My Best Wife

Chapter 2809: Smoke-free battle (2)

In the next few days, Wang Yaxin and Yao He maintained continuous contact. After discussing all aspects of the matter, Wang Yaxin was about to start a lawsuit against Juying. Speaking of which, the grievances between Wang Yaxin and Juying The complaint is not a day or two. For Juying, it is naturally very clear, but this time they still did not expect that this new Asian law firm, which was just established in Mingzhu City, was completely It was created to target them.

Five days later, Juying received the indictment from the New Asia Law Firm. This lawsuit was obviously inevitable. However, for Juying, he did not take this matter seriously. In fact, Wang Yaxin himself It is also clear in my heart that if you want to solve this problem, you can’t be so fast. This time it’s just to try Juying’s shallow depth and see how determined they are to control Lingwei, or whether they will change. His own attitude is very important to Wang Yaxin. After this point is determined, he can continue to formulate the next step. But at present, during the period of the trial, in Wang Yaxin’s prediction, the means of Juying must be They will decrease a lot, even if they have mysterious forces behind them, but when they encounter such a thing, they should be a little bit restrained.

Therefore, Wang Yaxin contacted Fang Zhiqiang again.

"Hardson, I have been dealing with Lingwei during the recent period. Juying should not spare much time to target Huaqiang. For Huaqiang, this is a rare opportunity for development. Don’t you already have enough research and development. Have you got the funds? Use this time to see if you can ease the current situation a little bit."

"Yaxin, do you think that Juying can be restricted only by this incident?" Fang Zhiqiang asked.

"To be honest, I am not sure. In fact, the prosecution against Juying this time is just the beginning. To be honest, I don't think it will have much effect. It is impossible to directly let Juying get caught this time. That’s why I said that for Huaqiang, this opportunity for development is very rare. After this lawsuit is over, Juying will target you again. When that happens, it will be difficult for you to spare time for development."

After listening to Wang Yaxin’s words, Fang Zhiqiang couldn’t help but sighed. He knew what Wang Yaxin’s words meant, but Fang Zhiqiang also had his own thoughts. If he develops at this time, just like Wang Yaxin said, after the lawsuit is over Juying will target Huaqiang again. At that time, it will be very difficult for Huaqiang to gain time and opportunities for development again. Therefore, after pondering for a long time, Fang Zhiqiang gave this answer: "You can do it. , Huaqiang, don’t worry, I will arrange it, but on the surface, you may not see any development of Huaqiang."

Fang Zhiqiang's words made Wang Yaxin frown slightly, but after a while she understood the meaning of Fang Zhiqiang's words. On the surface, there was no sign of development, but in fact, Huaqiang did not give up any development. Opportunity, that is to say, secret development is what Huaqiang should do most now.

After understanding this meaning, Wang Yaxin said again: "Qianzi, the next **** battle may take a long time. I know that Huaqiang’s life is also very difficult now, but since this war has started, I hope No matter how great the difficulty is, you can survive it. It doesn’t sound good. No matter what method you use, you must let Huaqiang continue to stand, because Huaqiang is the biggest driving force to support this war. ,do you understand?"

Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but nodded. Since Wang Yaxin chose to come back, Fang Zhiqiang once again saw from her the sassy posture of the working woman in the past, and Fang Zhiqiang could also vaguely feel that he and Wang Yaxin were again quietly Standing silently on a front line, but this war is a war in which no gunpowder can be seen, but compared to the fighting on the battlefield, the battle between Huaqiang and Juying is the same **** and cruel.

"Don't worry, your choice is my choice, and I firmly believe that in the end, it will not be you and me that will fall!" Fang Zhiqiang said with an extremely firm tone, word by word.

"I hope our cooperation can create a legendary story, and we also hope that our persistence is meaningful." After Wang Yaxin finished speaking, she hung up the phone. During this time, she was only two or three in the morning almost every day. Sleeping, although she knew that for Juying, it might just be tickling, but even so, she must not carry the slightest bit of it. Tickling a behemoth requires a lot of strength.

During this period of time, Zhou Jin also contacted Xiaowu again, but the reply Xiaowu gave was naturally not surprising. Originally, for Xiaowu, the explanation was quite troublesome. Things, but since Hua Qiang got Liu Jiaying's capital injection, there is no need to explain this matter anymore, just throw a sentence to Zhou Jin, Xiaowu himself will not offend him, and Zhou Jin has nothing to say.

Only after learning about it, Zhou Jin still couldn't swallow this breath. His superficial respect and flattery to Fang Zhiqiang were naturally not from the heart. The thoughts in his heart were also very simple. With so much money, they just want to invest in a project, but they didn't expect it to be so difficult. In the end, they would rather choose other people's investment than themselves. What is the difference between them?

After all, just a singer, just like Fang Zhiqiang said, a person can only achieve the ultimate when he concentrates on doing one thing. If both fish and bear paws are both taken care of, in the end, they may end up instead. An end where nothing can fall.

However, Zhou Jin didn’t think so. He was a person with a great desire for wealth. Although in the entertainment circle, it was enough to obtain the wealth he wanted, but the richer he is, the more recently he has discovered what wealth can do. The more benefits he brings to himself, the greater his desire, and it is precisely because of this that he sets his sights on the commercial market. After all, business is always one of the most profitable ways in the world. There is no doubt about this.

However, what Zhou Jin did not expect was that when he was just about to set foot in the business circle, he had already encountered many difficulties. Huaqiang's defeat this time just made Zhou Jin's heart completely annoyed. He didn't believe it. Can't you enter the business district in your life?

With such an idea, Zhou Jin’s heart has already begun to formulate his own plan. If he wants to win the investment quota of Huaqiang, the first thing to do is to make the current investor of Huaqiang disappear, although Zhou Jin did not Not good at such things, but in his mind, this idea has already emerged, and it seems that it has become an extremely difficult thing to make this idea disappear again.

At the last moment when Zhou Jin hung up Xiaowu's call, Xiaowu seemed to feel the unwillingness in Zhou Jin's heart. It sounds like he still didn't intend to give up this idea. Therefore, Xiaowu also immediately told Huang Wanting about it. Huang Wanting also thought about it seriously, but in the end, she didn’t care about it. It was just that she didn’t cooperate. Huang Wanting felt that Zhou Jin should not be so anxious to directly choose to tear her face with Hua Qiang. They said that there will be opportunities for cooperation in the future, and if Zhou Jin can understand this, he won't make any radical behavior.

But it is obvious that Huang Wanting's thoughts are somewhat one-sided, because after Zhou Jin hung up the phone, he had already started calling people to discuss what methods he needed to achieve his goal.

At this time, Fang Zhiqiang and Liu Jiaying didn’t even know about it. Liu Jiaying just seriously thought about the warnings Fang Zhiqiang had given her before, but in fact she also knew that she had no good way to deal with it. this matter.

If she knew that she was in such a trouble again now, maybe Liu Jiaying would realize that some enemies were built up by her inadvertently. Although she did not have the idea and hobby of building enemies, others might not. Think so.

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