Of course, I didn't recognize the guys at the school gate. Masamune's eyes mainly glanced at Ayase Eri and Tojo Nozomi, and finally stopped at Minami Kazuko in the center.

Although this is the first time I have met this wife and cheap mother-in-law, I have really known her for a long time.

Every time she takes Minami Kotori to play and wants to spend the night, the girl will usually struggle for a moment, worrying that Minami Kazuko will call or something.

In his mind, Nan Hiwako, who single-handedly raised him and was equally good at work, had an extremely high status in Minami Kotori's heart.

Although in Masamune's view, Minami Kazuko was an incomparable failure, whether it was the poor management of the school or the blind strictness in Minami Kotori's education.

Belonging to a super unqualified mother.

Good morning, everyone.

With his mind spinning, Zhengzong said to everyone with a smile.

After the voice fell, several people at the school gate looked at him a little strangely.

Minami Kazuko knew Izumi Takatsuki who took the initiative to open the door for Masamune.

When the negotiations started, it was Izumi Takatsuki who met him.

This famous writer made a very deep impression on her.

That kind of domineering way of communication and negotiation that seemed to be at the top of the food chain made Minami Kazuko, who considered herself a strong woman and had advantages in many aspects, feel a sense of frustration that she couldn't cope with.

It was only after learning from other school directors that the largest Yakuza organization behind Takatsuki Izumi was that he reluctantly put away his frustration.

However, such a woman, at this moment, opened the car door for Masamune with great respect, how could she not make Minami Kazuko curious.


Looks familiar.

Nanri Kazuko recalled painfully.

Remember, it seemed like a while ago.

His best friend Nishikino Mizumi showed him a photo, and the new man he liked was the guy in front of him.

Okay, are you so surprised?

Being watched by so many people at the same time, Zheng Zong's expression remained unchanged. It was not like he had never encountered a similar situation in this world.

Moreover, after taking a look at the guys in the crowd, there were a few acquaintances that I had met before.

Office of the Chairman.

Masamune was already sitting at Minami Kazuko's seat, surrounded by a group of guys who were smiling and trying to get along.

Minami Hiwako couldn't do those things as a school director, so she stayed behind.

In addition, Ayase Eri and Tojo Nozomi are also standing at the end at this moment.

The two came here just for Otonogizaka to show respect.

The president and vice president of the student union, who seem to be very important in the school, are actually only qualified to appear.

At this moment, when other school directors appeared, they could only stand behind obediently, unable to leave even if they wanted to.

I casually browsed through the information in front of me and found that they were all probably the characteristics of Otonogizaka.

For example, what awards have you won in recent years and what clubs do you have?

However, for Masamune, all he sees are girls.

A beautiful girl wearing a school uniform showing off her long tui

Okay, I'm here just as an invitation to visit the cultural festival. Don't be too nervous. Just keep doing what you should do.

Rubbing his eyes, Zhengzong said impatiently.

The guys around who originally wanted to show their attentiveness, all of them were mature and mature, and they all closed their mouths obediently.

On my side, the reason why I am interested in Otonogizaka is because I think it would be a pity to abolish such a school with a long history. In addition, my sister actually also yearns for Otonogizaka.

At this moment, Sagiri, who was still perfectly at home after classes were suspended and still sleeping soundly, suddenly turned over with a confused look on her face. She always felt like someone was calling her name.

This time you come here, don't you want me to take a look at your cultural festival? I have exactly the same idea. I think the cultural festival can best show the characteristics of the students, and it can also help me get to know the school a little bit. .”

He said directly, making the guys in front of him a little confused.

Shouldn't we take you on a tour as usual and prepare for various early welcome ceremonies and the like?

By the way, they can also take this opportunity to have some contact and communication with the largest political organization in the country, which will make it easier to handle many things in the future.

But at this moment, Zhengzong didn't play according to the routine at all.

I was just a young man, and what I hated most in the past was watching a bunch of leaders walking around with so-called outsiders. As a result, my side still needed to prove that people had to stand in line early and show their so-called style. I can just walk around freely. Of course, in order to prevent some girls from misunderstanding, I still have to ask one of your students to show me around.

Impatiently speaking, Takatsuki Izumi next to him showed some momentum at the right time, making these guys calm down.

I finally understood that the person in front of me was not an ordinary consortium or important person, but someone from the largest political organization in the country.

And for this kind of existence, what is the most critical thing?

Someone's eyes lit up and they walked directly towards Ayase Eri and Tojo Nozomi who were behind them.


Hello, my name is Ayase Eri. I am a third-year student at Otonogizaka and also the student council president. I will show you around in the next time, Director Izumi.

Zhengzong didn't wait long. A girl came over and introduced him to Zhengzong.

She is an exquisite beauty with a perfect figure like a model. Her ice-blue eyes look genuine but will not make her feel any discomfort. She has long golden hair tied into a ponytail and draped behind her back.

She is wearing the regular Otono Board Academy uniform, with a green bow tie on the chest, a blue suit, and a blue plaid pleated skirt.

Although he had already tried the school uniform game with Minami Kotori, it was still quite refreshing for Masamune to see someone like Ayase Eri with a completely different style coming over.

But for some reason, Zhengzong could clearly feel that the girl's attitude towards him at this moment, although seemingly enthusiastic, was actually a little indifferent.

This kind of thing is really super rare.

In daily life, even if she is not a type like Sagiri Ruri who has no resistance to Masamune's body, it is still difficult for ordinary girls to harbor ill will towards Masamune.

After all, it's okay to call him a mobile pill.

Otherwise, it's just the kind of bad thing Masamune did at the time.

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