Although Dashan Meng is more wary of humans than the other dragon clans, he will not rashly act to harm ordinary people.

Things like Curse Anthology will only work on people with malicious intentions. It may be beneficial for a while, but in the end it will only hurt the purchaser himself.

It can be regarded as a punishment for greedy and evil humans.

Is that so?

In Masamune's mind, he couldn't help but think of Ayase Aragaki at that time.

The next night.

Izumi Masamune was lying on the bed. He had slept all day.

I just finished a phone call with Kagura Iris, who was already uncontrollably excited when she heard that she had opened a new book.

I am discussing something with the other party, which is about the latest authentic novel.

Originally he had no interest in these things, but after successfully sleeping with Thor here, he deeply felt that in order to no longer waste his limited time in endless leisure, it was Be sure to set something on your side to do.

Well, there is no logical connection between the two.

In fact, Masamune felt that he had been relaxing for long enough and it was necessary to do something good to pass the time.

The goal this time is actually the entry into the entertainment industry that I mentioned with Yazawa Sumi not long ago.

A joint project called LOVE LIVE.

It was the LOVE LIVE cult that was created through multimedia cross-field cooperation in District 11 in the previous life.

In terms of novels, Zhengzong, who had nothing to do, thought he could also come up with a new novel, an adaptation of a similar incident about the girls of the muse.

On the one hand, it might be possible to serve the remaining muse girls who are close to him, and on the other hand, it might be possible for Zhengzong to attract more cuties.

After all, in many settings, the heroines are fans of light novels.

The Yamada Fairy and Senjumura Sei continued to cocoon each other in the quilt for a while. Looking at the guy who had completely turned into soft mud and couldn't move, Masamune stretched out comfortably and let the two of them continue to sleep well.

After having an idea for a novel on a whim yesterday, he specially called two girls to come over to help with the idea.

I haven’t called Kasumigaoka Shiyu for the time being.

It's not that I don't like those black pantyhose, I won't get tired of that kind of thing for a long time.

It's just that the girl is preparing to go to high school during this period.

When the work is over, he will naturally ask her to come over.

Both of them are very warm-hearted, but they also have a lot of little thoughts.

They didn't want anything, they just set their sights on Zhengzong. In order to appreciate the efforts of the two of them, Zhengzong could only go to battle and play with them for a whole night.

Came directly to the living room.

At this time, Sagiri has continued to fight with Amelia and is discussing something happily, while Erkoa is sitting on the sofa at the moment, not knowing whether he is asleep or looking at the person in front of him. television.

Brother, come here quickly. We are discussing my own book with me.

Sagiri shouted excitedly when she saw Masamune.

Little guy, I keep drawing like this, and it's been almost a summer vacation. If you're not tired, aren't others tired?

Masamune smiled and walked over and pinched Sagiri's nose.

Amelia had just stayed at the Izumi family for a short time, and she had never experienced how everyone cooperated and worked closely together. Seeing this scene now, she would inevitably feel a little uncomfortable.

As a result, Sagiri prepared a new book cover.

Compared with the previous one at the comic show, this time it was obviously carefully crafted after Sagiri made another improvement.

Maybe there's Amelia, a hard-spoken but soft-hearted guy, helping out?

Anyway, Zhengzong just glanced at the cover of the book and immediately concluded that this book is definitely one that can sell well.

The perspective technique on the cover is very skillfully used, fully showing the looming beauty of women, and the thick and bright colors are just right, and will not make people feel excessive and disgusting. They are taken where they should be. White, the areas that shouldn't be highlighted are highlighted by applying highlights.

It is an excellent piece of work.

Just like a novel, the title alone is worth a few clicks.

Masamune raised his hand and gave Sagiri a thumbs up.

This work is really great, I must like it.

Hehe, this is all a success thanks to the hard work of sister Amelia and I.

Sagiri touched her head and said with satisfaction,

Poor former collaborator Hinata has actually been abandoned.

I just don't want this guy to ruin the teacher's reputation.

Amelia still said proudly.

The undisguised smile showed that the girl was still very happy.

But this side just came over.


Smelling something strange, Amelia looked at Zheng Zong with a not-so-good look at the moment.

From the beginning, he sweetly called me Izumi-nii, but later on he became accustomed to calling himself less direct and direct.

It fully allows an authentic girl to show amazing differences both internally and externally.

Zhengzong took a look at his situation, laughed, and planned to take a shower first.

As a result, it was discovered at this time that there was already someone in the bathroom.

Brother Zhengzong, do you want to come in?

The door was opened, and it was Liuli who walked out. Well, there was also a blue-eyed baby dragon wearing a bath towel, revealing round shoulders and most of his white calves!

When did this guy Kang Na also come over?

Zhengzong stared at this guy who suddenly appeared with his eyes widened.

It seemed that she had just been hit by the shower head. At this moment, Kangna's face was rosy and she looked very cute.

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