He took the clothes and clenched them into a ball with his palms.

He made a quick decision between whether he wanted to be embarrassed by being discovered by a few other people or whether he felt a little uncomfortable wearing clothes that still carried the temperature of Qianshou Village.

She fainted like this, when will she wake up?

She didn't mind putting her clothes on in front of the man, and even managed to show off her figure that actually looked a bit slutty, but was surprisingly toned and well-proportioned.

I couldn't help but feel a little worried when I found that Qianju Cunzheng still looked like he couldn't stand it and fainted at this moment.

Wake up? This is very simple, Xiaohua, wake up quickly.

With a wicked smile, Izumi Masamune called Senjumura Sei's name in his ear.

Qianju Cunzheng, who was still fainting at first, immediately stood up straight.

Plum blossom.

This is the real name of Qianju Cunzheng.

Compared to the name of Yamada Fairy, a HP school girl who made people complain, a name like Meizonohua is even more interesting.

Izumi Masamune began to call Xiaohua's name, and the girl returned to her state in an instant.

Don't call me that!

His palm directly covered Izumi Masamune's mouth.

I believe that if it weren't for the constraints of the environment, the current Senjumura Zheng would definitely have a bandage on his finger to seal Izumi Masamune's mouth tightly.

Senju Village Sei has been awake since just now, but


Shiyu reacted so quickly. He understood the meaning in an instant, and looked at Qianshou Village Zheng with a very strange look.

As a novel writer with tens of millions of copies, Qianshou Village Zheng once became an unsurpassable mountain in Shiyu's heart, but it turned out that this side had such a strange name.

It's like a brave man challenging the big devil. After working hard for a long time and finally reaching it, he found out that the big devil's birth name is Goudan.

Even a brave man full of fighting spirit will suddenly doubt himself.

What, are you envious? From now on, I will also call you Shiyu-chan, Xiaoshi, Xiaoyu?

Holding the girl in his arms and feeling the soothing strength, Izumi Masamune said with a smile.

Looking at Izumi Masamune with disgust, Kasumigaoka Shiu said that she didn't want to talk now.


Pleasant activities always go by quickly.

This side had not been playing with Kasumigaoka Shiu and Senjumura Zheng for a long time. By the time everyone's clothes were dry, it was already evening.

The three of them walked down the mountain together.

This was the first time for Kasumigaoka Shiu to team up against Izumi Masamune in such a multi-person situation, but their adaptability was unexpectedly strong.

Apart from excluding the fact that Izumi Masamune tried to pinch you and hit you a few times from just now, but it did not produce any effect, but Izumi Masamune slapped his butt hard and punished you, the other things are Well done.

As for Senjumura Sei, he looked dumbfounded and glanced at Izumi Masamune from time to time.

However, compared to her previous daze, she seemed a little more alive at this time.

It seems that he was stimulated by the way Izumi Masamune roughly pushed him directly into the water and made him suffocate?

Originally a yandere, Masamune Izumi has always been adjusting in this direction, trying to use the most violent method to crush the bad character and thoughts he has always shown, even if it means becoming a sexist. .

From the initial binding and imprisonment, to the later props assistance, and this time the water suffocation.

Izumi Masamune felt that it seemed to have already shown some effects.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have this expression now.

Thinking about the red marks left on the girl's delicate skin due to his own violence, Izumi Masamune felt a little pity.

However, facing a yandere type like Senjumura Sei, Izumi Masamune felt that it would be better to turn into an M.

I decided to give her some more interesting activities next time.

But before that, it's better to find Gabriel or Raphael for a life-saving measure.

By the way, there's Gu Li.

Thinking of that silly second-generation Angel God dressed in a Shinigami costume, Izumi Masamune really missed him after not seeing him for so long.

From driving here in the morning, to hiking in the mountains at noon, and collecting materials in the afternoon, every girl is exhausted.

When Izumi Masamune brought the two of them back, they found that these guys were also exhausted.

At this time, it is natural to treat yourself well.

First is the most loved hot spring time.

The girls were on one side, Izumi Masamune on the other.

Nothing exciting happened.

On the one hand, Machida Enzi here is not one of our own after all.

Kagurazaka Iris is still too stupid to realize that there is already a very bad relationship between the three writers in his family.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, Izumi Masamune had just experienced playing in the stream at noon.

I found that compared to the pleasure and comfort of nature and the comfort of relaxing myself, the hot springs suddenly made me uninterested.

There is no interaction, so there is no need for any deliberate description.

At the right time, the whole person seemed to have sunk into the hot spring.

Listening to the chuckles of the girls on the other side across the wall.

Izumi Masamune suddenly felt lucky that it didn't pass.

Only in this way can the relationship between many girls go further, and Izumi Masamune can never achieve greater ambitions.

When I went to the summer camp in July, the Sobu high-level gathering left an unforgettable impression on Izumi Masamune even now.

In the descriptions of the various exclamations of the girls on the other side, matched with the various scenes that had been recorded in his mind and then corresponding one by one, Izumi Masamune was having a good time.

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