My Best Wife

Chapter 2800: persuade

"When he called Qiangzi today, I listened to what he meant. It should be that he wants to enter the business circle in the near future, and Qianqiang’s Huaqiang company is very attractive to him. There is another point. I think he may also be afraid of the influence of the Hadron in the entire territory. Once he offends the Hadron, it is of no benefit to him." After Huang Wanting said this seriously, she pondered for a while, and continued, "Of course. This is just my own guess. Judging from the current situation, this is indeed the case, but I cannot guarantee that he will not have any other attempts."

Xiaowu frowned dignifiedly, looking at the contract document just sent over on the phone, Xiaowu was caught in a dilemma, and Huang Wanting at this moment could naturally see the entanglement in Xiaowu's heart, and then she said again: " I think even if I showed Qiangzi this contract, it is meaningless. Qiangzi would not agree to it. Otherwise, when Zhou Jin called him before, he said so many good things. Moved."

"What Sister Yi Qingqing meant, I don't have to mention this matter to Brother Qiang anymore?" Xiao Wu turned to look at Huang Wanting, and asked very sincerely. Naturally, Xiao Wu didn't want to offend Zhou Jin, but just Like Huang Wanting just said, once Fang Zhiqiang made a decision, it was obviously difficult to persuade him.

Huang Wanting also lowered her head and thought for a while before she said: "I'll go and talk to Qiangzi. Although I think it won't be of any use, but in this case, you and Zhou Jin can explain a little bit."

"Well, then this contract..." Xiao Wu raised his mobile phone and asked.

"You can send it to me later, I'll take the time to find Qiangzi, but you are also mentally prepared, thinking about how to tell Zhou Jin when you think about it, I think Qiangzi will not agree." After Huang Wanting finished speaking again, she turned and left. Xiaowu also forwarded the contract to Huang Wanting as Huang Wanting said.

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang has just arrived at his residence. The computer still shows the recent research and development progress of the research director. It has been stagnant for a long time. Fang Zhiqiang knows that all this is because the funds have not been put in place, but for the current situation Fang Zhiqiang is not sure, even if he gets the funds and R&D can continue, everything will be fine, because Juying still closely monitors Huaqiang’s dynamics. If Huaqiang makes too many moves at this time, Juying will naturally notice it instantly. At that time, no matter how Huaqiang develops, once Juying notices it, it will be very difficult to find a way out, so Fang Zhiqiang's heart is also very entangled. In fact, If you forcibly raise funds by yourself, you will naturally be able to find money. Apart from anything else, Lin Guodong and Xue Donglin will definitely give them a little bit more or less, although it may not be decisive for the entire R&D. Effective, but at least, it can also make the current Huaqiang out of this difficulty.

It’s because I don’t know if he can get out of this predicament after getting the money, so Fang Zhiqiang hasn’t done it like that, especially on Lin Guodong’s side. Once the final result is not satisfactory, Lin Guodong will also be dragged down by himself. Although Li Chuan’s support for Lin Guodong’s company has gradually made Lin Guodong’s company warmer recently, Fang Zhiqiang knows that it’s not easy for all of this to come. At this critical time, he should not be dragged down.

On the other hand, Xue Donglin’s side is not to mention. He has helped him a lot all the time, but he has never given him any substantial return. Speaking of this, Fang Zhiqiang's heart is also Having survived the unconsciousness, Fang Zhiqiang was naturally embarrassed to mention it to him now.


Huang Wanting also knew that Huaqiang was now in a stagnant stage, so she didn't hesitate too much. She went to Fang Zhiqiang the next day, gave Fang Zhiqiang a glance at the contract, and then said: "This is sent by Zhou Jin to Xiaowu. He hopes Xiaowu can help him persuade you, but I think it should be useless for you, so I will come over and tell you by myself. As long as the decision is made, it is up to you. In addition, let me add another word. I think that Zhou Jin is a resource, you can actually try to establish a relationship. After all, the road is so long in the future, maybe you can use it anytime, after all, everyone Is it a businessman, what can be more important than profit?"

"Wanting, I understand what you are saying. I am not a very noble person, but some people can't make friends. Speaking of Zhou Jin, although I haven't dealt with him much, as a singer, not only mixed entertainment Circle, now listening to what you mean, he seems to be preparing to enter the business circle. I think this person’s heart is too wild. Maybe he has talent in this area, maybe he has enough energy and time, but I don’t have it, I can only Concentrate on Huaqiang as a company, and for me, there is no retreat. Once Huaqiang falls, it means I have fallen. Therefore, in terms of partners, I must find a reliable company. No problems should arise. For Zhou Jin, it may not be a big deal to lose a Huaqiang project. He has not yet entered the business circle, so for him, perhaps Huaqiang still has a certain appeal, but if I promised him At that time, he has already become famous in the business circle, then Huaqiang will not have any attraction to him. At that time, once he leaves his hands, what will Huaqiang do? The share you just said I don’t need to look at the contract, and I probably know the content. He must have given particularly attractive terms, but you should also be aware that all Huaqiang’s partners are long-term, and these small profits at the moment do not represent much. ."

After Fang Zhiqiang said seriously, Huang Wanting did not have any unexpected expressions on her face. She just let out a long sigh, and then Fang Zhiqiang said, "I know it is useless. I didn't intend to persuade you, but just tell you. The final decision is yours. I know I can't interfere."

"But Wanting, thank you. If you are someone else, you won’t say these things to me. I also know that you are for my good. But in this matter, I still believe in my own intuition. It is indeed difficult for Huaqiang now, but no matter how big the difficulty is, it will pass. Since we have not been able to overcome it, it is destined to be doomed by God. Anyway, I don’t want to take Huaqiang to take such a risk." Fang Zhi Qiang looked at Huang Wanting seriously, and said.

"Even if you are right, but now Huaqiang can't get through this difficulty, what future can I mention? Forget it, I won't say anything, I also know I can't persuade you." Huang Wanting sighed helplessly.

In fact, Huang Wanting wants to say more, at least, what the company's people think, what the research team thinks now, but Huang Wanting knows that even if they don’t say it, it’s actually very obvious to them now. As long as they have money to continue research and development, they will solve the biggest problem. Obviously, they don’t think so much like Fang Zhiqiang. Huang Wanting doesn’t know if Fang Zhiqiang’s idea is right or wrong. She only knows, If it was his own, he would definitely agree to Zhou Jin.

It’s just that after hearing Huang Wanting’s words at this time, Fang Zhiqiang couldn’t help but sighed for a long time. After a long period of indulgence, he said again: “Wanting, in fact, I thought about everything you said. It’s okay for me to think that way. After all, there are so many people in the company, especially the scientific research team. They have told me several times that what they need most is funding, and it seems that this decision is not a good thing for them, but I have not At this time, I can’t think about that much. I know they have their own ideas, but they don’t need to think so much like me. So even if they do, it will make some people unhappy. Still can only do this."

Listening to Fang Zhiqiang's helpless tone, Huang Wanting did not continue to say more. Huang Wanting just thought of this, but at this time she also knew that Fang Zhiqiang was actually very clear.

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