It was different from the joy of playing with Satania, but another special feeling.

Raphael couldn't bear it anymore.

From lying on top of Zhengzong, it was like sliding down a slide.

The long silver hair has quietly covered the girl's head.


Exhaling, Zhengzong lay down on the rocky reef contentedly.

It smells like Vinay. What did you just do?

Raphael said dissatisfiedly, finally discovering what Masamune and Vinay had done on the tram just now.

Just do your job and don't worry about what you have or what you don't have.

For a certain dark-hearted angel who still has time to care about other things, Zhengzong thinks the only possibility is because she is still too idle.

Just here, two infatuated men and women are savoring their youth, not far away, on a luxurious private cruise ship.

A woman with orange hair tied up high and wearing a graceful classical robe was looking at the scene not far away.

Can we really say that it is worthy of Kamakura? The scope of influence of the Kondo family, as the eldest young master, is really boundless.

Putting down the telescope in her hand, the woman sighed softly.

Apart from the slightly flushed cheeks and restless twists, no other changes could be seen at all.

Who is the head of the family?

Next to her, a beauty in men's clothing with short black hair was standing quietly. When she heard this, her expression changed slightly.

You don't need to take care of things that shouldn't be yours. You just need to be yourself. Let's go to Kamakura first.

The woman's calm tone made the beauty in male attire immediately lower her head, not daring to say anything more.


Raphael, you are here and you are worrying us to death.

When Zhengzong and Raphael returned to the beach, Vinai hurried over and looked at Raphael standing there so handsomely that he breathed a sigh of relief.

This trip was all arranged by her. No matter which one of them happened, Wei Nai would regret it to death.

It's okay. I'm just fine now, right? On the contrary, I'm in great shape.

Accompanying Zhengzong, he first paid some money in advance, then ran to the swimsuit store on the other side to find a swimsuit that was exactly the same as the original one, and then came back.

Although he had done a lot of things, Rafael was still in a very good mood after getting Masamune's promise.

Especially when it was discovered at this moment that Vinay still didn't find any problems.

Thinking of just now

Raphael, have you changed your swimsuit? It seems to have gotten a little bigger.

Just when Rafael was about to let things go like this because of this incident, Satania, who had a fool's intuition, noticed the difference in Rafael's clothes at the moment.

It was obviously so tight just now, so why did it suddenly come off later?


Raphael's expression darkened slightly as he looked at the giggling Satania.

My great Lady Satania, are you interested in playing watermelon? This is a must-have traditional game activity after coming to the beach in District 11.

Smiling like a true angel, Raphael suggested.

Vinay on this side also became interested when she heard that it was a traditional activity.

As an ordinary female devil, after arriving in District 11, she naturally hopes to experience life in the traditional way of District 11.

Watermelon fight, okay, I want to participate.

In order to protect local fruit farmers in District 11, the price of fruit has always remained high. When she heard about the watermelon, Satania immediately raised her hands excitedly to express her intention to participate.

Okay, Your Majesty the Great Satania.

Raphael's smile grew even wider.

This kind of activity is still somewhat interesting.

Gabriel, who had been acting like you don't call me just now, I want to play games and enjoy life, stood up excitedly at this moment.

Gearing up and looking at the scene ahead.

Then Xiaojia, you will be the one holding the stick this time.

Raphael held the stick upright with both hands and handed it to Gabriel.

Don't worry, I won't let you down.

He gave a thumbs up to Raphael, then took out an almost thin, almost transparent piece of cloth, and you could see the big eyes inside, and tied it on his face.

The smirk that couldn't help but show up at the corner of his mouth could be said to be the most standard devil costume.

Whoa, ah, help, Vinay.

On this side, Satania, who enthusiastically participated in the game and was buried directly in the sand, almost cried with a big watermelon on her head.

Your Highness Satania, what are you talking about? Isn't this playing a game? Being able to bear a big watermelon, imagine that there is a big watermelon splitting on your head on this side. The bright juice is pouring on you I feel the sweet juice bath on my head, how comfortable it is, you know watermelon is so expensive, it is not easy to get it on weekdays.

Raphael comforted Satania with a smile.

His fingers tapped directly on the watermelon, and there was an echoing sound.

The watermelon grows well and tastes absolutely delicious after a while.

Well, Satania, it's actually pretty good. After all, someone has to hold the watermelon up.

Wei Nai suppressed a smile in her eyes and wanted to persuade her seriously.

Just halfway through speaking, I couldn't help but smile, covered my mouth with my little hand, and then turned to the other side.

Anyway, Xiaojia will have a good size to start with, and at this moment, the pleasure in Wei Nai's heart is almost overwhelming.

Finally, he looks a little bit devilish.

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