Satania hadn't reacted yet, but Raphael showed off a smile just right.

I won't disturb you anymore, but please be careful not to kill anyone.

Some people always like to use their own thinking to figure out others.

If you think this is good, you will do it.

Distinctive representatives include relatives, friends, parents, etc.

Xiaolin is one such person, but the only thing he is lucky about is that Kangna is still very anxious about enrolling in elementary school at the moment. She needs to discuss it quickly and wants to wait until tomorrow to come to school.

Xiao Lin, let's go and take Kang Na to make arrangements for school.

The maid Long, who should still be doing housework in the room, ran over as if she was flying at this moment.

The two balls in front of him were still swaying because of that movement. Thor cautiously pulled Xiao Lin behind him, looking at Zheng Zong with cautious eyes.

This guy, at that time, was just a party, but he took advantage of Xiao Lin so much. If he continued to stay, his own Xiao Lin would become pregnant and he didn't even know what was going on.

Wow, you, you are.

Satania pointed at Thor in front of her. He came over suddenly at the same speed just now. This stupid demon finally discovered the problem.

Raphael narrowed his eyes, and the power in his body gathered.

Thor, she had seen the attack on Zhengzong at that time. If Satania called out his name and made the other party become ferocious, it would be troublesome.

“God’s lackeys still stink of sulfur.”

Carefully looked at Satania and others on the other side.

Compared to Zhengzong, who has a close relationship with Xiaolin, female superpowers such as Raphael are also existences that must be carefully guarded in his opinion.

Busty maid.

Satania stammered and Thor was stunned for a moment, but then he stood up even more.

For a moment, even Raphael, a well-developed guy, couldn't help but lower his head and look at himself, his expression becoming a little ugly.

The originally tense atmosphere suddenly became weird.


Zhengzong tried to wink at Raphael, and drag this embarrassing guy away quickly. Satania, this guy, sometimes makes people laugh and cry.

Hmph, you're just a devil, but you're quite sensible.

Thor looked proud.

Compared to the normally developed creatures of angels, there has never been a small one among the dragons.

As for the demons, there are quite a few who can compare with the dragon women. At this moment, seeing demons like Satania look in admiration, Thor's tail began to wag proudly;

If it's a fight, just this comparison can make Thor's own momentum even higher.

Thor, that's enough!

Xiao Lin, who had his head lowered and a gloomy look on his face, just patted Thor on the shoulder, and the guy immediately shivered in fright. This proud maid Long forgot one thing, that is, her own Xiao Lin is also flat-chested.

No, it's okay, Xiao Lin. I won't dislike you. In other words, Xiao Lin like this makes people feel more secure.

He jumped directly on Xiao Lin's body and acted cute, and then Xiao Lin became more and more disgusted.


Hit Thor directly on the head with an elbow to silence him.

Okay, I'll leave with Tolkona and the others first. Have fun, Izumi.

In Raphael's eyes in amazement, Xiao Lin, who was just a mere mortal, successfully dragged Thor away who looked happy even though he was beaten.

He is really a super powerful human being.

Rafael could only make this conclusion in the end.

Well, maybe this is because of the so-called feelings.

Noticing Raphael's confused gaze, Masamune explained, and then met the girl's understanding eyes.

He nodded to Masamune, indicating that he understood now.

Human beings are really interesting. What kind of existence will undergo huge changes after coming here. I finally understand why Father God made the request that every angel must come to the human world. Do basic learning.”

The dark angel looked extremely peaceful and peaceful at this moment.

But this is also a weakness. For example, if I deceive Sister Xiaolin and ask her to send Thor to serve me, what do you think she will do?

Touching his chin, Zhengzong analyzed seriously.

Although my body can do many things, this is not as interesting as having Kobayashi sacrifice Thor.

Looking at the maid dragon with a look of disbelief but saying that Xiaolin is happy so she can sacrifice herself, this is absolutely awesome.

Although Xiao Lin would never do this, but for example, threatening it, it is still possible.

After he becomes stronger.

The dark side of the man's psychology exploded directly at this moment.


Rafael glanced at Zhengzong, and just now she was still wondering whether Zhengzong had something to do with Eros in Greece, but now she no longer thinks so. Being able to do this must be a devil, he must be a devil. .

Your behavior makes me even more worried about Wei Nai and Xiao Jia.

Raphael said dryly.

No, you are wrong. If you want to deal with Gabriel, you don't have to go to so much trouble. Just use banknotes to attack.

Shaking his hand, Zhengzong said.

What? What does it have to do with Gabriel?

Satania looked over excitedly.

This idiot has not yet reacted to the authentic idea just now, but when it comes to Gabriel's matter.

She is very concerned about her old enemy Gabriel.

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