Except for those who only have physical contact with each other, they all need good mental contact and emotional communication.

By the time Zhengzong finished his phone call, it was already eight or nine o'clock.

Hang up the phone and walk back to the hotel.

Push the door open, then cross the living room and walk inside.

However, he discovered that the curtains had been drawn down at this moment. In the darkness, two girls were sitting on the bed together, whispering to each other, as if they were talking about some topic between girls.

With Yukino's self-destruction just now, the two people are now completely separated from each other.

The relationship has become closer and we can talk about any topic.

I believe that if Harano knew that Yui had reached a state of heart-to-heart communication with her dear sister that she had never thought about, she would definitely cry with envy.

His thoughts were racing, but Zhengzong did not make a sound, but walked in quietly, and then squeezed directly between the two girls.

The conversation that was still intimate disappeared in an instant.

Both girls had something to say at this moment, but they didn't know how to say it.

Zhengzong didn't do much, but reflected his own state very truly.

The two girls who were themselves affected chose to remain silent at the same time.

It is a very embarrassing reaction in itself, and of course it cannot be let Yui (Xiaoyue) know.

As if hiding their ears and stealing the bell, the three of them are in a very balanced state at the moment.

But in the tacit understanding of all this, there was suddenly an unscrupulous Zhengzong.

The first one to deal with was Yui.

This girl had just seen a special situation today, and her mind was most uneasy.

It is necessary to give full play to the role of Dinghai Shenzhen in an authentic way to make him feel completely at ease.

She knew that Yukino would find out, but at this moment Yui felt the man's movements and still tried not to make a sound.

The satisfaction in his heart made him work harder to cooperate with Zhengzong.

Yukinoshita Yukino felt the shaking of the quilt, and she didn't know what the man was doing there.

Angrily, he wanted to kick him down, but found that his tui had been grabbed by Zhengzong's arm.



In the darkness, Masamune turned around and said to Yukino.

Although I already know this, I still can't believe it. Have you really made it this far?

Sitting in the car, Masamune was held by two sisters, Anku Kurona and Aku Hakuna, one on the left and the other on the right. In front of him was Izumi Takatsuki, who was sitting obediently.

Well, maybe it's because our side has a bad reputation. Originally it was just a normal investment of funds to support the school, but later on, everyone was afraid and chose to hand over the rights, even if you, the master, want to do it directly now The chairman of Otonogizaka can achieve it easily.

Takatsuki Quan said with a smile, but his eyes did not change at all.

As a ghoul that once caused panic among humans, even with angels on their side to heal, and even use world-class magic to reverse many things, the concept and influence of the ghoul itself will fade away.

But its own power is still very powerful.

It was impossible to expect any gentleness from a group of guys who had fought murderously before.

Therefore, the largest Yakuza organization in District 11 was directly established. Even if Hezi was not used, it would be difficult to compare with other organizations such as Jiying Group or Hive.

In the entire eleventh district, those belonging to large financial groups and Chinese people are not willing to offend easily.

Under such circumstances, the directors of a mere girls' college were naturally obedient and did not dare to have any other ideas.

Today is their cultural festival, and this time we are specially invited to come and watch. I thought about it and thought it would be best for you, the master, to come and watch.

Takatsuki Izumi knew that in this school, there were many members on the list given to her by Masamune who needed to be secretly protected from being affected by ordinary things.

Cultural festival?

His fingers tapped on Kurenai's hair subconsciously.

Recently, the relationship between Yui and Yukino has just been brought closer. Although they only completed the communication with Yui at that time, and when it was Yukino's turn, there was no real coercion, but the two girls are indistinguishable. How much.

Zheng Zong has the feeling that it is only a matter of time before he achieves a grand slam in his ministry.

So Zhengzong has been seizing the opportunity to communicate happily with the girl whenever he has time, trying to make the two of them really start.

The reason why I accepted the invitation this time was just because of the news about Nan Xiaotiao I saw not long ago.

The performance of their muses will also be held at this cultural festival.

Masamune, who has always been a true fan of Muse, is naturally very interested in this.

After thinking about it, Yukino and Yui also needed a good rest, so they came directly.

Otonogizaka, compared to a school like Toyuki that was established less than ten years ago, has a very long history.

For example, you can know that Takasaka Honoka’s mother and grandmother both studied here.

In the minds of boys like Zhengzong, it is even more famous for its high-quality female students.

It seems that because today is a cultural festival, the flow of people has increased a lot.

There are many former alumni who came back out of curiosity to have a look.

Every student is extremely excited at this moment, and the cultural festival itself is a very good event.

In addition, it has been widely rumored that the school has escaped the crisis of being closed down. This makes them even more excited.

But at this moment, the students who were having fun suddenly discovered that their chairman, who was said to be the one who turned the tide, and several other school directors, were all gathered together at this moment.

What's going on? Why did the chairman come out alone?

Those are third-year seniors Eri Ayase and Tojo Nozomi.

Although the number of students has been decreasing in recent years, the basic system is still maintained, such as the student union led by two third-year students as president and vice president, and the elder sister in the hearts of the little girls.

It is rare to see that not only the school's senior officials, but also representatives of students are here at the same time.

The luxury car stopped at the door, and as Takatsuki Izumi opened the door, Masamune stepped out.

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