My Best Wife

Chapter 2810: Smoke-free battle (3)

Although Zhou Jin didn’t have the talent in this area, there must be people around him who understood these principles. After Zhou Jin asked this question, someone around him immediately stood up and said, “This It’s easy to handle Mr. Zhou. I heard that this woman named Liu Jiaying is the president of Jinguiyuan, but this Jinguiyuan is actually controlled by Liu Dongzhi, and a scandal broke out some time ago? I think this matter should not be that way. Simply, let’s start investigating this matter and see what happened. If you have the opportunity, you can start with this matter first. What does Zhou always think?”

After hearing this, Zhou Jin couldn’t help but frown. He wanted to be simple and straightforward in everything he did. Hearing what this man said was so obscure, he said anxiously, “You’re talking about it. What are you going to do?"

"Isn’t Mr. Zhou’s goal to interrupt the cooperative relationship between Liu Jiaying and Hua Qiang? To achieve this goal, there are only so few possibilities. Either Liu Jiaying’s relationship with Fang Zhiqiang broke, or Liu Jiaying’s own bankruptcy. Zhou always felt, Which is more convenient?"

After Zhou Jin heard this, he finally reacted, and he pondered for a while before he said again: "So, of course, it is more straightforward to let that woman go bankrupt!"

Zhou Jin’s answer obviously did not surprise that person. He immediately continued: “That’s right. I want to bankrupt her. This is an excellent opportunity to find out what happened in the previous incident. Maybe we can find opportunities here."

"Why do you have to be so complicated? Can't you just find someone to talk to Liu Jiaying?" Zhou Jin frowned again.

"Of course you can talk directly, but Zhou always wants to talk about a result? Huaqiang company is in the current situation, and Juying has entered a fierce battle, do you think at this time, who would make such a firm choice? Support Huaqiang? And what is the reason for Liu Jiaying's approach? I personally think that she must have an extraordinary relationship with Fang Zhiqiang, so if we talk to someone directly, it may not achieve what we want. Even in the end, the result of the censorship will make Liu Jiaying more vigilant. This is not a good thing for us."

"It's a very simple thing. It makes you say so complicated. I hear it all in a mess. In this case, you can do this, but I don't have much time. You have to hurry up. Zhou Jin waved his hand a little impatiently. He stood up while talking, staring coldly at the coffee table, and said to himself: "Humph! Go against me! Then I will ruin you!"

On the other hand, Liu Jiaying has also worked very hard to operate Jinguiyuan during this period. Although Liu Jiaying knows that she is working so hard now, in the eyes of outsiders, Jinguiyuan is her own industry, but in fact, she is just one of Liu Dongzhi’s It’s just a puppet. All of what I did was actually made for Liu Dongzhi’s wedding dresses. When Liu Dongzhi said a word, he still had to hand it over, but Liu Jiaying naturally had his own ideas, although this Everything is not my own, but everything I have done is meaningful to me, at least it can help Huaqiang Company. For the current Liu Jiaying, this is the greatest significance, although Fang Zhiqiang has given her a very serious warning , But Liu Jiaying didn't take it seriously. At the moment, providing help to Huaqiang under the premise of her own ability is what Liu Jiaying wants to do most. As for other things, Liu Jiaying does not think so much now.

Half a month later, Lingwei Company officially opened a court case against Juying. The familiar figure of the lawyer once again appeared in the court. Before that, Juying did not expect that Lingwei’s lawyer would be Wang Yaxin.

Juying naturally knew this woman who had dealt with them several times before. She suddenly chose to help Lingwei at this time, and it was not just a coincidence.

Juying seems to have realized something. Wang Yaxin seems to be choosing her client selectively. The previous lawsuit between Liu Jiaying and Liu Dongzhi was Wang Yaxin’s comeback battle. Although Juying did not pay much attention, it was also Knowing this, and now, Wang Yaxin is working with Lingwei again. Without exception, since Wang Yaxin's comeback, the clients selected are all related to Huaqiang Company.

The keen Juying was also aware of this. They had always thought before that Wang Yaxin's influence in the entire legal profession is huge. It is obviously not a simple matter to clean up such a lawyer, even if it succeeds in the end. Juying itself also needs to pay a huge price, and for Juying, this is not a particularly cost-effective business, but now, seeing Wang Yaxin becoming more and more active in their vision, they have gradually begun to pay special attention to this woman. Perhaps, it’s time to include Wang Yaxin in the next list of objects to be processed.

Being able to enter Juying’s target list is actually not a difficult task. Now the entire territory of Juying’s targeted companies is countless, but for Wang Yaxin, this is also a kind of glory for himself. Most of Juying's targets are relatively large companies, and he is only an individual. It is relatively rare for a lawyer to be targeted by Juying.

But now Wang Yaxin did not expect so much. She knew that after this shot, she would definitely receive Juying’s attention. Moreover, Juying would continue to target herself in the future. Wang Yaxin was already mentally prepared. So for her now, no matter what kind of action Juying takes towards her, it is not something that makes herself feel surprised, and she will not change her original plan because of this. That plan is the most in Wang Yaxin's heart. Firm ideas. It’s just that Yao He, who is in Zero Way, thinks differently from Wang Yaxin. For him, he still has enough retreat. Even this time he went to court, he didn’t show up at all, although there is nothing to do with it Significance, after all, Juying had already figured out the situation of Lingwei before he decided to target Lingwei, but Yao He was still reluctant to show his face. For him, he can avoid some troubles and avoid some troubles. Or, in other words, Wang Yaxin's appearance in court may attract all Juying's attention. When that happens, Lingwei will naturally bear a lot of pressure, which is also a good thing.

In the shopping mall, there is no absolute standpoint. For the current Yao He and Wang Yaxin, they may be comrades-in-arms on the same front, but Yao He still has his own ideas in his heart. He would not just choose to be so stupid to be absolute with Wang Yaxin. At that time, once he really angered Juying and wanted to put Lingwei in a pot, he was too late to say anything, but in fact, no matter what Yao He did, whether he came forward or not, Juying In fact, they are all clear, but for Juying, there is a priority order, whether to start with Lingwei first or Wang Yaxin personally first, it depends on Juying's own choice.

In fact, before today’s court session, Wang Yaxin has been reviewing her skills. After all, she hasn’t been in court for such a long time. The last case of Liu Jiaying was a relatively simple case, and the most important one was Liu Jiaying. He has the handles of Liu Dongzhi, so it is naturally much simpler to handle it. However, for Juying this time, the situation is completely different. Wang Yaxin knows very well that the lawyers on Juying are obviously not vegetarian. , If you have a slight disadvantage in the court, then maybe in the end, Lingwei won’t get anything, and his prosecution against Juying this time will have no meaning. The original idea, naturally Will also be shattered.

Therefore, under the premise of sufficient preparation, Wang Yaxin also displayed his professional talents in this area again. In the case of simultaneous live broadcast, Fang Zhiqiang stared at Wang Yaxin's confident look on the screen, and he already felt that he had a bottom line. On the other hand, Yao He is also staring at Wang Yaxin on the screen. Every time when Wang Yaxin speaks, it becomes the most anticipated moment for Yao He and that President Chen. The fact is that Wang Yaxin did not let them every time. One person disappointed.

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