What are these guys doing?

One look at the clothes, it was obvious that they were premeditated.

And if you hadn’t played it before, would you be so bold?

Hinata, put on normal clothes and go out.

It can only be said that Liuli had too much contact with Zhengzong in the past, and Liuli could not accept that her contracted boyfriend had another woman.

Liuli, who wanted to directly cancel the contractual relationship once something like this happened, had long since given up on such an idea.

Otherwise, Liuli would have already stepped forward angrily to tell this scumbag what terrible thing he had done.

No, I just won't go out.

Hinata, who had already subconsciously followed her sister's order to go out, suddenly had an idea.

Although I have been looking for allies, I have neglected my most natural ally, my sister.

In the past, my identity was always hidden due to some factors.

But now that it's out, just hurry up and come over.

Two sisters, no, there will be three when Zhu Xi grows up.

Hinata felt that she had found a qualified and suitable opponent on her side.

Ruri was in a very complicated mood, and walked up to try to pull Hinata away, but Hinata ran directly behind Masamune and made faces at her.

Kangna on the other side was still watching this scene with her big eyes blinking.

Zhengzong was also a little helpless at the moment.

I feel that my mood at the moment is probably that of the pillar surrounded by King Qin when he walked around it.

Watching Jing Ke and King Qin start a game of chasing each other.

It was Masamune who was tormented by two guys, Hinata and Kangna, who couldn't stand it.

As a result, Liuli on this side rushed up and interrupted his process.

Zhengzong simply grabbed Liuli into his arms without stopping.

Hinata and Kangna still need to struggle, but there is no need to have any mercy when dealing with Ruri.

He grabbed it directly and pressed it against the brick wall next to it.

The original shower head had been opened directly at this moment, drenching the two of them.

Liuli's clothes were not specially bought like Hinata on the other side, but at this moment, they looked even more disturbing.

She was already used to Zhengzong, and Liuli had no ability to resist when faced with Zhengzong.

Especially Gogeng Ruri, who was clapping her hands and shouting next to her, made Gogeng Ruri angry and ashamed at the same time.

Okay, that's great.

It was the first time for Kangna to see such a scene. She opened her mouth and looked at the scene in front of her in shock.

Although I don't know what happened.

But just by instinctively watching the interaction between Zhengzong and Liuli, this guy felt that he had a different kind of change.

The originally blue eyes also had a unique flavor at this moment.

He even let out a shocked exclamation that made Liuli feel that he was about to be publicly executed.

On this side, Wu Geng Liuli was caught in a tangle. She felt that she had been humiliated and was about to enter social death. She felt that there had never been a moment when she was so tangled now.

Little did she know that on the other side, her friend Kousaka Kirino was also in dire straits.

In an ordinary hotel.

Kosaka Kirino opened her eyes, her head was groggy, and she was still unable to react to her own situation.

She remembered that she originally went out to take photos with another friend, Ayase Aragaki, who was also a model.

It seems that she and her friend Ayase Aragaki were celebrating together later?

Kirino shook his groggy head and barely regained consciousness.

You're awake, Kirino.

A gentle girl rang in my ears.

Kirino, who was already so frightened that his head almost went blank, and thought he had encountered some pervert trying to persuade him to drink, breathed a sigh of relief.

He is his friend.

Ayase, is it you? What happened and why am I like this?

Kosaka Kirino breathed a sigh of relief, but then felt very strange why he was like this.

Shaking his body vigorously, he finally forced himself to get up and look over.

From this side, you can see that your friend Aragaki Ayase is sitting on the same chair.

It's just that it's different from the way he looks like he's drunk.

Aragaki Ayase was doing well. At this moment, the girl had her legs crossed like this. Kirino could even see the girl's bold clothes from this angle.

Such bold underwear for mature women.

She really didn't expect that her best friend would wear such clothes.

Of course, these are not the key. The most important thing is what is in Ayase Aragaki's hands at this moment.

A hand was swinging around, and she could see that it was a silver handcuff.

In his right hand, he is holding a mobile phone with a pink mobile phone case.

Isn't that exactly hers?

Some time ago, after the comic exhibition, Zhengzong gave himself a gift to make up for his unexplained absence at the night of the comic exhibition.

Kirino also got rid of the original flip phone and chose a new touch-screen smartphone instead.

Wait, Ayase, why do you know the password of my phone?

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