Hayama Hayato hesitated for a moment, and then did something that he never went back to do before. He quietly approached the door and listened carefully.

I heard Yuko Miura's voice directly.

Well, you soulless soul, go and bully her. Why do you deal with me? You're in the wrong position... No, don't stop. It's awesome. Isshiki, get out of here. Don't grab it. mine.

The inconsistent and contradictory words express the woman's excitement at this moment.

Senior, you are really good and bad. You are so domineering. Go to your senior Hayama. Why are you trying to rob me?

A voice of dissatisfaction came out, and Hayama Hayato remembered that it was the new freshman girl in the football club this year, a very cute girl who also seemed to have thoughts about him, Ishiroha.

The guy at this moment is completely like two people.

Hurry up, I'm going to break, I like you, Masamune!!

That was a sound that Hayama Hayato was very familiar with, but at the moment it felt very strange.

Miura Yuko is both contradictory and passionate, and her voice evokes endless reverie just by hearing it.

Hayama Hayabusa saw this this morning. Miura Yuko stepped on Matsuo with one foot, showing a high performance, but today it was like this and completely lost its image.

Just the sound seems to be able to imagine the scene inside.

As a normal boy, Hayama Hayato naturally knew what the situation was.

The girl who had been following him actually served a man together with another girl.

Hayama Hayato sat directly on the ground, his mind going blank.

Although the temperature in the room is very high,

The sultry sunlight shines in from the cloth curtains, adding to the heat.

But Zhengzong found that these were incomparable to the enthusiasm of the girls.

Especially when two people are still in competition with each other.

One is the arrogant blonde queen who dominates the social apex and is actually superior to all girls. The other is a new sports school girl who hides a little devil's mind under her seemingly gentle appearance and is eager to challenge her current status. .

The collision between the two made Zhengzong next to him reap the benefits and enjoy a lot.

After all, Hinata and Sagiri still have their age.

Although they are actually of legal age, there are still some physical differences.

But Miura and Isshiki are perfect.

Even the schoolgirl who had just completed her transformation was able to regroup as quickly as possible and then engage in a terrifying struggle with Miura Yuiko.

Faced with the passion and struggle of the two people, Zhengzong had no choice.

Fortunately, his physical strength is very strong, which is far from ordinary. In the end, he fed the two guys to full, and finally ended with free play and whoever got it was lucky.

Looking at the two people who were at war with each other just now, they are now helping each other, using tissues to wipe the places that each other didn't notice.

Seeing the glistening beads of sweat leaving the girl's body, Zheng Zheng was in a very good mood.

The so-called competition and conflict between girls is ultimately caused only by the shortcomings of men.

If it could have sufficient physical strength, if it could defeat all demons and monsters with one stick, would there still be problems now?

Seeing that the relationship between the two people was getting better after this battle, Zhengzong added an extra note to his experience record of getting along in the harem.

The original bonus is the round dance of two angels.

Since the Natsukawa sisters and Sagiri Hinata, there has been a new addition.

You guys are really terrible.

After helping Ichiroha check the things on her hair, Miura Yuko looked at Masamune.

I was very dissatisfied when I found out that Hun Dan, who was bullying me, was still recording.

Aren't I recording the critical moment now? This is very worth remembering. It is a commemorative moment when members of the Izumi family peacefully coexist and rely on each other.

Zhengzong smiled and looked at the two people in front of him meaningfully.

Think, what a beautiful thought, what haven't you said yet? Let me tell you, I just reluctantly accompany you to fool around because I see you are comfortable. Izumi Masamune-san, you won't be so naive as to think that with my third Once, I just want to keep messing around.

The momentum suddenly changed. With her arms folded, Miura Yuko looked at Masamune and spoke passionately.

Oh, right, Yuiko, are you sure this is the case? Or with me, you can still accept other men.

Tch, three-legged pigs are hard to find, and two-legged men are everywhere.

Miura Yuko was dissatisfied with the man's expression that confirmed her, and said directly, but before she could finish her words, she was pulled into Masamune's arms.

That's wrong, a man with three legs like me is very hard to find.

To make an authentic move, you must continue to take action.


The Yi Colorful Feather who was watching from the side also shrank back in fear.

I am afraid that this time the battle will affect me again.

I, is it okay that I was wrong?

When she really found out that someone was still trying to take action, Yumeko, who had just been relieved from the pain of the Golden Week, was so frightened that she immediately apologized.

Well, then tell me what your name will be in the future.

...Izumi Yuko.

As if she had made up her mind, the woman blushed and finally said what she wanted.


Isiroha looked at Yuko Miura who looked completely cold and arrogant in her usual appearance. The sharp contrast made her laugh out loud.

Why are you laughing, Izumi Iroha.

The freshly baked Izumi Yuiko glared at the unscrupulous school girl next to her.

Pushing open the door, the cool breeze in the corridor made the three of them breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

I didn't feel anything when we were having fun together just now, but as soon as we came out, the sharp contrast really made people feel that their life was not wasted.

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