As a young talented high school student writer with novels that have great potential, Raigei Bunko here is still very interested in it. Kagurazaka Iris invites Masamune here not just because he wants to finish it, but because he really has it. Things to do.

Normally, it often takes a while for each volume of a novel to be released.

Not only because the update speed of the salty fish writers in District 11 is too slow, but also because they have enough time to accumulate popularity and word-of-mouth fermentation, and it is also convenient for the writers to conceive the plot.

At the same time, only after accumulating enough popularity and sales can other things be considered.

For example, if you want to animate it, you basically have to rank it on various lists. These also require the accumulation of popularity.

However, immediately after Zhengzong arrived, in order to show that he had the ability to live alone, he rushed to publish all the manuscripts of his first book at once.

Fortunately, I met a more responsible editor, Kagurazaka Iris, who helped Masamune suppress it, and then slowly carried out operations.

Within half a year, it was slowly released volume by volume and gained a lot of popularity.

When he released a new book in order to help Liuli, many readers were still confused. Izumi Masamune actually played a double game?

This time's comic adaptation was a test of the waters after seeing that the original first book was really good, so I wanted to animate it.

Although Masamune didn't care too much, Kagurazaka Iris on this side was so serious. Masamune couldn't refuse the woman's kindness, so he followed her to have a look.

When Masamune arrived at Lightning Strike Bunko, Kagurazaka Iris pulled him into his office with a resentful look on his face and closed the door directly.

Long time no see.

Kagurazaka Airi just greeted Masamune with a dissatisfied voice.

I didn't have any ideas before, but since the relationship with Masamune was completed after the Golden Week, Kagurazaka Iris found that she couldn't live without Masamune at all.

Didn't I come?

Kagurazaka Iris, who opened her arms to him and was still complaining, now couldn't wait to throw herself into Masamune's arms, and hugged his neck tightly with a pair of snow-white arms.

Jiao said dissatisfiedly.

What a bad guy! You actually made people wait for you for so long! Believe it or not, I will withdraw your book right now.

Masamune hugged her delicate body that she had not fully experienced yet, strode to her original chair and sat down, letting Kagurazaka Iris, a mature and beautiful editor, sit on her lap, and her hands began to move instinctively action.

The way a man expresses his feelings is so direct and decisive.

Just wait a moment! I have something to tell you!

Kagurazaka Iris stopped his hand with a blushing face.

Zhengzong drew closer to Qi, feeling the breath close at hand, put one hand around her waist, put the other hand on her clothes, and said directly.

Just tell me, I'm listening!

Kagurazaka Iris grabbed Masamune's hands with dissatisfaction, pinched it a little harder, and found that it didn't move at all, so she gave up helplessly.

Don't move! Otherwise I will never pay attention to you again!

After saying that, she let go of her hand, took a thick piece of information from his desk, and gave it directly to Zhengzong.

This is information about some of the more famous painters I know who are suitable for your work. You can check it out for yourself. There are also other representative works, which one you think is more suitable for you.

Zhengzong picked up the document and was very confused.

Don't the library itself have artists that work with comics like this? Why do you still need me to read them?

Kagurazaka Iris rolled her eyes at him.

Don't you know yet? The artists that Wenku works with are of average quality and are not suitable for your works at all. Huh, you know how to flirt with female fans all day long, but you leave all the hard work to me. You Do you know that if it were any other writer, I wouldn’t even care about it, it’s such a troublesome thing!”

Okay, my calamus baby, I will make it up to you later. Now tell me what's going on.

Masamune hugged the woman tightly and said with a smile.

The word compensation is deliberately accentuated, and the original meaning is already very obvious.


Kagurazaka Iris spat at someone's shamelessness and suppressed the excitement in her heart.

The drawings by the writers in the library are all mediocre and unsatisfactory. Although for your novel, the important thing is that not many people read animations, comics, or comics, but it is good to be the best. These are a few painters I recommend. You can take a look, but I will contact you to see if I can invite them.

Masamune nodded in understanding.

I believe in your ability, Calamus,

Shifting uneasily, Kagurazaka Iris tried to keep calm while thinking to himself.

I won't bullshit you anymore! Just read these guys' information first!

Zhengzong, who didn't want to disappoint him, shrugged his shoulders and opened it directly.

What I saw were some gray and white pictures, as well as the names and works of the corresponding guys.

Many painters look good, but their works don't make anyone feel authentic, but there are some that make their eyes light up.

One of them is a fan artist from the rouge en rouge club, Demi Namishima. The unique and fresh style of painting above makes him feel good about it. Of course, the bigger reason is the girl’s bright face.

This piece of information is actually something similar to a girl's resume.

Even if it is an ordinary photo, looking at it like this, you can seem to notice the terrifying size of Hashishima Chuhai.

It shows that the girl is only thirteen years old. Masamune feels that Sagiri can really learn from her.

who is this?

This was sent to me by a well-known guy in the industry. He seems to have been trying to help this kid named Hashima Dekai to expand his development direction and get out of the doujinshi path, so after hearing that I was looking for a When you were a novelist, you took the initiative and handed over an application form. I checked it and it looked OK, so I took it out for you.

Kagurazaka Iris, who had been in Masamune's arms, explained, but as soon as she finished speaking, she noticed the very strange smile on the man's face at this moment, and suddenly stretched out her jade finger and pointed at Masamune's forehead.

You guy, I'm kindly trying to find a suitable painter for you. Are you following his own ideas again? Are you really stubborn?

Kagurazaka Iris felt aggrieved. She had used almost all the favors she knew to help Masamune develop, but this time Masamune was focusing on other things.

In the past, it didn't matter to see him playing with fans. After all, at that time, he never thought about playing with this man who was so many years younger than him. But now he has to directly consider getting married. How can he be so casual?

Masamune finally came back to his senses from the joy of being nurtured to the same extent as Sagiri. He held his waist with one hand and comforted her through practical actions with the other hand.

Why is my calamus jealous?

Bah, who would be jealous of you?

Yes, yes, I won't be jealous. I'll let you eat something else.

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