I explained in a hurry for fear that Zheng Zong might have some misunderstanding.

I know, I know, there's no need to get excited, and if we can meet like this, doesn't it prove our fate?

He whispered softly into the girl's ear, and then sipped it gently while she was unaware.


Saori's eyes widened, looking at Masamune who was smiling evilly, but he just lowered his head. The eyes of the people around him seemed to become dazzling in an instant.

Saori's mood was very strange, but she also felt excited about breaking the rules and not being a good girl.

His face was extremely red, and his body, which was still very stiff at first, had gradually softened, as if his whole body had melted into Masamune's arms.

At the station, Gabriel and four others were waiting for the tram.

Because Zhengzong had something to do and left early, the four girls did not stay and planned to rush back as soon as possible.


Like a little squirrel nibbling, he ate all the crepes in front of him.

Gabriel didn't know why, but he felt so unhappy.

I suddenly felt the urge to blow the horn.

The girl suddenly said.

Xiaojia, be good. You'll be back soon. Just stand here and don't move. I'll buy you some food.

Mother Vinay, a conscientious mother, could only do her best to comfort her own delinquent girl.

Just touching my hair, I felt unexpectedly uncomfortable, but I didn't know where the source was.

Only Raphael next to him looked at the two of them with a smile. As for Satania, she was already tired from playing and fell asleep.

The dance is over.

Masamune never had any more contact with Makishima Saori.

The girl is still wearing a single evening dress at the moment. Although it is a look, if there is a problem with one piece, it will be very bad.

I wonder where you live, Saori?

Masamune approached the girl quietly and asked aloud.

“Tian Bin Hotel 503.”

The disturbed girl heard Zhengzong's doubts and responded subconsciously. But just after she finished speaking, she couldn't help but cover her mouth.

Something was clearly on his mind.

I understand, wait patiently.

After completing the interaction with Makishima Saori and tricking the girl into revealing his location, Masamune did not continue teasing her.

After dancing with Saori at a normal pace, Masamune was about to take a rest, but he saw a new girl walking up.

Hello, Izumi-kun.

The girl who walked over was wearing a blue dress and her hair was brown. She looked very lively and had the feeling of a lady.

The body looks very plump.

Yes, she is plump. If Saori is tall, she is in line with the characteristics of ordinary girls.

Then girls already have a body that is enough to make many people feel inferior.

Although it is not as good as Erkoa, a guy who is unparalleled, but among the many girls present, he also belongs to a very big type.


There are some doubts about the identity of the other party, but Zhengzong has a high tolerance for beautiful young women.

Natsukawa Yusuke, who was still working hard to build relationships with his company, fainted in the corner crying.

My name is Qijiao Sky, just call me Sky.

Although she looks like a lady, her movements are very natural and smooth, with a heroic spirit and cheerfulness, which naturally brings her closer to Zhengzong.


He responded subconsciously, Zheng Zong intuitively sounded familiar.

Want a dance?

Now that the girl is here, it's natural to make an invitation.

The size of the seven skys in front of you would definitely be very comfortable if they could be stuck together.

No, because I'm wearing something that's a little inconvenient. If I dance, I might not be able to help it.

Blinking his eyes, he waved his right hand helplessly, expressing his helplessness.


What are you wearing? not very convenient?

what are you talking about!

There is also the action of the other party taking the cake and eating it at this moment.

It's obviously just a very ordinary little cake, but when this guy eats it, the way he accidentally touches the little cake, and the feeling of satisfaction, it really has a weird erotic feeling no matter how you look at it.

Zhengzong vaguely remembered who the other party was.

You are from the private Sakura Academy, right? The eldest lady of the Shichijo Foundation.

Although it was a question, the tone was extremely affirmative.

Hey, have you noticed me early?

He looked at Masamune in surprise. Originally, he had to come over to say hello to the young master of the Kondo family in accordance with his mother's mission, but at this moment, Shichijo Tenten did not expect that the other party actually knew him.

There is also this similar feeling that is somewhat familiar but yet strange.

The other party is also very interesting.

The way he used to deal with it casually changed now, and his attitude became better.

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