
Finally there is no need to continue here.

Zheng Zong, who was about to finish all the food here, finally waited for the time to be relieved.

He looked at Yu Fujikura with some excitement, hoping that he could give some good news.

Yes, please come with me.

He whispered to Masamune, and then Fujikura Yu quickly walked towards the path next to the banquet hall.

After crossing the long walk and opening several doors, Zhengzong finally arrived at his destination.

In the dark red room, Zhengzong saw the old man sitting on the chair in front of him.

Her head was covered with silver hair, and she just lay on the rocking chair, slowly rocking with the rocking chair.

Next to it is a very old radio, playing some unknown variety show.

Noticing Zhengzong coming in, he raised his head and looked at Zhengzong, his black eyes were deep and bottomless.

Looking at it, it seems like you can see the stars in the entire universe.

Just the first glance can calm people down.

This is the tranquility accumulated over the years.

Here we come, little Zhengzong, please sit down quickly.

The maid next to her had already turned off the radio very knowingly, and then stepped back with Yu Fujikura, leaving space for Masamune and the old man.

Kondo, few people know the name behind him.

Because of his business acumen and ruthless attacks on his enemies, people like to call him the Great Demon King Kondo.

Now, such a title is more famous than its full name.


This call was also sincere.

The human heart is not made of stone. After several contacts and the enthusiasm of the other party, Zhengzong cannot refuse it no matter what.


The old man responded with satisfaction.

For him who has reached the current level, no matter how much his family property changes, there is no authentic call from this side that can make him feel happy.

If there is anything else, it's probably that Xiao Zhengzong appears on this side again.

Thinking of the many news he heard, the old man became a little worried, whether it was a problem with the authenticity itself.

I've heard all about what you've been doing lately. You've done a great job. We, the Kondo family, are no weaker than others in any aspect.

Looking at Zhengzong with satisfaction, the old man spoke calmly.

About the bronze tree, there are some troubles. You are still young and may not know much about some things, but it doesn't matter. There is no problem now. I will introduce some people to you and let them work together. That's fine. For those around you, never be nice to one alone, balance is very important no matter what it is.

The old man handed Zhengzong a paper list. He was still not used to modern technology.

After opening the Zhengzong, the corner of my mouth couldn't help but twitch when I saw it for the first time.

Akatsuki Mano.

Masamune knew these guys weren't going away.

Although there are angels on the ghoul side to solve the problem, resulting in the original CCG no longer existing without financial support, but the people inside cannot be without it.

Do you know this kid? That's just right. He is a new star in the Metropolitan Police Department. If it weren't for some accidents, I wouldn't have been able to get in touch with him. If you like him, work harder. This kid is still valuable. of.

Noticing Zheng Zong's gaze, the old man misunderstood, but he was not angry. Instead, he said with a knowing smile.

Isn't the location of the Tachibana family on this side of the Metropolitan Police Department? Are we suitable?

Masamune asked curiously.

At the very beginning, Hayama Hayato's football team was beaten up. When someone in the football team wanted to make a big deal, it was a member of the Tachibana family and a husband-in-law who helped.

The relationship between the two parties is still good.

Although the Kyushu samurai family, the Tachibana family, cannot compare with the three highest-order families, they still control a lot of power.

For the current Kondo family, it's not that they can't expand into other fields, but whether it will arouse the fear of other people.

The relationship between our family and the Orange family is pretty good. In fact, the original arrangement for you was to have you and a child from the Orange family together. I've seen the other party, and it's not bad.

...The other party seems to be a single son of the generation. He basically found his wife. Is this okay with you?

Zhengzong looked at the old man speechlessly.

Some understand what the other party's so-called good relationship is about.

This is naturally the case for normal relationships, but you have to remember that few people here dare to go against the Kondo family's demands, so it is still reasonable.

With a proud smile, until this moment, he showed the aura of the so-called Demon King.

Of course, if you don't want to, it's okay. We don't lack the benefits of those marriages now. Just pursue whatever you like. Is there anyone you like at this venue? I heard from the people below. I’ve had a lot of things happen to you.”

As if he had thought of something, the old man's face darkened again, and then he comforted him.

Of course there are people you like.

He didn't try to hide anything, Zhengzong stated it very directly.

It's not something to be embarrassed about.

On the contrary, if you can let them know, the situation will probably be better.

At the very least, with his authentic perception, the old man became excited in an instant.

You child, since you have someone you like, why don't you bring her over and let me take a look at it? At least let me help you check and see the situation. I don't know how the other person is. What is the situation at home? Forget it. , it doesn’t matter what family it is from, it’s not as rich as us anyway.”

Your words really make me don’t know how to complain.

Actually, it might not be a good idea to bring them, because I don't know which one to bring.

Seeing his excited look, Zhengzong continued to discuss this topic.

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