At this time, outside the door, apart from Amelia, who had gone upstairs to draw with Sagiri, Alkoa was restless on the sand.

Even if there is a door separating the two houses, for Quetzalcoatl, these things have no effect at all.

So the movement inside can still be heard clearly.

The authentic sound of guidance and the sounds of people tasting things together made her blush and her heart beat.

However, the scene in it and the actions he had been deceived before appeared in his mind involuntarily.

Really, don't these guys know how to settle down?

Elkoya, the eldest sister who is usually seen as reliable by others, is actually surprisingly innocent.

The sound of a text message on the phone interrupted Erkoya's palm, which he no longer knew where to place.

After taking a look at the number above, Kosaka Kirino's name appeared on it. Erkoya opened it and found that it was an open invitation text message. He spat lightly and did not disturb the situation inside.

It's just that he was suddenly awakened, which made him calm down a little. Feeling his restless body and mind, he exhaled and stood up from the sofa and went to the edge of the balcony.

This is where authenticity and its origins were accomplished for the first time.

The noise of people coming and going outside finally covered up the sounds inside the room. This made Erkoya breathe a sigh of relief.

At this time, the afterglow of the sun is shining on the ground.

Looking down from above, you can have a clear view of the beautiful scene.

It looked so moving and attracted Erkoya.

Although she had never seen anything like this during her long days as Quetzalcoatl, she was only accompanied by a dragon figure and various humble believers.

It turns out that the world can still be so beautiful. Why haven't we discovered anything like this before?

Erkoya cupped his cheeks and hit the balcony railing in front of him, talking to himself.

Suddenly he laughed.

She understood that nothing she saw had changed, and she suddenly felt interesting about everything around her. The most important thing was that she was not as lonely here as before.

Because there were many lovely companions here, this kind of absurd but lively atmosphere was something she had never felt before.

Because in the past, there was only loneliness in her world.

The Dragon Clan is powerful, but also lonely.

She suddenly understood why Thor was so fascinated by an ordinary human being.

Because dragons are also creatures that are afraid of being alone.

Maybe you can let go appropriately.

Erkoa suddenly felt that the fight between himself and Thor about authenticity could stop.

Just as Erkoya was looking at the sea on the balcony, Liuli walked in with a tired look on his face.

My parents still have some misunderstandings about the authentic issue.

Then she naturally became the type to be on guard.

After finally getting rid of her parents, the first thing she did when she came to the Izumi family was to find the authentic existence.

However, what surprised him was that there was no one in the living room that used to be very lively at any time.

Liuli was about to go in when she noticed the light on in the bathroom on the other side.

Erkoya on the balcony looked at the back of the nominal contractor, opened his mouth but said nothing.

That guy Hinata just pulled Kang Na in for no apparent reason and added more competitors to her, and Erkoya was still a little angry.

Liuli, who was let go by Erkoa, came to the door smoothly.

As soon as I came in, I heard the sound coming from inside.

She had already played a lot with Zhengzong, so she immediately knew what was going on inside.

Liuli, who was used to it, wouldn't care, but when she was about to leave, she heard Hinata's voice that she was very familiar with among the two girls' voices, and her expression immediately changed.

Although Hinata and Sagiri's kiss notes forced her to accept Hinata's joining.

But at that time, I also agreed with Masamune that I must wait for Hinata to grow up!

Liuli went in angrily. As soon as she opened the door, she was shocked by the scene inside.

Besides my sister, there is another girl.

Liuli still recognized her, it was a cutie named Kang Na.

She is a very good friend with Zhuxi, and is called Kangna's big sister. She looks cute but is an extremely reliable girl.

Liuli remembers this guy.

But at this moment, the other party and his second sister Hinata were lying in front of the man and burying their heads together.

What the hell is going on!

Why do the girls around me end up getting involved with Izumi Masamune in a confused way?

Liuli looked at this scene a little crazy.

The scene where Liuli suddenly came in was obviously beyond Hinata's expectation.

She has been walking on a tightrope to get along with Zhengzong because of some things.

This time it was clearly because she saw her sister being dragged by her parents and unable to leave that she dared to do all kinds of things.

Why didn’t Sister Erkoya remind me this time?

She didn't know that it was because she pulled Kangna that she was punished by Alkoa. Hinata was already in a state of losing her color at this moment.

These things are really too bad!

Hinata was very desperate and said that she didn't want to talk at the moment.

Because Liuli came in suddenly, Liuli stood up immediately and took Kangna with her.

The very obvious writing on the clothes of the two people is also displayed.

Liuli's mouth twitched.

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