My Best Wife

Chapter 2808: Smoke-free battle

After the cooperation was reached, Wang Yaxin did not intend to waste any time. Wang Yaxin also knew that it was not just herself who was anxious now, but Lingwei was also anxious, so before Xiao Zhang returned to Xinya, Wang Yaxin started to call. Communicate with Yao He, the other party.

"Mr. Yao, judging from the current situation, Juying’s reason for blocking you is to embezzle their technical means and sell them to companies outside of the contract. This is what I want to ask. You have this in your original contract. Is it?" Wang Yaxin asked seriously.

Yao He recalled what happened before, and then he said, "That was a long time ago. Now we have already left Juying’s entire system. Technically, there is no need to rely on Juying at all. Juying’s only control over us is the equipment that produces these fine parts and components. At present, no company in our territory can manufacture these equipment."

"If this is the case, then things will be easier to handle. Since it is only for the equipment, were there any additional conditions when purchasing these equipment from them?" Wang Yaxin continued to ask, despite the plan in his mind. It has been initially formed, but for the current Lingwei, there are still many things that need to be determined and understood. Once in the court, there is not so much time to understand these things. Wang Yaxin also knows that this shot, whether it is For Lingwei, or for himself, there is only one opportunity. If he can't grasp it, then maybe there is no such opportunity again.

"This is definitely not the case. We purchased these devices in full, and we have the absolute right to use them. In fact, Juying's purpose this time is very clear, even if we follow the original contract and there is no violation of regulations. They will also target us in this way, because they do not achieve the purpose they want and will not give up. We are very clear about this wolf ambition, but it is because we can’t make these devices yet, so before It can be at their mercy, but after listening to your words, I can still understand it. Instead of being an obedient dog, it is better to fight hard and make a breakthrough, not just for the sake of Lingwei. A company, and even all the companies in the country in the future, can stand up because of this incident, then the significance of our doing this is even greater."

As Yao He was talking, he obviously mixed his own personal emotions in. After Wang Yaxin heard these words, he couldn't help but sighed and said: "Yes, Juying is indeed a rogue enterprise. They are brazen. For them to do such excessive things, it seems to be commonplace for them. In fact, at this time, many companies can no longer bear the practice of Juying, but as you said, Juying’s restrictions on us It’s too much. Just find one or two and we’re at a loss. This is what you are now, and the same is true for other companies in the country. So for us, the Jedi counterattack is inevitable. Yes, it just depends on when, or who will provoke this battle."

"Mr. Yao, this war with Juying may be more complicated than you originally imagined. Maybe we have just started and we will be completely at a disadvantage. Are you sure you are ready for this? For many things, you must ensure that no matter how difficult the situation is, we must not be discouraged here. You should also know in your heart that since you have decided to go this way now, you will not tolerate the slightest difference. In other words, the road in the future will become more and more difficult. If you persist in the past, you will get a whole new world structure. Of course, there were countless heroes and martyrs on this road who proved that this is not an easy one. Road, a lightly sentence of "keep on", it is not so easy to do it, so, are you ready?"

After Wang Yaxin finished speaking, he exhaled slightly. Although the voice was very small, Yao He on the other side of the phone heard clearly. At this time, Yao He finally realized that Wang Yaxin had made this decision. She has indeed been clear enough about the impulsive behavior, and she also knows what a serious matter they are facing now. As for Wang Yaxin’s question, Yao He has indeed fallen into a period of contemplation. Are you really ready? What Wang Yaxin said, there are many things that he didn't say. Yao He is actually clear in his heart that he will only face more problems than Wang Yaxin said, and can he really handle all of them?

The two were silent for a long time. After all, at this point, Yao He also knew his current situation, or the whole situation of Lingwei, which was indeed something worthy of careful consideration.

The silence lasted for a while, but Wang Yaxin seemed to realize that Yao He's heart was vacillating again, and then she spoke again: "But Mr. Yao, this time I really have to thank you for persuading Mr. Chen. If not, Lingwei I would not make such a choice so simply."

The President Wang Yaxin mentioned about Chen is naturally the president of Lingwei. Wang Yaxin knows that the relationship between Yao He, the vice president and President Chen, is relatively good. This is because Yao He has improved very quickly. When the former airborne to Lingwei, he was just a marketing executive. Today, two years later, he is already a vice president. From this point, it is enough to show that Mr. Chen admires Yao He more, and It is also because Yao He does not have any covetous heart for the position of president at present, and this also makes the president Chen more at ease. Therefore, Wang Yaxin is very clear that this time Lingwei can so decisively promised himself, Yao He must have come out A lot of effort, if not for him to persuade President Chen, the current Lingwei must still be a wavering attitude.

Hearing Wang Yaxin’s words, Yao He also smiled and said: "Chen is always a person with a great view of the overall situation. He is very clear about Lingwei’s current situation, and as for me, it’s just a few casual words. , President Chen will naturally make the judgment he thinks is correct."

"Hehe, I have seen the humility of President Yao a long time ago. Although in the current situation, I also know a little about the relationship between you and President Chen. I will not say much, just like you just said. In the same way, President Chen will make a judgment that he believes is correct. I think this is very good. This also proves that President Chen should be fully psychologically prepared, right?"

Yao He naturally heard that Wang Yaxin’s words were actually urging him to make a decision as soon as possible, or to give a decent answer as soon as possible, although for himself at this moment, making that decision is a very important thing. Difficult things, but Yao He knew that what Wang Yaxin wanted was his attitude, and if he couldn't give it out, Wang Yaxin would definitely not give up so easily.

"President Wang can rest assured that everything I have is consistent with Mr. Chen, and since Mr. Chen made the decision, I also believe that there must be his reason. I only need to follow Mr. Chen's steps and nothing will happen. Mistake." Yao He said this is ambiguous, but it can be regarded as a side expression of his attitude.

For Wang Yaxin, hearing this kind of reply is considered very good, but Yao He chose to keep a certain distance from him. Wang Yaxin also knows that in Yao He’s eyes, he should already be He is almost crazy, so before seeing the final result, he should always have this attitude towards himself. After all, he is a businessman. Any decision must be made on the premise of ensuring his own interests. .

As for Yao He, this time for his benefit, it should be whether he can be successful in one battle. This is like a huge gamble. Once he wins, he will be honored.

Therefore, there is no need for Wang Yaxin to listen to what Yao He said, and immediately said again without hesitation: "Mr. Yao, I feel relieved by the conversation with you today. With your attitude, I believe. The science and technology sector controlled by Juying should undergo some subtle changes."

"Hehe, I also believe in Lawyer Wang's ability. With your help, we have enough confidence for Lingwei." Yao He also said politely.

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