My Best Wife

Chapter 2797: Colleagues in the past (2)

Seeing Wang Yaxin's puzzled expression, Xiao Zhang didn't hesitate at all, and immediately said: "On the one hand, he is your friend, and you are my mentor. Naturally, I can't stand by and watch your friend's affairs. Fang Zhiqiang once represented the highest level of science and technology in the entire territory. After fighting with Juying for so long, this matter has long been ingrained in people’s hearts. Although it did not succeed in the end, Fang Zhiqiang can be regarded as giving us Everyone in the territory has a long face. To this point, shouldn't I help when his company encounters difficulties?"

Wang Yaxin couldn't help nodding her head again and again. The little follower who used to follow him wherever he went, has unknowingly grown into a man with his own independent thinking, listen to what he said at this moment Wang Yaxin felt unusually gratified in his heart. It was not only because Fang Zhiqiang was his friend, but also because Xiao Zhang had seen the value of Fang Zhiqiang with his own eyes. When Mingda failed, how many people thought about the result? ? After seeing the allegations against Mingda released by Juying, he began to criticize Mingda’s various faults. Xiao Zhang is obviously not one of them, because his mind is very clear and he can rely on his own judgment to At that time, Mingda made a correct evaluation, which is very commendable.

"Xiao Zhang, I believe that with your current ability, you will definitely be able to help Huaqiang a lot. I also welcome you to join. I dare not promise you too much, but there is one thing. As long as I am here, I will definitely not Something happened to you!" Wang Yaxin's face was solemn. After saying this, she couldn't help but stretched out her hand and patted Xiao Zhang's shoulder gently.

Hearing Wang Yaxin's words, Xiao Zhang once again looked at Wang Yaxin's palm that fell on his shoulder. After a moment of indulgence, he looked at Wang Yaxin again and shook his head lightly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Yaxin looked puzzled, and Xiao Zhang then said: "Do you think it is enough to guarantee that I will not have an accident?"

"Why..." Wang Yaxin couldn't react at this moment, and Xiao Zhang continued to explain without hesitation: "With so many colleagues, do you think it is enough to guarantee me alone? What did others say?"

"They...Didn't you say..." Wang Yaxin couldn't respond even more. Xiao Zhang said it before. He just notified those people, but now those people still say whether to join Xinya, but listen to Xiao Zhang's current words. The meaning of is obviously decided to come over.

"I haven't finished what I said before. When I told them that the new Asian law firm opened, almost everyone gave the same answer, the same as mine."

After Xiao Zhang finished speaking, he stared at Wang Yaxin's eyes intently, and a smile appeared on his face. It could be seen that Xiao Zhang still felt very proud of this matter, although it was not his credit, but After all, colleagues who used to work together can now make the same decision without an appointment. This is also a very passionate thing for Xiao Zhang, especially after listening to Wang Yaxin’s introduction of the current situation, Xiao Zhang feels even more It was like a group of brothers going up the knife mountain together, at least before, he had never felt this way before.

"Xiao Zhang, I'm serious. I have less time these days. On their side, I have to trouble you to persuade me. Don't come if you can. I really don't want to involve so many people. This is my own personal business after all, and I don’t want to involve you.” Wang Yaxin frowned, and she could see that she was really troubled because of this. If it were not a last resort, she would not choose to let Xiao Zhang stay. It's just that Xiao Zhang's words just made Wang Yaxin never think of any reason to reject him.

"Sister Wang, I have said everything that should be said, and you should also understand that you are not qualified to make decisions for us. What kind of decisions they make is their own business, just like you decided to help yourself Like my friend, it’s like I’m so determined to choose to join Xinya.” Xiao Zhang’s voice just fell and the phone just rang. Xiao Zhang looked away from Wang Yaxin and took out his own phone. He answered the phone with a smile on his face.

"Old Li!" Xiao Zhang called out just as soon as he got on the phone.

And when Wang Yaxin heard the name, he was obviously very familiar. He just watched Niu Xuhui making a call at this time, so he didn't interrupt.

"You said you have arrived in the commercial area? You send me a position, and I will pick you up now." Xiao Zhang's tone seemed a bit surprised, and after saying this, he hung up the phone in a hurry , Before he had time to explain to Wang Yaxin, he went to the door.

When Wang Yaxin saw this, naturally filled with doubts, he immediately asked Xiao Zhang, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, wait until we come back, let's talk about it, you are busy, I will pick up Lao Li." Xiao Zhang has already walked out of the door at this moment, after hearing Wang Yaxin's words, he didn't turn his head back, just after saying this, he watched There is no longer his figure.

Wang Yaxin sighed helplessly, and the room suddenly became quiet, but Wang Yaxin was unable to concentrate on his work at this time. Because of the previous group of colleagues, Wang Yaxin felt an inexplicable pressure at this moment. Without them , If you are alone, no matter where Xinya goes, no matter how you end up, at least this is a choice made by himself, Wang Yaxin naturally can’t blame anyone, the final result can only be his own choice to swallow But now, watching Xiao Zhang's passionate fighting spirit, and there is also an old Li, this makes Wang Yaxin feel even more breathless.

Sitting on the office chair, Wang Yaxin rubbed her eyes. In the past few days, Wang Yaxin even felt that her vision was blurred when she was looking at everything. She didn't know if it was because of overuse of her eyes or because she was too tired.

In this way, I don't know how long it took before Wang Yaxin gradually fell asleep.

After vaguely hearing a voice next to him, Wang Yaxin slowly opened his eyes, and vaguely saw two figures standing in front of him. After a closer look, it was Xiao Zhang and Lao Li!

Wang Yaxin immediately sat up from the chair, while Xiao Zhang said apologetically: "Sorry Sister Wang, I didn't know you were asleep, I knew I shouldn't have woken you."

Wang Yaxin rubbed her eyes and looked at Xiao Zhang and Lao Li. His head was dizzy for a while before he recovered. Then he quickly said, "No, I just squinted for a while, Lao Li, what are you doing? coming?"

"Didn't I listen to Xiao Zhang saying that Xinya opened, so I quit the job there as soon as possible. If you want to say that Yaxin, you are true, and Xinya opened, why don't you tell me in advance! "The old Li, who looks like his forties, stepped forward and smiled.

When Xiao Zhang heard this, he also stepped forward and said to Lao Li, "Lao Li, who can blame Sister Wang, who can blame Sister Wang for the opening of Xinya? No one has notified her of the opening of Xinya. I am also from the news. After I knew it, I took the initiative to call Sister Wang to learn about this matter, but now that you are here too, Sister Wang, you can talk to me directly."

Lao Li, compared with Xiao Zhang’s position in Yayu Law Firm, is one level higher. When he first founded Yayu Law Firm, Lao Li was introduced by someone. At the beginning, he was in many ways. There were disagreements with his own opinions. At that time, he and he had a lot of disagreements. But then, Wang Yaxin gradually realized that if he didn't listen to Lao Li’s suggestions, he would often end up losing money. At first, Wang Yaxin was still a little unconvinced. However, as time went by, Wang Yaxin found more and more of this situation, and finally had to admire that Lao Li's experience in all aspects was indeed more sufficient than himself. Since then, when something happens again, Wang Yaxin always I will ask Lao Li's opinion.

Looking back, and Lao Li hadn't seen each other for two or three years. At this moment, Wang Yaxin was also very excited.

"I didn't expect to meet again in this way. Although there are some things I don't want to say, since you are here, I think it's better to say it." Wang Yaxin sighed and said.

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