
The originally cute girl is now even more interesting.


Yui, who was still bending down to apologize, raised her head.

What, Masamune and Xiaoyuki.

Yuigahama, who had been apologizing just now and trying to resolve the conflict that might have occurred, was now unable to speak fluently and stammered.


Masamune also didn't expect that he would meet Yuigahama Yui here.

Why are you together?

Yui's voice changed at this moment. Masamune, who was standing next to Yukino, could see the girl's knotted hands behind her.

You ask why, but it doesn't really matter.

Just out for a walk.

He answered at the same time, making Yui not know which one to listen to.

As expected, it's better to pretend that I haven't asked.

Waving her hands in front of her body to express her meaning, Yui took a step back unconsciously.

Whether it's the little one held by Yukino at the moment, or the two clothes bags held in Zhengzong's hands at the moment.

These performances undoubtedly no longer indicate that the two of them had just completed a very intimate date.

It's my fault, and that's right. Xiaoxue is so nice. It's normal to go on a date with Zhengzong-kun.

Yui tried to calm down, even though she already knew the real problem.

But after seeing it, I still feel uncomfortable in my heart.


Looking at the terrible state of the two people at the moment.

Masamune took a step forward directly, his arms like iron hoops, one on the left and one on the right, grabbing the two girls at the same time and preventing them from leaving while the store owner looked at him in shock.

Faced with this embarrassing situation, it was still up to him to turn the tide.

Today, Yukino and I want to buy a birthday gift for you together, so we came out to choose a suitable gift for you.

The more girls waver, the more firm they must be.

Masamune said without hesitation.

Emotions such as entanglement and fear have always existed.

He had recovered from such a bad Shura field situation at home, which was on the verge of a riot, let alone now.


I just took the opportunity to unlock the two-person service team.

As for Yui's little dachshund Sabre on one side, and the cat Xiaomi on the other side, they were both caught by the shopkeeper at this moment.

He gave Zhengzong a reassuring look.

Zhengzong is really touched at this moment.

Apart from the problems with these two guys, he felt like the whole world was sending him assists at the moment.

If you two dare to cause trouble for me again, I will make you both embarrassed now.

Zhengzong felt cruel in his heart and threatened directly with evil intentions.

Both girls have played with Zhengzong more than once, but they both understand the differences in Zhengzong's body.

If Zhengzong is really allowed to mess around, something will really happen.

The two thin-skinned girls naturally didn't dare to mess around.

Yui, do you believe it?


Yui puffed up her face and had to compromise, but she was still very angry.

Don't believe it? Then I will take you to see it.

Masamune made a decision directly 2

Is this what you said for me to see? Mom is still waiting for me to take Sabre back.

Looking at the pink environment around this love hotel, Yui was a little discouraged.

No, my wife has agreed for you to stay outside.

Put down the phone, Mrs. Yui, naturally she won’t mind Masamune going out with Yui.

Without knowing that there is actually a Yukino.

Okay, let's take a look at the clothes Yukino and I have prepared for you.

Masamune said aloud.

Take the clothes bag from the other side.


Although she had various thoughts in her heart, after hearing Masamune's explanation at this moment, Yui couldn't help but hold on to some expectations. This was probably the so-called ostrich mentality.


Yui picked up the blue dress and opened it directly. On the skirt of the dress, the white marks were extremely obvious.

Although it has been done, it is because of this that I can see clearly.

That's not it!

Yukino shouted loudly.

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