My Best Wife

Chapter 2772: Overnight (two)

But Fang Zhiqiang would naturally not forget that the reason why he chose to stay last night was because he could not bear to look at Huang Wanting's uncomfortable look, but never thought about what would happen, but when he thought of this, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but I was a little panicked. After drinking, I once had such things happen more than once. Although the subject was not Huang Wanting, although it was me who was drunk at the time, and this time it was Huang Wanting who was drunk, but Fang Zhiqiang knew very well about the chaos after drinking This principle, if something shouldn’t happen to Huang Wanting, then Fang Zhiqiang is really messed up. Originally, he was still entangled between Li Xiaoxiao and Wang Yaxin, and he didn’t know what he should do. Choose, and now add a Huang Wanting, isn’t this a life-death thing?

Fang Zhiqiang immediately looked down at his body subconsciously. Fortunately, the clothes were still there. She raised her head again to look at Huang Wanting, but she still had a smile on her face. Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but hesitated and asked: "You... …Why look at me like that?"

Fang Zhiqiang's words made Huang Wanting smile helplessly, and then looked at Fang Zhiqiang seriously and said: "It's been so long, you still don't trust me like you did before?"

"Do not trust you? How do you say this? I have never thought about it like this!" Fang Zhiqiang wondered why Huang Wanting suddenly said such a sentence, at least for herself, she had never thought about this problem. , And in her own heart, Huang Wanting has always been a very important friend to herself, and now suddenly it is very difficult for Fang Zhiqiang to accept such a sentence from Huang Wanting.

And Huang Wanting didn't rush, and after groaning for a while, she continued to speak, "Remember, the night we rested on a bed for the first time?"

Huang Wanting’s words made Fang Zhiqiang's speech congested again. He did not expect Huang Wanting to speak so straight, and Fang Zhiqiang had never seen Huang Wanting talk to herself in such an attitude since he had known each other for so long. What I imagined is completely different.

At this moment, Fang Zhi’s powerful brain is completely blank. He has no idea what ridiculous words Huang Wanting will say next, but from the current situation, no matter what Huang Wanting said, it does not seem to be excessive. If it was true last night of……

Seeing Fang Zhiqiang nodded stupidly, Huang Wanting suddenly coughed, and then continued to say: "Qiangzi, do you think I am greedy for your body?"

Fang Zhiqiang stared, and he couldn't say a word for a long time. He obviously felt that Huang Wanting today is very wrong. She is usually a girl who doesn't talk much. When she gets along with herself, she always I can say less. Many times, I can feel that there are a lot of things in her heart that she wants to say to herself, but in the end, she is very hard to restrain herself, without saying a word Export.

However, today, Huang Wanting who said these words is obviously completely different from usual.

"Wanting...Wanting...You...Did you...wake up from the wine?" Fang Zhiqiang couldn't think of other reasons to explain why Huang Wanting said such words to herself today, perhaps, most A reasonable explanation is what really happened last night. Only in this way will Huang Wanting say to herself what she wants to say.

But Fang Zhiqiang couldn't believe this. If that was the case, and he had this attitude now, wouldn't it be even more hurt and shocking to Huang Wanting? Even, it will make her think that she is a guy who eats nothing and does not admit it! If this is the case, then I have been greatly wronged, at least I have never thought about it like this, and Fang Zhiqiang has no impression in his heart whether anything happened last night. The drunk is Huang Wanting, and It was not himself, but he had no impression at all. Fang Zhiqiang couldn't believe this when he said it.

Unexpectedly, after Fang Zhiqiang's words fell, Huang Wanting immediately burst into laughter. Her feet were slowly put on the ground from the bed, and after taking off her shoes on the boat, she headed towards the dressing table, leaving only to Fang Zhiqiang. A back view.

Huang Wanting wore a close-fitting nightdress. The silky fabric looked as smooth and tender as a girl's skin. At the same time, Huang Wanting's graceful figure was fully revealed. Every time Huang Wanting took a step, her body swayed slightly. It seemed that Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help being a little absorbed for a while.

It was not until Huang Wanting sat on the chair that Fang Zhiqiang closed his eyes severely, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw again that Huang Wanting also turned her head and looked at herself with a smile, Fang Zhiqiang coming The more I felt that something was wrong, looking at Huang Wanting's state today, something must have happened last night, if not, she would never treat herself like this.

Last night, I was still thinking about what the relationship between myself and Huang Wanting would be like after the events of last night. Maybe there will be an invisible gap between the two people. For two people, Perhaps no one can step over, but now it seems that Huang Wanting’s attitude towards herself not only did not produce that invisible gully, it even made the distance between the two people much more advanced, which can cause this situation. , There is only one possibility.

Fang Zhiqiang was in a state of confusion. After staring at Huang Wanting's eyes for a long time, he finally got up abruptly and walked over towards Huang Wanting.

Fang Zhiqiang has always been Fang Zhiqiang. He can never control his sense of responsibility. Although he doesn't want to let things go to this point, but at this moment, he walks over to Huang Wanting like a ghost, and walks in front of Huang Wanting. Staring intently at Huang Wanting who was sitting in front of her, her breathing became quicker.

When Huang Wanting saw Fang Zhiqiang's appearance, she couldn't help being confused. Obviously, Huang Wanting had never seen Fang Zhiqiang at such a calm moment in such a long time. After pondering for a while, Huang Wanting also stood up, and the two of them looked at each other. Finally, Huang Wanting took the lead and asked: "Hadron...what are you...what are you doing?"

Fang Zhiqiang looked at Huang Wanting's somewhat puzzled expression, suddenly stretched out his arms, and took Huang Wanting's body into his arms, then closed his eyes tightly, and said word by word: "Don't worry. Wanting, I will not do anything to sorry you! From now on, you will be my person!"

I don't know what Fang Zhiqiang is thinking at the moment, but Huang Wanting is completely at a loss after listening to his words.

In fact, Fang Zhiqiang was in a mess in his own heart. He just thought that Huang Wanting’s state was too weird today. It seemed that something must have happened last night. Although he was not particularly sure in his heart, Fang Zhiqiang knew that he could not Just ask Huang Wanting directly if anything happened last night. After all, that would make Huang Wanting feel like she wanted to shirk responsibility. In this matter, she has already caused Huang Wanting to suffer so much harm. If this misunderstanding is caused, Let Huang Wanting fall into a state of depression again, for Fang Zhiqiang, it was the biggest sin she had committed.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Fang Zhiqiang finally came up with a method that he thought was perfect. He believed that if something really happened last night, then he would say that, even if he was responsible for Huang Wanting, at least, no. It would make her feel that she shirked her responsibility and fell into grief again.

After a while, Huang Wanting finally reacted. She gently pushed Fang Zhiqiang away, then frowned slightly, staring at Fang Zhiqiang and asked, "What's wrong with you, a strong son? Why do you say such things suddenly?"

"Wanting, listen to me. Actually, last night, I didn’t intend to stay overnight. It’s just that you were in the state at that time... I was also not at ease, and I couldn’t bear to see you being so uncomfortable. After all, this matter started because of me, but you have to believe me, I definitely don't have any bad thoughts!" Fang Zhi explained rigorously, as if he was afraid that Huang Wanting might misunderstand him.

On the one hand, he didn't want Huang Wanting to feel like an irresponsible man, so he couldn't directly say that he didn't remember anything from last night. On the other hand, he really didn't remember anything.

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