Stepping forward quickly, Masamune passed over Masamune like a shadow, snatched the clothes from Yui's hand, and handed another goose-yellow dress of the same style to Yui.

it is this!

Yukino's hands were firmly pressed on Yui's shoulders, whose eyes were already rolling.

it is this!

I say it again!

It was extremely rare that such a state suddenly appeared under the snow at this moment.

No, I believe you, Xiao.

This is it!

Yukinoshita repeated once again.

Yes, that's it.

Poor Yui was frightened by the sudden change of Yukinoshita Yukino, poor Yui repeated dryly.

now it's right.

Looking at Yui's side, Yukino just calmed down.



Yui blinked her big cute eyes and tried to pass the test cutely.

Hurry, change it for me.

Just when Yui was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Yukino continued.

I chose two clothes for you. You will know after changing them.

He knew Yui's character was too gentle and kind, but he was not confident himself. If people on this side didn't watch Yui finish, then Yukino would be worried.

Yui gritted her teeth and glanced at Masamune next to her.

I know about the relationship between you two?


Yui exclaimed again, feeling that today's time was really too bad.

I originally thought that Yukino still didn't know about her affairs, but Yukino's attitude at this moment made Yui have to think more.

Could it be that Masamune Yukino on this side has approved something?

Yui's heart beat rapidly when she thought of this.

Just like that, in a daze, Yui let Yukinoshita lead her and began to change clothes.

The goose-yellow dress was now on the girl's body.

It can only be said that Yukino has a good vision.

It also looks very good-looking when paired with a girl, except for one thing.

Yukinoshita's eyes were fixed on Yui's heart.

Under the influence of the big dumplings, the clothes were bulging. In comparison, Yukino looked in front of her.

Although when I wear this dress by myself, it has a girl-next-door cuteness.

But in Yui's case, it was completely bulging, as if the clothes were being stretched out of shape.

Xiao Xue?

Yui looked at Yukino doubtfully, and then after she realized what she was doing, her emotions, which were obviously still complicated, became strange at this moment.

You two, come get something to eat.

Zhengzong, who was watching the interaction between the two, handed over the food at this moment.

When Yukino was changing Yui's clothes just now, Masamune didn't look at it.

After all, I've watched it so many times, and there's no point in just changing clothes.

What Masamune handed over here were two lunch boxes.

Some places in District 11 are very convenient, such as the convenience stores almost everywhere, where you can buy anything you can think of. So Masamune specially provided two lunch boxes.


Yui and Yukino looked at Masamune. The two of them reacted very tacitly to the man's terrible thoughts at the moment.


Don't even think about it.

The two of them came to a conclusion at the same time.

There's no problem eating.

Waving his hand, Zhengzong said.

Yukinoshita Yukino lives alone, and on Yui's side, the only one who might be a problem, Mrs. Yuigahama, is now feeling both uncomfortable and relieved to call directly and tell Yui that she has locked the door and gone out to play. , announcing that Yui was homeless.

Under such circumstances, Yui can only live outside.

And Yukino, will she watch Yui live alone?

Masamune thought to himself as he admired the movements of the two girls eating their bento.

It seems that they also understand that this side cannot get rid of Masamune for the time being. Yukino and Yui chose to join forces and form a group to resist the offensive of Masamune.

Noticing the two people's caution, Zhengzong chuckled and walked out of the door.

You need to make good arrangements at home, otherwise there will be many problems.

After appeasing the dissatisfied Sagiri, she asked Nanami, and then asked Hinata to calm down her sister Ruri's anger.

Zheng Zheng was having phone conversations with other girls one after another.

I met more and more girls.

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