[To be precise, it’s about a sister I have, and she wants to ask you for a favor. 】

【Love sister? Could it be that Mr. Zhengzong finally couldn't bear his ambition and wanted to cause trouble, trying to achieve his harem ambition? I recommend you to take a look at my new book idea. 】

He responded directly, followed by a sideways smile and a bloody knife expression.

[…Don’t think too much, she is Izumi’s biological sister. 】

[I have always felt that the only obstacle standing in the way of the animal-kun who seems to have endless physical strength is gender. 】

Putting the novel aside, Kasumigaoka suppressed a smile and replied.

I obviously hate someone, but when I actually see them, I still can't hold back my excitement.

In particular, she still got to meet her real biological sister, which gave her the feeling of meeting her parents.

[If you don’t tell me, I will find someone else. 】

【What is it? 】

Too much is not enough, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who knows a certain person's character, quickly admits his mistake.

[Well, my sister is a painter and has recently entered the book world. However, because of her lack of experience, people have been complaining about the poor plot, so I hope you, Shiyu, can come over and set up Sagiri's script. 】

[Don’t worry, I just need some more fascinating and sadistic plots]

He was afraid that the girl would be suspicious, so he added another sentence.

[It's okay, I know, there is a guy around me who likes to use people or things he knows as prototypes. I'm just curious, if I refuse, who will Masamune-kun ask to help write the script? 】

Therefore, sometimes someone who is just right at the right time, can’t be considered naive, but is far from mature when it comes to maturity, is actually the worst.

Kasumigaoka was usually quite sensible, but suddenly she asked such an embarrassing question out of the blue.

I have a feeling that no matter who comes to provide script design for Sagiri's book instead of Kasumigaoka Shiu, it will cause trouble.

According to the original idea, Takatsuki Izumi or Yamada Fairy could be sacrificed.

These two guys.

One is that he is used to seeing all kinds of darkness, so he can fully write scripts that seduce people's hearts.

As for Yamada Fairy, it has a cumbersome middle-secondary setting like Ruri, but it is able to unexpectedly write a good book, so it is really amazing.

Most of the authentic ones are borrowed from them, and they are really inferior in this aspect.

But if you answer, this is a fatal answer, but speaking of yourself, I feel that I will continue to be caught and laughed at by this guy.

What about playing a gangster on his sister and instilling bad thoughts into her?

Authenticity can only be replaced by a series of ellipses.

And Kasumigaoka Shiyu showed no sign of weakness and responded with a series of bloody knives.

The writer lady, at this moment, she has thought about the plot of the second season of her Holy War.

[Okay, I admit that I was just joking, okay? In fact, I never thought about the possibility of Shiyu rejecting me. 】

Masamune answered directly.

It's really an answer that people can't refuse.

Looking at the message above, Kasumigaoka Shiyu felt warm in her heart.

Hehe. I won't refuse.

He jumped directly from the chair to the bed, buried his head in the pillow and turned around to soothe the excitement in his heart.

Obviously, even compared to when An Yilun invited her to conceive the plot of the game, An Yilun's serious pleading attitude was not as good as that. He just sent messages and asked her casually through a mobile phone.

But Kasumigaoka Shiyu found that she helplessly liked this feeling.

Well, that's really bad.

Feeling the almost uncontrollable excitement in her body caused by the man's words, she pulled the quilt over her.

【Can it be done? 】

Zhengzong saw what was going on on the other side and couldn't help but send a message to ask.

[Nothing, I just calmed down a bit from the excitement. Of course, can I go there now? Although the Internet is more convenient, in order to let your sister...]

[Sagiri, Izumi Sagiri. 】

Zhengzong was very rational and did not ask what Kasumigaoka Shiyu did when he took a break just now.

[In order to properly create a plot that meets your sister's wishes, it's better to chat in person. 】

Compared with the various dragging rhythms when a certain guy invited me, Kasumigaoka Shiyu here applied very proactively.

The screen next to her where she was working on a manuscript was ready to be closed at any time. As for whether her editor Machida Enko would have any objections, that had nothing to do with her.

It's just a novel. The youthful love of a girl is the most important thing.

Ah, right.

She is no longer a girl, but a woman.

[This matter has been settled like this. There is no rush. Let’s take a good rest on the weekend. Wait until my sister and I agree. Then, Shiyu, just come over. 】

He responded to the other end, and then shook his phone at Sagiri who had turned his head curiously. Sagiri also nodded with a smile to show that he understood.

This, Sister Kasumigaoka Shiyu, is she very powerful?

Sagiri raised her head and asked curiously.

He is also a genius novelist who has sold half a million copies of his novel.

Eh? Only 500,000 combat power?

A somewhat disgusted expression.

Hinata, who was planning to show off her sister's achievements next to her, also stopped talking.

You guy, who gave you such a bad habit? What do you mean it's only half a million, that's awesome, okay?

Rubbing this guy's little face.

Turn it into whatever you like.

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