My Best Wife

Chapter 2773: client

But even so, Fang Zhiqiang could only say this cautiously, for fear that he would say a wrong sentence and make Huang Wanting sad again.

After listening to Fang Zhiqiang's words, Huang Wanting's slightly frowned brows finally relaxed, and then a smile appeared on her face again, and then looked helplessly at Fang Zhiqiang and said, "Qianzi, you are all here. What are you thinking about?"

After saying this, Huang Wanting couldn't help laughing again. To be honest, Huang Wanting had never seen Fang Zhiqiang's "cute" side. After all, she and Fang Zhiqiang used to get along like ordinary people. Like friends, two people have never had such an embarrassing moment when they are together. Therefore, seeing Fang Zhiqiang's helplessness and the far-fetched expression of being responsible for herself at this time, Huang Wanting couldn't help but laugh.

When Fang Zhiqiang looked at Huang Wanting’s nonchalant expression, he felt a little dull again. He felt that Huang Wanting’s behavior was either because she wanted to tell herself that she no longer remembered what happened last night. Because she didn't want to put too much pressure on herself because of this, or she was already angry because of one of her previous performances, so she didn't care.

"Wanting, listen to me, I know that you might not believe it, but I really... last night, I don't remember anything..." Fang Zhiqiang finally said this sentence. In fact, until now, he has not completely figured out whether anything happened last night. It just seems to have happened from Huang Wanting’s performance, but Huang Wanting has never given herself an accurate answer. Fang Zhiqiang's mind is completely messed up, and he really needs to figure this out.

When Huang Wanting heard the words, she smiled helplessly again, and then said: "What happened last night...?"

"Huh?" Fang Zhiqiang was stunned, looking at Huang Wanting's dazed and smiling expression, Fang Zhiqiang even felt that he was being mocked. It seemed that Huang Wanting treated herself like this on purpose to make herself feel that she didn't care. .

Continuing to look at Huang Wanting's indifferent expression, Fang Zhiqiang took a long breath again and released his inner depression. Just when Fang Zhiqiang was at a loss, Huang Wanting finally spoke again: "You just said Don’t you remember what happened last night? What happened last night?"

Fang Zhiqiang was finally completely stunned at this moment. Huang Wanting’s expression looked like she could lie, but she was so sincere and at a loss. It didn’t seem like she was lying. It’s impossible that nothing really happened last night. ? Just imagined it out of thin air?

At this moment, Huang Wanting's eyes flowed, and then she said again: "Maybe..."

"No, no! No! No! No!" Fang Zhiqiang hurriedly interrupted Huang Wanting. Judging from the meaning of Huang Wanting's words, it seems that nothing really happened last night. In this way, it is indeed true. I thought about it a lot, so Fang Zhiqiang hurriedly interrupted Huang Wanting at this time, for fear that Huang Wanting would continue.

Looking at Fang Zhiqiang’s flustered expression, Huang Wanting couldn’t help but smile again, and then finally sighed: “Look at what scared you! An adult man, why is this little thing scared like this? What happened is your wish. Everyone is an adult, and I will not sue you. Are you scared like this?"

After Huang Wanting finished speaking, she sat down again, turned around, and looked into the mirror and began to pack up her makeup. Fang Zhiqiang grinned helplessly, and then sighed. Hearing Huang Wanting's words, it seemed to be true It's a very simple matter, and it's not even worth mentioning. However, for Fang Zhiqiang himself, it is a very serious issue. Huang Wanting is indeed right. But Fang Zhiqiang is such a person. When you encounter this kind of thing, you will immediately panic. It was the same when I met Wang Yaxin before, and it is still the same when I meet Huang Wanting. Maybe in the future, when I encounter this problem again, I will behave the same, but Fang Zhi Qiang himself is very clear in his heart. The reason why he is so nervous about things like this is very important, and that is who he is with. If he is a woman who doesn’t have much friendship with him, perhaps he will relax in his heart. Many, but Huang Wanting is different. Huang Wanting is a very important friend of the opposite **** in Fang Zhiqiang's heart. Obviously it is impossible for him to do something like this with her. At least, Fang Zhiqiang himself would never do this. Thing.

Looking blankly at Huang Wanting who was putting on makeup, Fang Zhiqiang was still a little messy. After a while, he spoke again and cautiously asked Huang Wanting: "Wanting, what did you mean just now... Did you mean... …None of us happened last night?"

"Yeah! What do you think? You really think Huang Wanting is such a casual woman?!" Huang Wanting continued to put on makeup and said disapprovingly.

After Fang Zhiqiang heard these words, he finally relieved himself, patted his fist fiercely, and then looked at Huang Wanting again and said: "Since nothing happened, how do you look so abnormal today? ?"

"Abnormal? What's wrong with me? Haven't I been like this all the time?" Huang Wanting turned her head to look at Fang Zhiqiang with some doubts when she heard this, and asked.

"No, no, you don't usually look like this, usually you look like..."

"Like a man, right?" Huang Wanting interrupted Fang Zhiqiang's words, and then continued: "That's for sure, didn't I just wake up in the morning? I didn't go out to meet someone. Of course, it was my truest appearance. Just like you, when you are at home, don’t you look like a president at all? But when you get to the company, isn’t it completely different?"

Listening to Huang Wanting’s explanation, it seemed to make sense. Fang Zhiqiang nodded blankly, and then did not continue to say more, but for Fang Zhiqiang, no matter what, the impression Huang Wanting left in her heart today , It should not be erased for a long time.

Turning her head again, Huang Wanting continued to put on makeup, while Fang Zhiqiang froze for a while before heading to the bathroom.

After Fang Zhiqiang entered the bathroom, Huang Wanting suddenly stopped the eyebrow pencil in her hand. She originally looked at her eyes in the mirror, but also suddenly fell, staring at the table without focus, her expression suddenly fell into a dullness. In front of Fang Zhiqiang, Huang Wanting did not say much, but it does not mean that there is really nothing in her heart. She is still the same as before. She likes to hide everything in her heart. , As for what she is hiding, I am afraid that only she herself knows best.

After a while, when she heard the sound of the bathroom door opening, Huang Wanting regained her disapproving expression again. She continued to stare at herself in the mirror and put on makeup carefully. When Fang Zhiqiang walked over, Huang Wanting continued to speak: " Do you know why I put on such delicate makeup today?"

"Why?" Fang Zhiqiang is indeed curious. Huang Wanting's work is usually just a light makeup, just draw eyebrows and lipstick. But today is obviously different. I have been sitting here for more than ten minutes, and I even have a pink foundation on my face.

After Huang Wanting said these words, Fang Zhiqiang's eyes were also placed on the makeup mirror. Looking at Huang Wanting with pink cheeks in the mirror, Fang Zhiqiang immediately looked away again.

"Because I am going to see a client today." After Huang Wanting finished speaking, her eyebrows were drawn. After putting down the eyebrow pencil, she picked up the lipstick again and applied it carefully.

"Customer?" Fang Zhiqiang frowned in confusion. What kind of customer is it worthy of such a serious treatment by Huang Wanting?

"Well, to be precise, it should be your customer." Huang Wanting put on lipstick and continued.

"My client?" Fang Zhiqiang suddenly became more confused when he heard this.

"You'll know in a while. You should also pack up quickly. Don't let me be a woman, but wait for you a man." Huang Wanting looked back at Fang Zhiqiang's disheveled appearance and said.

Fang Zhiqiang looked down at his clothes, nodded in embarrassment, and then went to the bathroom again.

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