Zhengzong finally discovered that there were still many gaps compared to Kangna on the other side.

Is it really because of regular exercise?

Whether it's waist swinging exercises or oral activities, these are all ideas that can help Sagiri lose weight.

Okay, Sagiri, and Hinata, you two, when Kasumigaoka Shiu comes over, don't mess around and talk to them properly. They are kind-hearted and want to come and help.

Said to the two of them

Although Kasumigaoka Shiyu was not very fond of Zhengzong because of her poisonous nature, the girl has improved a lot now, and Zhengzong has also changed her mind a lot.

Naturally, he will not be allowed to bully others.

Huh? Is the other party the same as Sister Liuli? She has a relationship with Brother Zhengzong.

Hinata asked curiously, but Masamune's tone was different.

Yes, but you two don't have to worry about the specific relationship. I will discuss it with him.

Zhengzong looked at the twinkling eyes of the two little guys.

Thinking of Hinata's plan, I had to warn him.

These two guys are still too naive and are more suitable to play with Satania.

If it were someone like Kasumigaoka Shiu, he would probably be eaten to death.

In fact, Hinata directly told Wu Geng Ruri about her plan.

This guy who is usually very passionate about his sisters and very kind to his sister-in-law Sagiri will definitely go berserk.

By the way, Hinata, why didn't you see Ruri?

Suddenly reacting, Zhengzong asked curiously.

Sister? She seems to have been invited by a friend named Kirino to hang out today.

Hinata recalled.

The situation in the Wu Geng family has been improving recently.

In addition to Liuli taking a ride with Zheng Zong and the novel successfully selling, her father's work was also unexpectedly smooth.

I recently heard that I am about to be promoted.

The family just went to have a big dinner some time ago.

Coupled with the authentic support, Wu Geng Liuli is also working hard to change herself and develop in a more cheerful direction.

I get along well with several people in the Otaku Girl Association on the other side.

Among them, Kirino Kosaka is the one with the best relationship.

That's it, that's fine.

Masamune sighed, that guy Kousaka Kirino is still okay, as long as Kousaka Kyosuke doesn't come in, those female ghoul bodyguards around Ruri are no joke.

Hehe, don't worry, with Sagiri and I working hard, everyone will be happy together in the end.

Shaking her little hands, Sagiri said with great determination.

Just don't make any trouble for me, you two.

What do you mean by causing trouble? We are very generous and work very hard to accept the real brother who is flirtatious.

Yes Yes.

Sagiri also complained in dissatisfaction.

You're still strong, aren't you? Come on, turn around obediently.

Seeing the two guys looking complacent, Zheng Zong gave the order directly.

What these guys lack is stick education.

Let him know to behave and don't make trouble.

Sagiri and Hinata were able to have the courage to carry out various paradise operations, and even had plans to improve Hinata's status. In fact, it was because the two of them cooperated with each other and gradually exerted the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

If he were the original one, he might really have to be played with by these two little goblins.

After all, only the cows that have been plowed to death have not destroyed the land. It is not without reason that this sentence comes out.

Women's natural strong endurance, coupled with the charm of two people who are not inferior to each other and even complement each other, is really great.

But the authentic body is also constantly changing.

You are still too naive. Your power will only become the source of my strength.

The more girls he comes into contact with and the more types of girls he communicates with, the more his own mutation is being pushed forward. It is not as powerful as the two guys can imagine.

In the next time, Masamune played with the two guys for a while and then sent Hinata back.

Although Liuli on this side didn't seem to have doubted her sister, she couldn't deliberately provoke Liuli's temper. At the very least, she had to wait until someone who might pose a threat to herself was eliminated.

After having such a contractual relationship with the girl, Zhengzong felt that his feelings had changed a bit, and he would inevitably become a little serious about Liuli.

This kind of thing is not an actual physical constraint, but a subconscious order of the mind.

Sure enough, don’t think too much about getting married.

Otherwise, with a responsible man like Zhengzong, wouldn't it be a struggle to death?

I'm still not scumbag enough!

Masamune let out a heartfelt sigh.

The days after Golden Week are quite busy.

It’s not just because Zhengzong has met more and more girls, and needs to invest more energy and spend more energy to maintain the relationship and get along well to achieve the future harem ending,

There is also something called an academic test. If I have to describe it, it is something like a mid-term exam. Even if it is authentic, you need to take a look. After all, no matter how strong your understanding is, if you If you don't even read the book, there is nothing you can do.

Not to mention, at that time, Yukinoshita's performance was quite satirized.

Although Yukinoshita has been completely eaten by him now, and there is no secret except for a certain place where the girl still can't let go, but when it comes to a man's face, Masamune still doesn't want to lose.

While completing this matter, Zhengzong still needs to find time to prepare for his novel.

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