This is the first time Zhenji has been alone with Zhengzong.

Especially when she noticed that many of her friends in Muse had different ideas about Zhengzong.

‘But, female friends? You can all know the other person’s size. ’

Nishikino Maki looked at the number that Masamune had revealed just now, and found that among her muses, it seemed that only Tojo Nozomi could achieve this level.

Or another girl.

I was thinking wildly in my heart, and there was still a trace of bitterness that I didn't want to admit.

Soon, we arrived at the beach on this side.

I found that in just this moment, the original wave had already surged up.

If he comes a little later, the rocks on this side will be submerged.

Masamune-kun, you are finally here. If you don't come, Raphael's favorability will be lost.

Noticing the authentic figure, Raphael couldn't hide the surprise on his face, but in the end, he curled his lips slightly to express dissatisfaction.

It was very uncomfortable to soak in the sea water, and I looked frightened.

Am I going to lose everything if I don't come? Then let me try.

With a dark face, Zhengzong turned around and threw the bag in his hand onto the sea.

Raphael, who was still smiling at first and didn't want to lose the battle, found out that Masamune actually dared to throw it, so he jumped up and rushed over to hold the bag.

The already opened body was covered in front with a bag, and the other one was back to back with Masamune, finally covered.

Back to back, for a moment, there seemed to be endless warmth.

Golden, you are actually golden.

Glancing at the old swimsuit that had fallen to the ground and expired next to him, Masamune didn't pay any attention to it.

So what if it's original? There's a pure and beautiful girl behind him.

He was still mumbling to himself at this moment.

Raphael thought his movements were quick, but with his authentic eyesight, Raphael's movements, which he thought were quick, were clearly seen by him.

Raphael has always been working with the lackey White Dog to bully Satania and steal her pineapple bread.

The way he was grabbing his swimsuit just now was really another Raphael puppy.

That elegant and calm leap, snatching the bag before it fell into the sea and calmly turning a 360-degree spin roll, and then showing all his positions in front of Zhengzong without any reservation. Worth at least ten ten points.

Ugh, if you do this, you will lose me forever, Masamune-kun!

Letting out a cry of pain, Raphael was so cruel that his teeth itched.

I really want to push a certain man down and sink into the sea forever.

Okay, okay, stop fussing and change clothes quickly.

Keeping the beautiful scenery just now in his mind, Zhengzong comforted Raphael and motioned for him to go in quickly.

The girl took a deep breath and said nothing.

Zhengzong went directly to the other side of the reef, indicating that he could continue changing clothes.

Masamune-kun, when you went to a swimsuit store to buy clothes, weren't you arrested as a pervert?

There was a rustling sound of rummaging through the bag, and Raphael asked curiously.

It seems that only in this way can we find a trace of calmness from the authentic embarrassment.

It's okay. I remember when my sister Sagiri came here for the first time, I went in specifically to help her buy things. At that time, the cashier still praised me as a good brother.

As a mere Raphael, he would not embarrass Zhengzong, so he responded very naturally.

Sure enough, I underestimated your integrity, Masamune-kun.

A long sigh.

He picked up the swimsuit on hand.

Even if Raphael hadn't worn it yet, he seemed to be able to imagine the effect such a thing would have.

Speaking of your integrity, you are not that good. You should have fallen to heaven a long time ago. Why do you have to go around in half a circle like this? Just ask Vinay and the others to help.

He leaned against the rocks and didn't take a peek. After all, he had just finished reading. Instead, he asked directly.

There was silence for a long time, and just when Zhengzong thought that Rafael was silent on purpose and ran away, there was a response.

We can't let Xiaojia and the others know that if you tell Zhengzong-kun, the good relationship we have managed to maintain will definitely be destroyed, and we will never be able to go back to the past.

For the first time, Raphael spoke with such firmness.

Raphael has been well-educated as the second generation of the heavenly realm since he was a child.

Be an excellent angel and spread the glory of the Lord throughout the world.

Ever since I was little, I have always wanted to be perfect in every aspect. As a child of someone else, I have never been able to be my true self.

It seemed like a peaceful and perfect life, La Feier just wanted to say one thing.


It wasn't until later that she noticed Gabriel, the same outstanding Gabriel who made her feel as if she had seen herself.

No matter in any aspect, Gabriel was able to show amazing talents, which made him feel a sense of frustration.

Then after coming to the human world, this seemingly optimized version of her also fell so quickly.

A little surprised, a little surprised, but in the end, La Feier also knowingly chose to live for his own comfort just like Gabriel.

She likes this kind of life very much, likes to fight and make noise together, likes to bully some stupid little devil, and then watch the light circle above her head darken slightly.

Anyway, just wipe this kind of thing away, and Satania, who can be bullied, will grow up one day.

Rafael even once hoped that the world could stay in this period of high school forever, with the four of them living peacefully.

And everything changed, changed with the emergence of Zhengzong.

Gabriel, who was originally just a salted fish, began to continue to work hard to learn those magical arts. Whether it was to provide better services to earn Zheng Zong's money, or to make Zheng Zong happy, no one could tell.

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