Looking up, I found that they were standing together and preparing to take pictures.

Izumi Masamune smiled and did not refuse the girl's invitation, but walked up together.

Stand right in the middle.

On the right is the rejuvenated and proud Yamada Fairy.

On the left is a smiling Kasumigaoka Shiu who quietly puts Izumi Masamune's arm in front of her.

The clothes behind him were pulled slightly hard, this was Qian Jucun Zheng.

The two female adults stood on one side, one on the left and the other on the right.

Amidst the sound of all the eggplants being arranged, a well-timed camera captured the figures of the six people.

It was a perfect ending to such a summer vacation.

early morning.

The sun is just right.

Zhengzong smashed the alarm clock that kept ringing with a slap.

Then when he continued to smash his cell phone, he finally remembered that there were many interesting videos of his own in the cell phone, and Zhengzong finally gave up his cruelty.

I took my phone over and found the world above, six fifty.

Really bad timing.

Only in the past when he was a senior in high school in his previous life, Zhengzong had tried to get up at such a terrible time.

He shook the girl's body.

This time, there was no terrifying endless physical seal attached to his body.

Because it is the first day of school after all.

Whether it's Mai, Nanami, Ruri or Hinata, they all have things to do.

Erkoya, who did not need to go to school, was also taken directly back to Wu Geng's house by Liuli on the grounds that the big cow had a good rest today.

Although the Yamada Fairy also stopped going to class early, she unfortunately retreated with a smile under the dangerous looks of others.

At this moment, Zhengzong only had a little cutie beside him.

The silver hair is surprisingly moist.

The small white shirt also has a heart-shaped pattern printed on it.

There was drool dripping from the corner of his mouth, making people wonder what he was thinking about when he was holding Zhengzong's arm.

Except for the wide long sleeves, the bottom part is very looming in line with the laws of mysticism.

Like Schrödinger's fat times.

It makes people look forward to it.

Get up.

Masamune patted it expressionlessly.

Shooting away the air in it also blows away all possible conjectures.

In fact, it was hard to have such expectations when I could watch and play whenever I wanted every day.

Authentic number of exchanges between many women.

In addition to Erkoa who took the first place relying on the advantage of being able to snap, Kasumigaoka Shiu was in second place wearing black stockings.

The only thing left is Sagiri, who gets the moon first by being near the water or building.

Moreover, I still draw every day, and there is nothing new and exciting attributes to add.

The only adopted sister attribute is Izumi Sagiri who already has countless competitors.

Idiot, wake up quickly.

Rubbing Sagiri's face, Masamune called this guy helplessly.

If it weren't for the fact that you are the first friendly sister, I would definitely put you aside and let you experience the pain of being put aside.

Well, no, let me sleep a little longer.

A confused voice came.

Sagiri lifted up the thin blanket next to her and covered her head tightly.

Even though he had promised Zhengzong to start studying hard in the next semester.

But I still want to procrastinate.

Afterwards, no matter how Zhengzong was exchanged, this guy always looked like he didn't want to wake up.

Zhengzong sighed, understanding one thing, that is, you can never wake up a guy who is pretending to sleep.

Ever since, Masamune started to stand up.

With his strength, he easily lifted Sagiri and placed her in the middle of the quilt.

Lifting the sheet from the side, she walked over Sagiri.

It's so hot, brother, what are you doing?

Although the air conditioner was on, being wrapped up tightly like this was still extremely uncomfortable for Sagiri.

Some little one doesn't want to wake up, so I can only lift her up and offer it to Aunt Jingxiang.

He spoke without any fluctuation in his tone.

When he took Sagiri over to raise him, Masamune had already made an agreement with Izumi Kyoka.

It can allow Sagiri, who has developed autism, to come out well and become a normal person.

I have gone through all kinds of things during this period of time, and I have done it successfully.

However, in Sagiri's heart, Izumi Kyoka is undoubtedly still the terrifying devil-like character.


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