The first point is to find other more suitable allies.

Ever since, Kangna, who suddenly came over at this time, became his best ally.

Beautiful and cute.

And it looks smaller than her, making it easier to control, no, to fool.

In fact, if it weren't for my sister Zhuxi, she would be too young.

Still in a state where Izumi is a big foodie, whether he is delicious or not, Hinata will definitely bring her sister up as an ally.

It's a pity that since Zhu Xi can't help for the time being, Hinata can only come to Kang Na.

Zhengzong looked at the two guys dumbfounded.

To be honest, this thing is really shocking.

Especially a combination like this.

Let the authentic heart feel full of satisfaction.

I didn't expect these two guys to come up with something like this.

Although he was used to seeing all kinds of beautiful scenery on weekdays, showing it like this still made his heart flutter.

Kang Na, who was next to him, suddenly took the lead and took a step forward.

The cute big eyes blinked.

Lord Thor and Erkoa all have an authentic aura about them.

Although it is called a blue-eyed young dragon.

But there are also 14,000+ guys who have their own ideas in mind.

The feeling of being pulled down like this made the guy who didn't want to be alone choose this way.

Although I may not understand the so-called love like Hinata, I don't want to be abandoned.

Thinking of the way ordinary humans used to offer sacrifices to her, Kangna made a decision in her heart.

Authentic, sacrifice, wash and sacrifice.

A soft and waxy voice sounded.


Masamune looked at this guy.

It would be great if Kangna could get older, but there are some problems now.

Masamune, who doesn't want to be beaten by Four Zero Four, wants to push him away.

This guy is different from his actual age of 14,000 plus. He is actually petite and his lines are slowly starting to take shape.

At this moment, she was suddenly opened by Zhengzong, and she couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in her heart, and she straightened up her body.

It's not the kind of satisfaction of being able to eat food you like, but it is another feeling that makes the dragon's heart beat faster, as if it is under a spiritual curse.

Zhengzong swallowed and looked at the two people in front of him.

The one Hinata chose was actually the one for fun.

Due to the current flowing above it, it actually lost its color as if it were transparent.

Isn't it the kind of look you often see in Ivy? The thrill of crime could not help but surge up in my heart.

Brother Zhengzong, let me rub your back.

Hinata, who was just pulling Kangna to join in the fight to gain courage, discovered that Kangna was unexpectedly capable of fighting.

Ignoring the shock on Zhengzong's face, he walked a few steps under the bathtub and touched Zhengzong's body.

Noticing Kang Na's suspicious gaze on the other side, she couldn't help but feel her heart beating fast.

But just now she saw Sagiri and Amelia outside looking like they were quarreling, but in fact they were cooperating seamlessly, and such an impulse arose in her heart.

Gain Zhengzong always treated her like a little girl. As the number of women around Zhengzong increased one by one, she felt an uncontrollable sense of crisis in her heart.

You have to know that this period of your life is limited. What if she grows older and loses the original enhanced effect of Little Hinata's limited edition? Masamune already hates her by that time?

what should I do?

Just now I asked Alkoa like that.

If you want it, then seize the opportunity and join. If you don't feel confident, then find someone who is confident and join.

For that Quetzalcoatl, except for the girl who is also a dragon with him, her guy Erkoa has no guard at all.

So he just gave Hinata advice like that.

Then when Alkoya reacted, there was a scene where Hinata took Sagiri to change clothes and rushed directly into the bathroom.

Kanna, why don't you go out first.

Zhengzong said, for the first time there was still a trace of integrity in his mind.

stay home.

Kangna noticed Hinata's encouragement on the other side and murmured.

It's great to be together, everyone.

If there is Lord Thor and Alkoa.

She can't get delicious food here.

There was something else that made him panic.

Zhengzong noticed that Hinata was still snickering behind him, and he grabbed her directly in front of him with a strong palm.

He pulled the two people and pushed them into the water.

Kanna, do you want a drink?

In fact, there are many ways for people to have fun.

For Kang Na, she learned many things quickly.

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