Miura Yuiko raised her feet with a proud smile.

At this moment, the girl also just gave up. Her brain was already filled with revenge at this moment, and she also had unknown thoughts in her heart, so she came directly to Zhengzong with Ishiroyu.

Masamune really couldn't wait any longer at this moment. Before Miura could get close, he had already stepped forward.

Hey, you're going in the wrong direction, no, you have to deal with her first.

Miura Yuko looked at Masamune dissatisfied and said angrily, but the man at this moment obviously didn't care what she was thinking.

Hey, it's really great. Hayama and Matsuo, the two of them are facing each other, sweating and sweating.

The whole person seemed to be in a strange state. Ebina Hina exuded a frightening aura. She looked at the two people in front of her and laughed, thinking about something terrible in her mind. Scenes.

This is an authentic and extremely familiar scent, similar to Gu Li's imaginary fujoshi scent.

Ebina Himina is one of the few fujoshi types in Sobu High School. If she hadn't been with the current group, she would have been isolated long ago.

Next to him was Sho Tobe, who looked helpless.

For the first time, I felt that it was not good to suddenly fall in love with such a girl.

If it hadn't been for Matsuo, would he have become a mixed object with Hayama Hayato in his mind?

At this moment, in front of the two of them were Matsuo and Hayama Hayato, who had reconciled.

Matsuo himself had managed to plan so many things, and wanted to use the pressure of the whole school's attention to allow girls like Miura Yuko to temporarily accept her confession despite her scruples.

As a result, he was rejected with extreme ruthlessness and decisiveness, causing him to become the biggest laughing stock.

I was already in a bad mood, but then I met Hayama Hayato looking for trouble.

As a member of the football club, he has long been very dissatisfied with Hayama Hayato, a current male.

Especially after the other girls who came out of the football club this year showed vague affection for Hayama before.

He was not polite to Ye Shan at all just now.

After there was no one around to watch, the two even started fighting.

But maybe this is Hayama's special infectious effect.

After a fight, the two unexpectedly reconciled.

Except for a certain Ebina Himina who only laughed and liked to watch those boring BL events, Tobe Sho was sincerely amazed at Hayama Hayato's communication skills.

With such an amazing existence, I believe Miura Yuko will definitely like Hayama even more after this time.

His friends' relationships are very likely to progress greatly, so he should work hard.

Tobe Sho glanced at Ebina Hina next to him and made up his mind.

Where is Miura? We can tell her this and make her feel relieved.

Hayama Hayato said while wiping the scar on his forehead with a little pain, and his eyes were a little bright.

Compared to what Tobe Sho thought, Hayama Hayato was a little uneasy at the moment.

He has always thought that what he likes is Yukinoshita Yukino's sister Yukinoshita Harano. Faced with the unabashed advances of Yuko Miura next to him, he can deal with it very normally.

If he wasn't afraid of hurting his feelings, he would have refused.

I think that compared to the mature and perfect Yukinoshita Harano, Miura Yuko seems to be too naive and unattractive.

But just in the past few days, he suddenly discovered that Miura, who he didn't care about at first, exuded a moving beauty.

The way he matured and changed as if overnight made him feel very comfortable in his heart. His originally calm heart was undergoing changes.

Only then did he realize that the girl next to him also had such charming charm.

Hayama Hayato is actually a very well-hidden manipulator of an imperial sister.

After seeing Miura Yuko, who had just been developed by Masamune and showed amazing changes, Hayama Hayato made a decision.

Not long ago, in the last lesson before the Golden Week holiday, he had already confessed to Miura.

The fact is unexpected,

He was ruthlessly rejected because he had a boyfriend.

After this blow, Hayama Hayato realized for the first time that Miura Yuko, who had always been by his side and was a close friend, might also fall into the arms of others.


With a towel wiping the sweat off his forehead, Hayama Hayato followed the message given by Ebina Himina.

It is impossible for Miura Yuko to have a boyfriend. Hayama Hayabusa, who has been forming a live team with her since the first year of high school, knows it well.

He felt that the reason Miura Yuko refused was simply because he acted too suddenly and had no prior preparation.

This time, I happened to take advantage of that guy Matsuo's forced confession, which gave him a chance.

As a result, Hayama Hayato even uncharacteristically did not maintain his sunny image and directly started fighting with Matsuo.

'Last time I was too sudden. This time, I must make it clear to Miura Yuiko and tell her that I like her. ’

Hayama Hayato walked quickly thinking about the original direction.

My heart is getting more and more excited.

With this proof, Miura Yuko will definitely understand his intentions, and that will be fine.

While thinking about it, Hayama Hayato continued to move forward.

Follow the surrounding direction to find the familiar but unfamiliar figure.

Just when he was about to continue looking forward, a burst of intermittent weeping sounds sounded.


Hayama Hayato was shocked, and then he walked towards the direction from which the voice came.

I saw the door, it was the activity room of the football club, and there was a promotional poster for the football club on it.

He took out the key and tried to open the door, but found that the door had been locked from the inside.

Things like this made Hayama Hayato's heart beat faster.

What on earth is going on that would force the door to be locked from the inside?

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