My Best Wife

Chapter 2799: Zhou Jin's Attitude (2)

"Zhou, you can have such thoughts in your heart, Xiaowu is really grateful, I am the same as you, and I am very unforgettable about everything in the past. In fact, this time, I am very worried about asking you for help. After all, we have not been in contact for such a long time. I finally got in touch with you, but I wanted to ask you to help. Speaking of it, I couldn't help myself."

Faced with Zhou Jin's polite attitude, Xiao Wu naturally didn't dare to neglect at all, and immediately replied like this.

"Hey, it's a pity, I really can't spare the time to see you now, or I will have to drink with my brother for three days and three nights!" After Zhou Jin finished speaking, before Xiao Wu could speak, he continued: " In fact, Xiao Wu, speaking of it, today’s things are not a coincidence, because the agent who finally made Fang Zong seemed a little uncomfortable in his heart, and finally the cooperation with him also fell. Regarding this, my heart It's a pity, so I think..."

After listening to Zhou Jin’s words, Xiao Wu was stunned. He couldn’t react for a long time. Speaking of Fang Zhiqiang, the difference between Zhou Jin’s current status and the identity of Fang Zhiqiang is naturally a heaven and an underground. Hearing the two words'Fang Zong' in Jin's mouth was naturally a great accident for Xiaowu.

And Xiaowu hadn’t reacted yet, Zhou Jin continued: "Xiaowu, if it is convenient, would you please help me with a few more words? I really value this cooperation with Fang Zong. On the one hand, It’s not easy for you to talk to me. If the final thing is not done, I will be very uncomfortable. On the other hand, the contribution of Mr. Fang to the domestic science and technology industry is also obvious to all, and he can have the opportunity to help Fang. Anyway, it can be considered a blessing to Zhou, so..."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu finally understood. Although Zhou Jin's words were very polite, the meaning was very clear. He just wanted to continue to cooperate with Fang Zhiqiang.

Speaking of this, Xiao Wu didn’t have many surprises in his heart. Although he did not have much intersection with Fang Zhiqiang, he still has a certain understanding of Fang Zhiqiang’s personality. As long as he touches his bottom line, no matter what the other party is. Fang Zhiqiang said that he would not cooperate, so he would never continue to cooperate. Xiaowu had seen this many times before.

So after pondering for a while, Xiao Wu slowly said, "Zhou, you can trust Xiao Wu so much. Xiao Wu is really grateful, but to be honest, I have no relationship with Fang. So deep, although I personally respect President Fang, in fact, Huang Wanting from our company has a better relationship with him. This time I spoke to you because Huang Wanting told me personally, and..."

Having said this, Xiao Wu suddenly paused, and Zhou Jin continued to say, "It's okay Xiao Wu, don't hesitate to say anything."

"Furthermore, based on the general understanding of my counterpart, once he refuses, there must be his own reasons. No matter how much I persuade, I don't think it will have any effect. If not, he will not refute you. Mr. Zhou's face, don't you think?"

After Xiaowu finished speaking, Zhou Jin burst into laughter, and then said: "Actually, in my opinion, this matter is very simple. Businessmen always put their interests in the most important position. In fact, I It is also clear that the most important thing for the current party is a trustworthy partner. In this regard, I am not bragging about it. However, all financial issues, no matter how much, are for me now. not a problem."

After listening to Xiao Wu, he couldn't help but take a deep breath. On the one hand, Zhou Jin, who is now a fish in water, and on the other hand, Fang Zhiqiang, who has a principled bottom line. Xiao Wu is indeed very embarrassed. He refutes Zhou Jin at this time. Obviously, it is not a wise move to save the face, but if you agree to it, but in the end it is not done, then for Zhou Jin, it is naturally unwilling to see him. When the time comes, he will also have to refute his face.

So after thinking about it for a while, Xiao Wu finally spoke again: "Mr. Zhou, I think it's better for you to speak up on this matter yourself. At least, it's better than what I say..."

Before Xiaowu's words were finished, Zhou Jin immediately interrupted: "In addition, I have already drafted a contract on my side. I will send it to you later. You can also take a look at it. , I will tell Mr. Fang later that I am absolutely sincere and sincere to cooperate. No matter what conditions Mr. Fang puts forward, I will try my best to satisfy him, Xiao Wu, I will ask you for this. Let’s do it for the first time, and then talk..."

After Zhou Jin finished speaking in a panic, he hung up the phone. He didn't even give Xiaowu a chance to refuse. Xiaowu was naturally very uncomfortable at this time. Zhou Jin's tone of voice to himself was indeed Very polite, but Xiao Wu just feels uncomfortable in his heart. He always feels that he didn't take himself seriously. If it weren't for this incident, Xiao Wu decided that Zhou Jin would not take the initiative to call himself this time. .

But anyway, after all, people are now the better one, and they have the qualifications to play temper, but they don't.

At this moment, Huang Wanting just walked in.

"Xiaowu, do you still have the source file of your previous song? I want to revise that harmony." Huang Wanting looked at Xiaowu and asked.

Under normal circumstances, Xiaowu stays in the studio all day long. Apart from a few necessary staff, there is no one else here. Huang Wanting also knows that for Xiaowu, He is a person who is only suitable for creation, but not suitable for running a company, so now Huang Wanting and Xiaoman are doing the entire company's operations, as well as the promotion and packaging of the works.

Hearing Huang Wanting's words, Xiao Wu also nodded, and then said, "Sister Qingqing, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Huang Wanting said as she walked over, looking at Xiaowu with a puzzled expression.

"Just now Zhou Jin called me and said that I must let my persuade brother Qiang, I hope he can agree to cooperate, what do you say is this?" Xiaowu is very puzzled up to now, he thinks about the current Zhou Jin It is not important whether Fang Zhiqiang agrees to cooperate or not, because Zhou Jin himself has been successful enough, and if he cooperates with Fang Zhiqiang, Zhou Jin is also the one who paid the money. Even if he does not cooperate, there is no loss to him, so Xiaowu was even more confused.

"Oh, this, you don't have to worry about it, let him go, Qiangzi has already told him very clearly today, you can tell him what he has, just tell Qiangzi himself." Huang Wanting said lightly .

"But, he just said that he has drafted a contract, and he will send it to me later and let me forward it to Brother Qiang..."

Xiaowu’s words just ended here, and the phone happened to ring. When I picked it up, it was indeed that the contract had been sent. Xiaowu immediately opened the contract and then looked at it with Huang Wanting. After reading it probably, A sneer appeared on Huang Wanting's face.

"What's wrong with Sister Qingqing?" Xiao Wu asked with a puzzled look on his face as if he hadn't understood.

"Looking at the contract, they really didn't ask for anything. They gave Huaqiang ample benefits." After Huang Wanting finished speaking, she looked at Xiao Wu again and asked, "What do you think?"

"I...Isn't it good to hear what you mean? Since they are so sincere, just look at Brother Qiang's own meaning." Xiao Wu said blankly.

He really doesn't know anything about these things, and often encounters such things, Huang Wanting and Xiaoman and others deal with it, while Xiaowu is a shopkeeper and just produces works.

"Hehe, it's simple to say, in fact, Xiao Wu, the more such things happen, the more you have to be careful, maybe there will be some conspiracy in it in the end." Huang Wanting solemnly said.

"Conspiracy? With the contract as evidence, what conspiracy can they play?" Xiaowu continued to be at a loss.

"That's not necessarily true. Businessmen always put their interests first, especially like Zhou Jin now. His ambition is not only to enter the entertainment circle, but also to enter business. Then for him, doing anything There must be a plan. Before he can figure out what he wants, he can't easily agree to it. What's more, the conditions he offered are so attractive." Huang Wanting continued to explain.

After hearing this, Xiao Wu couldn't help but recalled, and then he said to Huang Wanting suddenly: "Yes! Zhou Jin also mentioned that sentence just now, saying that the most important thing for businessmen is always the interests. Thinking about it this way, he wants What is it?"

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