Izumi Masamune was also amused.

No, no, no, walking is just tiring, it will kill someone.

The girl shook her palms and her head, which looked very interesting.

Then take Yukino with you.

Izumi Masamune said directly.

There are many interesting combinations in Sobu Taka, but Masamune Izumi’s favorite so far is the fun duo of Yukino and Yui.

While thinking, there suddenly came a pleasant voice.

On the way up the slope, there was a sudden strong wind, and the flying petals attracted Izumi Masamune's attention.

What appeared at the same time was the energetic pace of five figures in succession.

The figures running by quickly are all full of different characteristics but impeccable beauty.

Even Izumi Masamune fell into a trance for a moment.

Compared to Aragaki Ayase's cheating seven equal parts.

The five equal girls in front of me still have their own characteristics, they are simply perfect.

Izumi Masamune didn't know how surprised An Yilun was when he saw the beret flying on the ramp.

But Izumi Masamune felt that his heart was moved at this moment.

Girls, I am determined to be your brother-in-law.

A Zong A Zong, they are exactly the same.

The girls walked past quickly one by one. At this time, Yui next to her was also waking up from a dream.

He rubbed his eyes and looked at the five girls who just ran by in surprise.

Twins are very common, triplets are just ordinary, quadruplets are astonishing, and quintuplets are completely legendary.

But after noticing Zhengzong's distracted look, he still couldn't help pouting.

I pulled you to see the rare quintuplets and you were distracted when you saw them, which are completely different concepts!

Even though my mother and daughter are both in love, you are actually attracted to other women.

Do you really think that my Yuigahama family is shameless?

Yui shook Masamune's arm dissatisfiedly, finally getting him to come back to his senses.

They are just quintuplets. I can only say that their mother is really easy to give birth to.

Zhengzong, who was still thinking about becoming the other party's brother-in-law and brother-in-law, came to his senses.

He smacked his lips and said suddenly.

The jealous Yui was suddenly stunned at this moment.

Somehow I remembered that my boyfriend was very cold-blooded.

Even if the quintuplets are not enough, do you still think about other people’s mothers? ! ! !

Yui's palms were already exerting force unconsciously.

Okay, jealousy is flying around like this so early in the morning. Didn't you notice? The opponent's uniform is from another school. I can't find anyone in Sobu High School who gives me a headache.

Although it didn't hurt, Yui's resentful eyes were still very lethal.

Realizing that rubbing the big dumpling on his head to comfort him had no effect, Zhengzong directly attacked the two lower dumplings.

The girl who was angry just a moment ago fell on top of Zhengzong with a cry.

His face turned red and he softened slightly, finally making this guy wake up.

That's all I won't say.

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