My Best Wife

Chapter 2798: Zhou Jin's attitude

"Ya Xin, you don't need to say anything. Xiao Zhang almost told me on the way here. In fact, in your case, I should criticize you because you didn't treat our past Keep the friendship in your heart, if not, you won't say those things to Xiao Zhang." Lao Li was a step ahead, and Wang Yaxin hadn't spoken yet, he said.

When Xiao Zhang on the side heard what Lao Li said, he couldn't help but clapped his hands. Then he looked at Wang Yaxin and said: "Look at Wang Yaxin. It's better to talk to Lao Li than I do. Just a few words. You have nothing to say, right?"

However, Wang Yaxin still had a dignified expression. She continued to stare at Lao Li and said in a very serious tone: "It is precisely because I take it to heart that I have to say those things to you. This time the situation is really different from the past. If It's a profitable business. I will definitely not forget you, and I will definitely let you join, but this time..."

"Ya Xin, you don't need to say anything. My old Li has been in the lawyers' circle for more than 20 years. Although I dare not say that I have seen it in any major battle, I am not the kind of person who can see money. I have been working together for so long, don't you know my temperament? If I only do it for money, am I still so poor now?" Old Li said.

When Xiao Zhang heard Lao Li's words, he couldn't help but grinned, and immediately said: "Lao Li, if you can be poor now, am I a beggar?"

Xiao Zhang will not forget that when he first picked him up, he drove the E300. Compared with his CRV, it was obviously not at the same level. It is precisely because of this that Xiao Zhang said this at this moment. Words come.

Hearing this, Old Li turned his head and glared at Xiao Zhang, and then patted Xiao Zhang's head severely, "You stinky boy, how come the problem of demolishing other people's desks hasn't been corrected?!"

"Oh! Lao Li, hasn't your problem of hitting people been corrected?! I'm going to sue you for'personal assault'!" Xiao Zhang rubbed his head and said with aggrieved expression.

When Wang Yaxin saw this scene, she couldn't help but remember the way a group of people worked together in the past. At that time, every time she encountered difficulties, she would always seek Lao Li's help, and Lao Li was always able to follow suit. Qing Yundan's attitude helped him solve the difficulties. Thinking about it carefully, he didn't seem to have seen Lao Li when he was helpless.

At this time, Lao Li still stared at Xiao Zhang and said, "I tell you Xiao Zhang, the trouble with your uneasy mouth is that we have used you before. Do you know why you can’t drive a Mercedes? It’s because of you. Open your mouth!"

"Okay, okay, is it okay if you know that you are wrong? In front of Sister Wang, can you show some face?" After being reprimanded so seriously by Lao Li, Xiao Zhang seemed to feel the face on his face. Some can't help it, then whispered.

"Because I am in front of Yaxin, I can't indulge you! Your fault Yaxin accounts for 60% of the responsibility. If it weren't for her to keep one eye open, you wouldn't be Get used to this!" Old Li continued to say solemnly.

Wang Yaxin finally couldn't help it at this time, and laughed loudly.

"Yaxin, don't you say it yourself?! Since the three of us are here today, I think Xiao Zhang's problem has not been corrected. You also remember that you will never be accustomed to him as before. Once you say If you say something wrong or do something wrong, you must be severely punished!" Lao Li said as he heard Wang Yaxin's laugh, he immediately turned his eyes to Wang Yaxin and said.

"Ah? Didn't I feel miserable?" Xiao Zhang couldn't help but show a look of fear on his face when he heard this, and said unloved.

"Now I know I'm afraid? It's not too late to quit at this time. As long as you join Xinya, Yaxin and I will never indulge you anymore!" The tone of Lao Li's words was indeed a complete rebuke, and at this time Wang Yaxin just smiled, and didn't say much.

When Xiao Zhang heard this, his expression became firm again and continued: "Then I won't quit! Everyone is here, how can I be missing from such a lively occasion? Haha!"


At this time, Fang Zhiqiang just walked to Times Square and looked at the advertisements on the billboards, but none of them belonged to Huaqiang. Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help feeling a lot of emotions. The reason why the former Mingda was able to reach the point where everyone was well-known, On the one hand, it was because of Mingda’s own achievements, and on the other hand, it was also because at that time, Mingda had indeed done enough publicity. At the beginning, I didn’t say anything about it. Later, after making certain achievements, especially after deciding to do When he was self-developed, Fang Zhiqiang did not have the slightest ambiguity in terms of publicity. Now think about it, maybe it was because of the wealth of Mingda at the time. In terms of publicity, no matter how much money was spent, he never blinked. , Because at that time I firmly believed that all the money spent on publicity would come back in the end.

But later, when Huaqiang was just established, his own thoughts have quietly changed, thinking that only the product itself has the greatest persuasiveness. In terms of publicity, no matter how much money is spent, it actually won’t work. What's the practical significance, but now, looking at the advertisement on the billboard, which one is not from a large company? In other words, if a company wants to grow bigger, then publicity is an essential part?

After working at Mingda for so many years, Fang Zhiqiang naturally knows that sometimes a good publicity plan can indeed increase a lot of turnover. Even the original Sammy Mall is the same. What's more, for Huaqiang, it is Does a company that do mobile terminals need more publicity in this regard?

Fang Zhiqiang suddenly felt that when he first started, he might have had a wrong idea. If at that time, he could agree to the suggestions of Zhang Zhenguo and Bi Luochun, perhaps the current Huaqiang company would not be so sluggish, but nothing would have happened. Now when I reacted, I couldn't find so much money for publicity anymore, and even the research and development funds hadn't even been seen.

Huang Wanting finally helped him find Zhou Jin, and it turned into that situation in the end. On the other hand, the R&D team was still waiting for their funds to be in place. Fang Zhiqiang knew that the burden on her shoulders was still heavy.

At the same time, what Fang Zhiqiang did not know was that after Zhou Jin was rejected by himself, he still did not decide to give up. He called Xiaowu again. In fact, Zhou Jin seemed to be too lazy to contact Xiaowu before that. He was impatient when he promised to help, but now, he would take the initiative to call Xiaowu. This made Xiaowu very surprised, although Zhou Jin could promise to help. It was an unexpected joy for me, but Xiaowu could also feel Zhou Jin's attitude after all.

After the accident, Xiao Wu still answered Zhou Jin’s call, and after hearing what Zhou Jin said on the phone, the unexpected color on Xiao Wu’s face suddenly became stronger. At the beginning, Zhou Jin fell. He didn't mention much about Hua Qiang, but he kept politely with Xiao Wu. It was precisely because of this that Xiao Wu realized something was wrong. He knew that Zhou Jin must have something to do next. Please help yourself.

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