Vinay also changed. The kind-hearted angel, the simple and orange devil who liked Gabrielle, also began to learn to dress herself up and began to try to increase her charm towards men.

All kinds of unexpected things happened, and the originally intact ecological circle of four people suddenly changed dramatically due to the intrusion of Zheng Zong.

Raphael was a little scared, not knowing what would happen if he continued.

If something authentic explodes on this side.

Will the relationship between the four people lead to a situation that she is unwilling to face anyway?

Are you okay? Did I choose to be younger?

After a while, there was no movement from Raphael. Zhengzong turned around worriedly and lowered his head. He could see Raphael staring at the swimsuit in a daze.

Masamune-kun, what would you do if you met someone you liked a lot?

Somewhat speechless, once again being exposed by someone, Rafael found that she was somewhat used to it.

If you like everyone you meet, then marry them all.

If the other party doesn't want to, what if someone stops it?

Whoever dares to disturb my life and hinder my movements will be killed.

Just you?

He raised his head and looked at Zhengzong, who was serious about taking advantage of him.

It's just me. I can crush the Dragon Clan in just one year. As long as you give me enough time, no one can stop me.

Although he still doesn't understand the source of his body's mutation, Zheng Zong can accept this growing power without any psychological burden.

that's true.

Smiling casually, she put on her swimsuit, with a slightly bitter expression on her face, and waved to Masamune.

He walked down knowingly and helped Raphael unzip the zipper from the back.

The four of you will only be mine. From now on, please stay in this world for me.

His fingers traced slightly along his back.

If Vinay is the unsettling heat, then Raphael is the cold comfort.

Listening to Zhengzong's words, he should obviously be angry, but at this moment he couldn't help but laugh.

It's really an unscrupulous statement. Did the previous crushing of the dragon clan refer to Erkoya?

Of course, she cried and asked me not to take it.

Talking about his great achievements without any care.

If you don't believe it, Raphael, you can try it.

The topic changed and he proposed directly.

Okay, if Mr. Zhengzong can convince others, I don't mind.


Feeling the pain caused by the man accidentally pulling the wrong chain of clothes due to shock, La Feier smiled.

Are you kidding?

He let go apologetically, looking at the perfect red color on the girl's back, and pressed his index finger and thumb on it to gently soothe her.

After watching the red disappear, I helped him pull it back up again.

The authentic swimsuit I brought you is just the right size.

Raphael is dressed just right.

+10 points.

Raphael thought silently in his heart.

A man who cares about your figure is better than some stupid guy who doesn't know anything.

Feeling the place where he had just pressed to relieve the pain.

He obviously didn't move anymore, but there seemed to be a source of heat that was always there.

Once again marveling at the specialness of a certain man's body, Raphael gave him another ten points.

Of course you can. After all, the four of us are one body. If all three of them are willing to stay, I have no reason to refuse.

Looking at this unbelievable look at this moment, with a fresh look of seeing a ghost, Rafael, who was in a good mood, silently gave him another ten points.

Raphael, who had already been affected by the situation since she had given up the distance she had kept silently, felt that just having a casual word with Zhengzong now would make her feel better in her heart.

Is this our agreement?

Being approached by this guy, Zhengzong was not a gentleman, so he hugged him directly.

This was the first time I hugged this dark angel.

The swimsuit he just bought was indeed of good quality, especially the one that was so abrupt, which fully showed off the performance of Rafael and the other three.

It's an agreement, but Masamune-kun must abide by it.

His fingers tapped on Masamune's arm, pushing away his restless hand that wanted to come up.

But it makes me very uncomfortable to be like this. Why don't you let me advance some rewards first.

There is a fire burning in my heart.

Normally, he would have gone up first and talked about it, but Masamune didn't want to ruin this great opportunity when Rafael took the initiative to compromise on such a rare piece of clothing.

It's true. Men are really big pigs with hooves and are always restless.

He stretched out his slender jade fingers and waved them in front of his eyes, attracting Zhengzong's attention.

I am really pitiful when I am dragged alone to an uninhabited reef by a scary big man.

He blinked his eyes and said he was scared, but he was like a naughty little fox, making people feel itchy to look at him.

There is no other way, so we can only advance some rewards.

Feeling my heart beating faster and faster.

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