Yukino is still very confident in her own charm.

It was a confidence built on countless pairs of shoes and recorders that had been stolen in the past.

But when facing Zhengzong, she suddenly felt unconfident.

Like it.

Yukinoshita will not deny that she likes Masamune.

But the more this happens, the less confident he becomes.

Especially, with the information given by her sister Harano time and time again in order to make her give up.

However, poor Yangno didn't know at all that his behavior did not make Yukino leave angrily, but instead made Yukino worry more and more.

The confident and arrogant Yukinoshita, after meeting Masamune, turned into an ordinary Yukinoshita as a woman. I'm very happy, even if your answer just now was probably just for survival.

Yukino said, raising the mobile phone in his hand, and then deleted the recording on it in front of Masamune.

Touching and bright.

A bit raw, but extremely real, Yukinoshita Yukino's limited edition smile.

After saying this, Yukino seemed to react. She looked at her current decoration and hurriedly picked up the dress on this side, intending to try on another one.

With her arms spread wide, Yukino just turned around in the mirror in front of her, looking at her current appearance.

Looking at the girl's appearance, Zhengzong breathed a sigh of relief and walked up directly.

You guy, you don't keep your word!

Yukino's dissatisfied voice came.

I just said you don't need your hands. There will be no problem in using other things.

Yukino still wanted to defend something, but she no longer had the time or strength to continue.

I want this dress, just wrap it up for me.

Supporting the already limp Yukino and walking out, Masamune handed the clothes that were now crumpled into a ball to him.

The shopping guide who was grabbing the clothes and smelling something strange smelled something strange, but when he heard the authentic words on this side, he immediately beamed.

The guy figured out something was wrong.

There was murderous look on Yukino's face at this moment.

Really murderous.

The blush on that cute face has not faded yet, but it has become extremely cold.

Okay, just buy the things. The other party has been working for a long time and has never encountered any situation before. There is no need to feel embarrassed.

It's not you who caused it.

Yukino felt the strangeness in her body and looked at Masamune dissatisfied.

Men are indeed big liars, just playing word games with her.

Especially the most critical point is that when Zhengzong didn't use his hands just now, his own abilities were fully activated. As a result, poor Yukino uncontrollably took the initiative to lose his dignity and begged him for help. This kind of thing made Yukino feel The most embarrassing place.

Okay, no more fuss, let's quickly choose a suitable outfit for Yui.

Holding Yukino's hand, after putting away the clothes, the two of them walked around for a while.

This time, Masamune and Yukino finally reached an agreement on their aesthetics and chose clothes that suit Yui.

It's already six o'clock. Let's go get Xiaomi back first, and then let's have dinner together.

Yukino looked at the time on her phone and suggested.

Although I rarely, no, never go out with my so-called friends, this time is a big leap forward, going out with my boyfriend.

But no matter what, the basic process is still clear.

After shopping, it was natural to have dinner together.

Shopping, eating, then hotel.

Yukino's face heated up.

Even though I have played with Masamune time and time again, and even had the experience in the changing room just now, I still feel shy.

The two came to the original pet hospital.

Sure enough, it was already over at this time, and Xueno was about to take Xiaomi away.

But I saw that Xiaomi was looking at another puppy constantly.

It was an ordinary dachshund, and Masamune glanced at it in confusion.

Although I don’t like pets very much, the guy in front of me looks really familiar, as if I’ve seen him before somewhere.

Xiaomi is obviously in a disadvantaged situation, but I don't know if it's because she is still young, and she was adopted by Yukino and has not seen any dangers. At this moment, you bark and meow with the dachshund.

It seems to be full of momentum.

How is this going?

Yukino looked at the shop owner solemnly.

There is nothing he can do about Zhengzong, and he even reluctantly refuses to pursue his cheating, but what others say.

Especially when it comes to my relationship with Zhengzong, Xiaomi, who I also like very much.

At this moment, the girl's body was dancing without wind, and her aura was as cold as the cold wind blowing from Siberia. The poor shopkeeper had already begun to shiver at this moment.

This is a pet dog left by another customer. We don't know why the two little guys suddenly got into a fight.

I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, my Sabrei has caused you trouble.

With a distressed voice, the girl broke in from the outside and kept bending over to apologize.


Yukino's voice became dry.

Yukino, who had always been correct, now felt as if she had been caught in an act of rape.

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