Izumi-kun, your future is still very good. It's not good to be the legendary female stalker. Seeing that you didn't bend down after dancing with such a beautiful girl just now, it's not because you have too much sex. ?”

Qijiao Tianzhi, who had already let go of his rejection a little, spoke in a very serious tone at this moment.

Speechlessly, he patted his forehead with his palm.

Is it appropriate to open the H-cavity every now and then? Can I only say that he is worthy of being the vice president of the Huang Duanzi Student Union?

Being able to tell what the other president would be like on such an occasion made Masamune even more curious.

Recalling the drama called Paranoia Student Council that he had seen in his previous life, Masamune tried to adjust his mood.

For those who are serious about making trouble, either stay away directly, or put yourself into their way of thinking and use bullies to fight bullies.

That's true, but the person I'm thinking of is you, Sky.

The girl who was still eating the cake was coughing.

Pay attention.

The tissue helped the girl wipe away her embarrassment, Zhengzhong reminded her kindly.

Being suddenly approached like this, Nanijiao Tianzong was a little uncomfortable, but he noticed the smile in the man's eyes and understood the problem in an instant.

Tsk, that's really a very skilled skill. Sure enough, boys are used to cleaning. There won't be any traces left. Even the paper towels are carried with them. It's not like just now...

It seemed that he had thought of something terrible, and his whole face fully displayed the legendary shouting expression.

It's just convenient to carry tissues. What's wrong with boys talking about hygiene?

Let's think of it this way. Aren't you afraid of being able to take the initiative to contact a boy who seems to be in heat?

After deliberately changing his attitude, Zhengzong looked at him with evil intentions and said.

Don't be afraid.

He spoke very firmly, noticing Zhengzong's curiosity, Qijiao Tianzhi just moved his tui slightly.

Because, I wore a chastity belt.

Just after he finished speaking, Qijiao Tiantian also felt his heartbeat a little.

I don’t know why, but I always feel an inexplicable sense of intimacy when facing the man in front of me.

Shichijo Tenkyo, who originally only knew how to play tricks on acquaintances, was now doing this to Masamune whom he met for the first time.

Zheng Zong was really silent for a moment.

Qitiao Sky is a talent.

Zhengzong must admit one thing, that is, it is very stupid to try to use foreigners to control foreigners.

Because although he and Qijiao Sky are both unruly types.

But what the other party is good at is verbal, but what Zhengzong is good at is movement.

You know, Sky, sometimes chastity belts are useless.

Masamune said with a smile on his face.

He already understood what to do with the girl in front of him.


Shichijo Tenten's heart skipped a beat, and he felt relieved when he thought that his key was still with his maid.

Don't believe it?

Zhengzong looked at his disapproving look, smiled, and then handed over his palm.

In the girl's stunned eyes, she held her wrist.

Close your eyes and relax your body a little.


Hurrying to cover his eyes, Qijiao Tian's originally surprised eyes turned into the water surface with endless ripples.

The ripples are mesmerizing to watch.

Do you understand? So, never underestimate men. When it comes to women, we always have the upper hand.

He handed all the remaining tissues to Sky.

I hope her chastity lock's leak-proof performance is better, otherwise it will be troublesome next time.


Next to him, Saori Makishima, who had just calmed down, was a little irritated as he watched the 'intimate' exchange between Masamune and Tenku, but he didn't know what to say.

Are you okay, Saori?

Makishima Kaori looked at her sister.

This lovely sister has never been able to hide her feelings since she was a child.

It's nothing, I'm just a little tired.

Saori naturally wouldn't say anything about her jealousy.

Thinking of the authentic question just now, Saori had already decided, so he lured his sister out and stayed alone in the room.

Oh, really? That's good.

Said perfunctorily, Makishima Kaori made a decision.

She has to work hard to help her sister's love affair.

After watching Nanjo Tenten quickly leave and go to the bathroom, Masamune felt relieved.

Returning to the same place seems to be because Saori and Tenku successfully dated each other one after another.

As a result, other girls also gained courage.

Everyone is eager to try the third one.

It's just that these guys obviously didn't realize that hesitation will lead to defeat.

Just when he was secretly competing and planning to use his eyes to signal his competitors to push aside and let himself be the third person, Fujikura Yu had quietly arrived in front of Masamune.

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