The woman in front of her, together with Makishima Saori, has short black hair. She is full of heroic spirit without losing the grace and nobility of the woman.

Normally, Masamune would not give up a good contact, but at the Kondo family's banquet, Masamune still maintained a very restrained state.

That's it.

He sighed deeply.

As the largest family in Chiba, the Makishima family is somewhat more powerful than the Yukinoshita family on the other side.

This time, I was also asked by my mother to let my sister see the scene, so I came here.

Of course, I also understand the matter of the heir to the Kondo family.

At the same time, he also knew what his parents meant secretly. When Saori reached the right age, it was time to consider other things.

Although the hope is not high, I have to try it.

Makishima Kaori never thought that fate would sometimes coincide to such an extent.

With a smile on her lips, Makishima Kaori looked around at the gazes of those around her who had heard Masamune's name. Even if they didn't recognize it at first, they woke up and stared at her at the same time. Makishima Kaori responded without any fear.

Although I never thought that my sister would have to drink with the heir of the Kondo family, or that if she climbed too high, the gap between the two parties would be too big, which would not be a good thing.

But if her sister really likes her, then Kaori Makishima is not afraid of causing trouble at all.

Makishima Kaori, who was already in the late stage of sister control, felt that it was the right time for her to take the stage.

Compared to Saori Makishima, Kaori Makishima is really awesome as the older sister.

Fully demonstrated what appropriate social skills are.

With a skillful performance, but without any rudeness, he easily repelled all the guys who tried to disturb the communication between his sister and Zhengzong.

Moreover, the other party still looked confused and did not react when he left. Neither he nor the target Zhengzong had time to say a word.

Such an appearance reminded Masamune of Yukinoshita Harano.

They are both the eldest lady of the same family, they are also from Chiba, they are also a girl control, and they also have such skillful performance.

However, Yukinoshita Haruno is not even as good as Makishima Kaori to some extent.

Of course, a large part of the reason may be that Yukinoshita Haruno has always shown rejection in front of Masamune because of the earliest camera incident.

He already regarded Masamune as a terrible scumbag who would only take away his sister's heart and who was also unable to take responsibility.

Under such a premise, Yukinoshita Yono's first thought would only be to tease Masamune and then completely destroy him.

Although it was not achieved, it also made Zhengzong no longer have any special liking for someone other than seeing someone's bad character.

Perhaps only when Yukinoshita Haruno and the Yukinoshita family behind him are qualified to come here to participate in the party, Masamune will be able to see what communication skills are.

And you can also see the funny look of Yukinoshita Haruno.

Thinking of this, Masamune suddenly regretted not letting Fujikura Yu invite the Yukinoshita family over.

After many wealthy ladies on this side tried to strike up a conversation with Masamune, they finally woke up from the perfect and etiquette social circle built by Makishima Kaori at the reminder of their adult companions.

I have already seen Masamune and Saori dancing to the music inside the banquet hall.

With elegant tones, and the two people who danced together affectionately like cold lovers, they gritted their teeth with deep reluctance, and were pulled away by their own adults.

But at this moment, Saori Makishima, who was envied, jealous, and hated by everyone, had fallen into the greatest shame in her life.

I'm really sorry, Masamune-kun.

He apologized softly to Masamune again.

If he didn't have authentic support, he would probably have fallen down in shame.

As the daughter of the Makishima family, she has already carried out these related practices early on.

But just like many candidates who are very well prepared before the exam, they just have to go and get it back and feel happy.

Under stress or various other emotions, the mind goes blank and the person does something wrong.

Not to mention Saori Makishima, who is shy by nature.

Just when he and Zheng Zong were dancing in front of everyone, it was already the third time that he stepped on Zheng Zong's foot.

With the girl's tall figure, it would be really embarrassing if she fell.

It's okay, just relax and dance with me to my rhythm.

Although it is not the kind of passionate dancing on the beach now, the inadvertent contact with the girl's body will make people feel satisfied.

Every girl is a treasure.

There can be a very large number of locations depending on the situation, and each place can be deeply loved and tasted.

If beach dance is a popular dance that belongs to ordinary people, then the ballroom dance in the banquet hall is actually just a little more sophisticated.

And never expect anything from the moral integrity of the upper class.

The so-called cheating is fair and reasonable, which can be said to be the authentic situation at the moment.

Masamune, are you familiar with these?

After receiving Zheng Zong's comfort, Saori's mood gradually relaxed at this moment.

And began to have the courage to interact with Zhengzong.

The person in charge is her sister Makishima Kaori. Saori still doesn't understand why Masamune is here.

Ah, that's about it. You have to learn some things carefully after all. After all, my family is coming to attend this time. To be honest, I met you Saori by such a coincidence. Sometimes the world is really small.

Obedient, well-behaved, such cute girls are very rare.

What a coincidence.

Hearing that Zhengzong was brought here by his family, Saori felt a sense of joy in his heart.

Although they don't care about their family situation, there is no doubt that the closer the two parties are, the more likely they will be able to be together in the future.

I was also called here by my sister. I didn't come here specifically.

Taking courage, Saori said very firmly. The pace that had just stabilized with the authentic rhythm was now chaotic again.

Without Zhengzong's support, he would have fallen to the ground.

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