Don't worry, this time the situation is special. My air conditioner is available in every house. I will never let you two down.

He comforted the two guys with a smile and walked outside.

Zhengzong frowned and looked at this guy who was so dazzling in the sun.

Hayama Hayato's figure stopped at the only exit of the corridor.

It's just that the tall figure that he had always had now looked extremely rickety. His originally confident and calm look was now so lost, and his long golden hair seemed to have lost its color at this moment.

And around him were Ebina Himina and Tobe Sho who had not discovered what was going on.

Hearing the footsteps, Hayama Hayato also suddenly turned his head.

I saw Yuko Miura walking on the right.

The girl who had been playing around just now still had that touching blush on her face, making it hard to tell whether it was the heat in the room or because of the exercise she had just had with Masamune.

Although her hair had been wiped clean and free of all the dirt, it was still inevitably messy. Miura Yuko, who walked in with a hesitant pace, immediately attracted Hayama Hayato's attention.

Not every man can have such incomparable philanthropic feelings as Zhengzong.

From a cute and cute girl to a charming wife, as long as you pay attention and have a beautiful daughter as a gift, you can accept them without rejection.

Hayama Hayato obviously likes those who are a little more mature. At this moment, Miura Yuko, who has just gone through Masamune's hard work and relieved the pain of lovesickness, has obviously become the object of his fancy.

Even though he knew that a lot of things had happened between the two of them, Hayama Hayato still inevitably had a different mood.

How come the three of you are so lucky to come out together? Miura, let's go. Aren't we going to have a bento with Ebina and the others?

Even though he was mad with jealousy and pain in his heart, Hayama Hayato had always maintained the good-guy template, which prevented him from doing anything to curse.

Even now, Hayama Hayato, who still doesn't believe Miura Yuko would be so despicable as to be with another girl, still wants to try something.

Inviting Miura Yuko directly like this, as long as the girl pays attention to other people's opinions.

Hayama, who had clearly looked down on Matsuo's way of expressing his feelings before, now did the same thing.

Ichiroha, who was silent and severely injured, was holding Masamune's right arm next to him and was supporting him in walking. At this moment, he was obediently silent and looked at the silent Miura Yuko next to him.

I'm sorry, I've been fully fed by Masamune-kun, and I don't want to eat anything else.

After a short silence, Miura Yuko directly saved Masamune's left arm, just like Ishiroha just now, and hung it directly on Masamune's body.

Ignoring the twisted and sad Hayato Hayama with a very wonderful expression.

If Zhengzong was playing the game at this moment, he believed that he would have heard the ding-dong sound by now. Congratulations to the player for clearing Yumiko Miura's tips.

Masamune didn't bother to look at the appearance of a certain loser.

Everyone knows that if you miss it, it will be difficult to get it again, not to mention that there is a Masamune who can completely crush Hayama.

Hayama let go of a beauty like Miura, so don't think about having a chance to succeed in the future, because Masamune will completely eat it up.

Although Miura immediately left Masamune with a red face after leaving Hayato Hayato.

But after the girl's efforts just now, Zhengzong stopped bullying her.

You should also go back to class,

After waving to the school girl, Zhengzong went directly to prepare for the afternoon class.

In class, although Yui looked at him suspiciously, she found nothing special in the end, so she could only let it go.

Miura, who had a hot head today and was still shy about admitting to Izumi Yuiko today, quickly attracted Yui's attention.

Miura, are you okay? Why is your face so red?


Yui's kind care makes Miura Yumeko even more ashamed.

Beside him was Masamune who was snickering.

You know, the girl's original purpose was to vent her anger on Yui, so she just found Masamune.

As a result, later on, a guy like Miura Yuko who vented her anger ended up getting together with Masamune.

This kind of thing really fully demonstrates what is meant by the impermanence of things.

Although she looks quite domineering in appearance, Miura Yuko is actually a very kind-hearted person who can cry easily.

He also cherishes his partners very much, but now that he has recognized the name of Izumi Yuiko, Miura is also very embarrassed.

Miura Yuko felt guilty, but he didn't feel guilty at all.

Just think about the experiences you had in high school, which are so nostalgic and cherished. This is why those youth novels are so popular.

As time goes by, the friendship between the girls will be separated sooner or later because of life.

Getting married, getting married, going to higher education, everything comes to an end from this, and in the end I can only go there to remember it when no one is around.

But now, things have become different and have an authentic existence.

Yukinoshita Yukino, who belongs to a completely different world from Chiba, belongs to the wealthy family of Chiba.

The form and style are completely different, Miura Yuko is a strong woman destined for the future.

She may only be an ordinary housewife and can only recall the past Yui in her spare time, but she will have a new destiny.

Including Mrs. Yuigahama, who will grow old sooner or later and can no longer be with her.

These existences are able to live happily together because of the authentic help.

Everyone relies on each other, and even the already very close relationship can be brought closer again in each other's open hearts.

This kind of thing is undoubtedly better for Yui.

So Zhengzong doesn't feel any guilt at this moment.

It's not him who's wrong, it's the world.

He also did good things and helped Yui become happy.

So he is not in a hurry at the moment. If two people really can't do it, he will just try harder when the time comes.

After the threesome, Zhengzong's current goal is to unlock the foursome.

Zheng Zong, who was walking in the corridor and was about to wash his face and wake up, was suddenly called by a voice.

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