A rare peace.

For Izumi Masamune, who is surrounded by girls from time to time who want to successfully eat chicken and achieve victory, this is already a very peaceful enjoyment.

After finishing the hot spring, everyone was exhausted and seemed to have a joyful impulse towards food.

The people who rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to eat the water.

Under such a mountain, there are many delicacies that people like.

I'm gonna start now.

The six people gathered in a circle and said together.

For Izumi Masamune, he has lived in District 11 for the past few years.

Among the habits that he likes to get used to the most, the biggest one is this sentence before every meal.

Only this sentence could tell him that she was not alone.

Even at the beginning, Sagiri insisted on eating in her room alone, and there were only three people on this side, Ruri Hinata Taki, Izumi Masamune would still insist on this sentence.

Shiyu next to him looked at Izumi Masamune's expression thoughtfully. His left hand on the other side came from under the table, and interlocked with Izumi Masamune's fingers, holding them tightly.

Miso pancakes are a condiment that people in District 11 never dislike. It is like a magical Lao Ganma who can mix it with anything.

In addition, there is also eel rice, which fully reflects the fact that it relies on water to drink.

It was the eel caught in the small river where Izumi Masamune and the two girls had sweated today.

After hearing the introduction from one of the clerks, Kasumigaoka Shiu, who was happily picking up food, stopped, then raised his legs and began to interact with Izumi Masamune below.

This guy always likes to cause trouble down there.

Whether it's pleasure or revenge, it never stops.

Although Sei Senjumura next to him didn't say anything, the color that had reached his earlobes made Izumi Masamune smile happily.

It's really interesting to behave like this by chance.

The four people who knew the truth about the eel rice, even though they knew the odds were low, still couldn't eat it.

This kind of performance made Yamada Fairy and Kagurazaka Iris confused.

Don't the guests like these foods? Then you can look at other foods.

The waiter serving the dishes suddenly said.

At this time, everyone woke up and realized that this guy was the food this time.

The four of them, who felt a little guilty, could only smile and nod, saying that they would taste other food, and then the chef on the other side left with satisfaction.

I was really excited. The sudden performance shocked me.

Eating other food to replenish the energy he had spent today, Kasumigaoka Shiyu glanced at Izumi Masamune with a rather resentful look.

Because the chef here is very good. It is said that he once did it at Totsuki Academy.

Machida Enko next to her finally couldn't bear the awkward atmosphere at the moment, so she couldn't help but speak out.

As a result, we found that many people lack interest.

Totsuki Academy, by the way, its full name is Totsuki Saryo Cooking School. Don't you even know this?

Looking at these guys helplessly.

Cooking school? Cooking?

The spoon flicked over the food. Shiyu looked at his editor in confusion.

For talented women, they have always been able to write novels and pass the exams casually.

That is to say, during this period of time, I was faced with the problem of choosing a university, so I went to find out more about the school's problems.

A girl who had already been admitted to the Faculty of Literature at Hayao University, in order not to be pulled too far away by Masamune Izumi's footsteps, she was studying hard and trying to get into the Faculty of Literature at Tokyo University.

Recently, Machida Enko feels that she is not as responsible for the novel as seriously as before. This is actually because Kasumigaoka Shiu studies hard.

The original practice of cultivating immortals and writing novels turned into cultivating immortals and studying.

If you don't always have Izumi's authentic moisturizing, girls will feel that their skin is dying.

The topic is off topic, anyway, she is already aiming for Tokyo University. In front of her, other schools are just ordinary little kisses, so she doesn't need to care.

“The food tastes really good.”

He put his hands together and said he was full.

I've already eaten a lot from Izumi Masamune today, so naturally I can't wait for much at this time.

Regarding the so-called school, Qianju Cunzheng's expression didn't change at all.

In her world, there are only novels, hers, and the novels of teacher Izumi Masamune.

Kagurazaka Iris laughed dryly. As a former older and bitter otaku, she naturally wouldn't pay attention to these things.


Machida Enzi looked at the three guys helplessly. With such a performance, her original intention to show off was gone.

Fortunately, at this time, the Yamada Fairy finally cooperated.

Hey, have you really never heard of Totsuki Academy? Then you must not have taken care of Totsuki Resort. It's so sad, haha, hahaha.

As an invisible rich man, the Yamada Fairy from a wealthy family stood up at this moment, looking at several people and laughing.

It should obviously be very annoying, but combined with the girl's cute face and the complete lack of any malice, it was just a pure laughter.

But it makes people completely unable to get angry.

Well, more or less, it seems that it has happened before.

Izumi Masamune raised his head and recalled the past scenes.

Fujikura Yu also said before that Izumi Masamune could go there and have fun and enjoy it, but he didn't pay much attention to it at the time.

If you think about it carefully, you have really missed hundreds of millions of transactions.

That's it. Now that you've decided, let's just go there once.

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