At this moment, he came to such a place full of nature, which made him feel very good.

“It would be nice to have another barbecue.”

She is obviously already a senior, but now Machida Enzi smiles like a child.

In other words, she still treats herself as a child until now.

For example, prepare firewood, and then add some seasonings. By the way, if there is some game, that would be the best.

The experienced Machida Enzi had countless ideas in an instant.

These were the experiences she had gained when she was in college, every time she went out to the club, and saw those naughty men and women in pairs, while she was alone with her friends and had nothing to do, so she worked around all day long.

These are very practical experiences accumulated over and over again. Just thinking about it makes people happy, so happy!

Thinking of this, the woman suddenly became in a bad mood, lowered her head, and no longer felt happy at all.


Machida Enko, who had her head lowered and was feeling gloomy, suddenly saw something special about the water flow in front of her.

She was already extremely clear, as if she could see into a mirror, but now she suddenly found that the water was a little turbid.

What's going on? What happened up there?

Machida Enzi suddenly looked over in confusion.'

Walk towards the front in the direction of the water.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was still reading a book, was stunned when he saw this, but when he found that she was gone, he could only shake his head helplessly and followed her, but suddenly he heard the voice of a woman on the other side.

The clear and sweet voice stunned Machida Enzi, but after thinking for a while, she understood the next moment.

It turns out that every time I went out to play in the past, when I stayed there with Akane Kosaka to prepare barbecue, those couples would be so tired when they went out, so it turned out that this was how they played.

It's really awesome.

Super bad!

It's really crazy, Machida Enzi complained in her heart. Just when she saw Senjumura Sei, who was already wearing half of her kimono hanging down to her waist, and the man riding on the girl, they actually took Senjumura Sei like that. From time to time, his head was pressed into the water flow, letting it rush through.

Seemingly noticing her gaze, Izumi Masamune actually had time to say hello to her.


Such a scene made Machida Enzi fight back fiercely.

Poor Shiyu-chan, no wonder you still call me over. Is it so stressful?

Thinking of the time when she met Kasumigaoka Shiyu, her stockings were torn with a hole. She was still confused, but now she finally understood what was going on!

After taking a hard look at the man who still looked like he didn't know how to stop, Machida Enzi looked to the other side worriedly.

The wild mandarin duck wants to play, what can she do, but she must tell Kasumigaoka Shiu a good word, and she can't make her lovely Shiu-chan sad again.

However, at this time, Kasumigaoka Shiyu had already walked over directly.

At this time, Machida Enko realized that Kasumigaoka Shiu was not that stupid little girl without her own opinion.

Shiyu-chan, hurry up and give that guy a good beating.

Seeing such a scene, Machida Enzi felt as if a little devil was awakening in her heart, and she couldn't help but scream in her heart.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu rushed forward, Kasumigaoka Shiyu opened his arms, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was about to fight back!

Machida Enzi seemed to have already paired such a scene with moving sound effects in her mind.

I look forward to Kasumigaoka Shiyu being able to teach the scumbag a lesson.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu A went up, Kasumigaoka Shiyu failed, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's armor was broken!


Looking at the other side, he rushed up to Izumi Masamune and seemed to want to talk about something, but was caught in the opposite direction and unable to move. After that, it seemed that the real-person fighting game was started before the argument lasted long.

Machida Enko turned into a stone statue in an instant.

Is it because I am really old now that I can't understand the behavior of these young people?

How come everyone is so good at playing?

Machida Enzi shouted in her heart.

It feels like something is wrong with this person.

There are really few people on this side of the mountain.

Let Izumi Masamune's pleasant trip go on successfully.

Looking at the girl who was already complaining that the stockings couldn't be worn anymore and could only roll them up and put them in a small bag with big white legs, Izumi Masamune took them over with a smile and helped to twist them clean.

You can't do it like this.

He said distressedly.

Compared to the entanglement of being targeted by Machida Enko on this side of the matter, Kasumigaoka Shiu is now more worried about her clothes.

There are a lot of people here, and if they suddenly come out wearing clothes like this, it's like they're being put on trial in public.

Don't worry, it's summer, the clothes will light up quickly, and it won't take long to be healed.

This explanation was met with a pair of blank eyes.

In this regard, Izumi Masamune directly put it on the head of Qianju Cunzheng.

It was obvious that the good Yamada Fairy had played with Izumi Masamune before, but this time when faced with the sudden addition of Kasumigaoka Shiu, Senjumura Masamune showed an unexpected, unimaginable, and shy behavior. Looks like he's dying.

I can only say that this contrast is really interesting.

You guy.

Seeing the high temperature on Qian Shou Village's head successfully restoring her clothes to their original appearance, Shi Yu really didn't know how to complain.

This is not scientific at all, okay!

Noticing the girl's gaze, Izumi Masamune just smiled and returned.

To say it is unscientific, his body is the most unscientific.

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