And the body wrapped under the towel.

Remember, didn’t you already say that when you were discussing it with Erkoa?

The growth of dragons has potential but is very slow. Why is Kangna already growing up now?


Tsk, my sweet-smelling Kangna, why are you here?

Just holding Kangna like this and feeling the comfort of the baby dragon, Zhengzong had the time to ask.

I didn't expect this guy to show up suddenly.

It seems that Sister Xiaolin and Sister Thor wanted to go out to eat alone, so Kangna came over. Ahem, Zhengzong brother, brother-in-law, and I have also finished washing.

As soon as Hinata came out of the bathroom at five o'clock, she didn't have time to be happy when she saw Masamune. She saw him hugging Kangna tightly beside her, and she felt a little bit disgusted in her heart. She hadn't enjoyed Masamune's embrace for a long time.

Okay, it's okay if Kangna is here. Just rest here. If you want to eat something, go find your sister Nanami or Liuli. I'll take a shower too.

Today, Mai went out to work on her idol, while Nanami and Ruri came to take care of the Izumi family's meals.

Yesterday I played with Yamada Fairy and Senjumura Zheng.

Yamada Fairy is okay, just a bad RBQ with five scum, but Senjumura Sei, a guy who always has a yandere tendency, has amazing combat power after being changed by Masamune, and it took a lot of effort for him. .

It's fine if I don't say it, but the more I say it, the more uncomfortable I feel.

Masamune glanced openly at Hinata and Kangna twice before standing up and going in, although he was a little anxious in his heart.

But he still remembered Kangna's age.

Before the little one enters the gestation period of the Dragon Clan, at least she won't be touched, well, her body won't be broken.

Zhengzong has quietly lowered his requirements.

Masamune walked into the bathroom and closed the door, and saw Hinata throwing a silk white bra and a bra on the sink, which were also from a good brand.

As someone who has dozens of girlfriends around him, Zhengzong naturally has some processes that have to be talked about.

I also learned about some underwear styles from them.

The style Hinata chose was conservative and cute for her age.

It's not that this guy is a brat, he is actually more mature than his sister and he doesn't want to choose anything else.

There was even a dispute over this when choosing underwear for Hinata. Both Hinata and Masamune liked erotic underwear that was vaguely seductive.

Naturally, Liuli, the eldest sister, insisted on recommending the cute underwear she liked, and the two sisters even started to argue over it.

Masamune also wants to provide advice.

However, he had made an agreement with Liuli not to touch her Masamune before Hinata High School, so he could only suppress his thoughts temporarily, causing the pretty shopping guide girl next to the lingerie store to giggle.

This little girl doesn't do anything properly with Kang Na. She even throws her underwear around casually.

Zhengzong lifted up the silk clothes and pants and threw them into the frame aside for a change of clothes.

I found that Kangna on this side was actually older than Hinata.

After sighing once again about the extraordinary talents of the dragon clan and how rare the dragon ladies are, Zhengzong shook his head and smiled, and no longer struggled with these issues.

Turning on the bathtub, Zhengzheng hummed a tune happily and started taking a shower. The place where he had close contact with the girls last night was naturally focused on.

While I was enjoying my bath, the bathroom door suddenly opened with a creak.

Hinata slipped in like a thief wearing a long list, followed by Kangna.

Since we are in our own homes, everyone is already used to it, so Zhengzong will naturally not set up any defenses.

Although he felt someone's footsteps walking through the bathroom door.

But I thought it was those guys who wanted to have some fun with them.

Zhengzong didn't care, he just took all the orders when he came.

But he would never have expected that Hinata would suddenly rush in with Kangna.

Masamune, who was still not friendly with Kangna, was surprised and hurriedly blocked it with his hands. He frowned and was about to scold Hinata.

Only she would do such a thing.

How well-behaved Kangna is, there is absolutely nothing going to go wrong.

But at this time, something happened that stunned Masamune. Hinata, the culprit, actually stuck out her tongue at Masamune and pulled away the sheet with her little hands.

There was no familiar sight, instead there was a tight-fitting white dress.

Kang Na next to her still seemed a little silly.

It wasn't until Hinata pulled her that she realized what she was doing, and then she did the same thing, wearing tight black clothes underneath.

Two people, one on the left and one on the right, stood in black and white.

On Hinata's clothes, there is the English word I LOVE written on it.

On this side of Kang Na's body, there are two other words authentic.

What the hell is this?

Zhengzong stared at this scene dumbfounded.


Hinata smiled, her eyes filled with pride.

This was a piece of clothing that she had thought about for a long time.

Because of the special materials and age restrictions, Hinata spent a lot of effort to be able to do all this.

Originally, I wanted to be with Commander-in-Chief Sagiri.

But recently, Hinata has discovered that Sagiri has begun to get better with that Amelia.

Hyuga crisis.

Hinata, who did not have core technology, suddenly felt that there were some very dangerous possibilities on her side.

In order to ensure that her side could continue to receive enough favor from Masamune, Hinata also began to work hard.

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