Just keep feeding me.

For a certain confused fool, Zhengzong sighed and blocked her mouth directly.

If we say it, Gabriel needs to spend a lot of money.

Consider the possibility that this unscrupulous guy might take advantage of others, or simply take the money and just use the God Walk to escape, which is even greater.

Then a fool like Satania can just trick her into her home with a piece of pineapple bread, or lie down on the bed with a limited edition one!

When the time comes to trick the other person into getting pregnant, they are probably thinking of you.

The two of them, Rafael and Satania, didn't go much further when they found that a sinister angel seemed to be a little wary of him and kept away from him, and Zhengzong didn't even bother to touch him coldly.

After asking Raphael to help take a look and pay attention to the condition of Mai Sakurajima who was still undergoing training in the heaven, Masamune simply resigned and left.

On the way back, I bought some breakfast for my sisters Sagiri and Liuli, and then walked directly towards home.

Although I had already informed him before, it was not good after all that I had not returned home all night.

So even if you know that Ruri and Sagiri may have eaten it.

But the basic actions still need to be taken. When the time comes, you should have a better attitude. Even if the girls don't know how to eat, there is a high chance that they can still drink some milk.

At home, in front of the dining table, Masamune was giving Sagiri some beef when he suddenly received an email.

[My ex-love teacher Zongzheng, why don’t you come and see how your novels and comics are being revised? I haven't done it for a long time, and I'm looking forward to your arrival. 】

Therefore, adult women are so direct and unsubtle.

A very simple piece of news successfully aroused the anger in Zhengzong's heart.

I just felt sorry for Sagiri-chan in front of me. She didn't know what news her brother had seen, but she was still relatively excited.


Sagiri raised her head in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

It's nothing, Sagiri, continue.

Recalling in his mind, in the depths of the street, the woman who kept singing softly to Liuli's head and her super-sound figure under the seemingly stern appearance, Zhengzong felt that if he didn't react, that would be the last thing he should do. .

By the way, Sagiri, have you counted the people you have been referring to recently?

Seeing Sagiri who was really just continuing obediently at this moment, Masamune felt a little guilty. Then he thought of the modeling incident that he had always promised to the girl, and decided to help Sagiri if he had the time.

The reason why Sagiri saw holy lights appearing on the illustrations of many books was because she had never seen them before.

It is different from a certain book painter who actually has no experience but can draw clearly.

As the saying goes, without experience, there is no right to speak.

In some illustrations in the past, a good-looking loli could be seen on her own, but the image of a mature royal sister was constantly criticized.

Some real girls are needed to give Sagiri a correct understanding.

For reference.

Reluctantly letting go, Sagiri raised her head.

Now that I have played with Masamune a lot, I have become proficient in drawing the men in the book.

In addition, there is a guy like Hinata who is as big as a brat.

Sagiri, who originally didn't know how to search for something, saw a lot of books with Hinata's help, and even hired a master to do the work. In this case, she didn't actually lack much.

Does the video of a woman that Sister Nanami helped me find online count?

Sagiri asked aloud.

Nanami is actually willing to help you with this matter?

Sagiri looked at her in surprise. At that time, she was just cooperating with Sagiri to take a few artistic photos of Nanami. Poor Nanami looked like she was about to cry.

In the end, Nanami was still willing to find these things for Sagiri before?

Of course, Nanami-sister is super nice and agrees to everything Sagiri does. I just don't know why Nanami-sister doesn't come over suddenly.

Compared with Liuli, who is Sagiri's biggest competitor.

On Nanami's side, it seemed that it was because of the previous encounter. As a result, the two of them got along very happily. Later, they only took pictures, and their recognition was very high.

But Liuli on the other side was different.

Sagiri wrote down the incident that took away Zhengzong's clothes and made Sagiri miserable for such a long time.

Well, Nanami is still quite small-minded, so she can't accept this.

Zhengzong carefully recalled the size at that time, and after clasping his hands, he remembered how big Nanami was. Although it was possible, it was still not enough.

Yeah, but it's okay.

Sagiri is very careful, and in his opinion, his sister Nanami can really just make do.

Sister Liuli still has potential for development.

Next to her, Hinata, who took over the initiative after Sagiri, spoke out to make a declaration for her sister.

So I already have the right one. What I'm missing is a qualified script.

Ignoring Hinata's volunteering, Sagiri's eyes lit up and she spoke directly.

Are you the plot builder of this book? I'll contact you right away.

Although Zheng Zong himself has many novel plots, and even uses his own plots, he still doesn't feel good.

Zhengzong, who didn't want to delay any longer, opened his mobile phone directly. He originally wanted to post a friend circle directly on LINE, but after hesitating, Zhengzong thought it might be explosive, so he changed his mind.

In fact, the most convenient thing is a certain fairy lady in the next room,

But there is no news about this guy yet, so Zhengzong changed his target.

[Can you come and do me a favor? 】

【What's up? 】

As soon as he sent it, Kasumigaoka Shiyu on the other side responded directly. The speed was so fast that Masamune was also in a happy mood.

Waiting for news from others is always the most confusing thing.

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