My Best Wife

Chapter 2774: New Asia Law Firm

Fang Zhiqiang has never realized that every time she leaves Huang Wanting’s field of vision, a strange expression will appear on Huang Wanting’s face, and for Huang Wanting, the things she has in her heart may never be. Fang Zhiqiang will mention it again.

Just now Fang Zhiqiang’s huge reaction, although Huang Wanting only made a joke with him on the surface, it actually hurt Huang Wanting’s heart greatly. Indeed, nothing happened last night. Huang Wanting is very Clearly, if it’s just this point, Huang Wanting doesn’t have to be so sad. After all, Fang Zhiqiang’s personality Huang Wanting is still clear. When the two people were in the same room, nothing happened, but Huang Wanting couldn’t think of it. But it was Fang Zhiqiang’s reactions afterwards. In fact, even if something really happened last night, Huang Wanting would not ask Fang Zhiqiang to make any requests, nor would he even ask Fang Zhiqiang to choose to be with herself, just like her. Just like what Fang Zhiqiang said, everyone is an adult. It’s your wish to do something like this. She will not make any request from Fang Zhiqiang, especially things that Fang Zhiqiang is unwilling to do. Like choosing to be with herself, if Fang Zhiqiang is unwilling to do that, Huang Wanting will definitely not force him.

However, seeing Fang Zhiqiang’s bewilderment and even confusion, Huang Wanting realized that perhaps for Fang Zhiqiang, even just a little closer to herself is a danger to him, maybe he is not at all. I thought about getting close to myself, let alone what happened, is it really that bad? Why did he not even give himself a chance to approach him? Why does he appear so flustered when he thinks something might happen?

Listening to the sound of the running water in the bathroom, Huang Wanting showed herself in the mirror with a stiff smile. From this moment on, she will always be a woman who pretends to be a woman with a smile. The former self, although not able to Get your own happiness, but at least, you also live your true self, live what you want, although there are many things that I have not been able to get, but for the half of my life, Huang Wanting is Satisfied, because I have the right and leeway to choose the life I want to live and choose to do what I want to do. Of course, there are some things that I can’t force. At this point, Huang Wanting has never I feel regretful, because I have actually been with that person all the time. Although in name, the two are just ordinary friends, but for Huang Wanting, this is actually a kind of spiritual sustenance.

But now, Huang Wanting realizes that in the eyes of others, she is not necessarily herself. The side that she wants to show to others may not be that way in the eyes of others. Therefore, since she no matter what she does, There is no way to change the way you look in the eyes of others, let alone change your position in the hearts of others, so why bother to struggle so much and make yourself so tired? Perhaps it is a wonderful life to leave others' opinions on yourself?

When Fang Zhiqiang came out of the bathroom, Huang Wanting had already cleaned up. Seeing Fang Zhiqiang's haircut just now, Huang Wanting nodded with a smile on his face and said, "So handsome!"

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he couldn't help but look at Huang Wanting up and down for a long time. Today's Huang Wanting is indeed exceptionally beautiful. However, Fang Zhiqiang feels that something is wrong, but it can't be said. Both words make Fang Zhiqiang feel that something is wrong. In short, today's Huang Wanting is not like the previous Huang Wanting.

Fang Zhiqiang didn’t know if this was his own illusion. Perhaps for him, the girl he knew before no longer exists. The woman standing in front of him now is a woman who has gone through many years. Even though she never got married, the dedication and innocence that once belonged to that girl was no longer found.

Time is the medicine to change everything. Maybe today you still miss the wonderful student days, but time will tell you slowly that the price of maturity is to let you forget the naive self, and even despise the naive yourself. I myself, no one knows whether this is right or wrong, because in this fast-paced era, there is no room for you to think. You can only keep moving forward and climbing, trying to prove your existence. Only in this way can you be a useful person in the eyes of others.

"You are also exceptionally beautiful today!" Although he felt something was wrong, Fang Zhiqiang nodded at Huang Wanting and said with a smile.

"Let's go, I have made an appointment with him, and we will meet at 8:30 in the morning." Huang Wanting raised her chin to Fang Zhiqiang, picked up her bag from the table, and walked toward the door.

When Fang Zhiqiang saw this, he couldn't help squinting his eyes. He was thinking: What is wrong with him today? Why does Huang Wanting always feel like a different person? Why do you always think she is not the Huang Wanting you know?

Today is the second day of the opening of New Asia Law Firm. Although Wang Yaxin did not publicize, and even the opening was silent, the news quickly spread throughout the Pearl City, including some of Wang Yaxin’s previous partners, After seeing this news on the Internet, many people began to try to contact Wang Yaxin.

When he left Pearl City, Wang Yaxin once changed his mobile phone number. The number used to have too many customers and too many inland people. During that time, Wang Yaxin wanted to start his life again. Everything in the world does not want to remain.

However, those former partners have their own ways. After finding Wang Yaxin's contact information, they began to keep in touch with Wang Yaxin one by one.

"Sister Wang, why don't you say hello to me on such a big event as the opening of your new law firm? Are you too interesting?!" Another call came in, and Wang Yaxin couldn't help but rub it. On my forehead, I got up at 7 o’clock today. This is the fifth call I have received. There have been a lot of things in the last two days. Besides, Zhang Ling also brought the children over, and she has to be busy arranging to live. The place where the two children go to school, so now these incoming calls seem to be particularly out of time.

Wang Yaxin sighed helplessly on the phone, and then said: "Xiao Zhang, the opening of the business is relatively rushed, so there is no time to inform them one by one. In addition, I have had a lot of things recently. Those former partners, please trouble you. Greetings for me, after these two days, I will contact you one by one, can you?"

When Xiao Zhang on the other side of the phone heard this, he naturally understood what Wang Yaxin meant, and immediately replied again and again: "Sister Wang, don't worry! Put it on me!"

"Okay, then I'll hang up first." Wang Yaxin really doesn't want to waste too much time on human relationships. After all, she is no longer what she used to be.

When she first debuted, Wang Yaxin knew that she was just a girl with a little professional knowledge, and she didn’t know anything when she was a fledgling girl. So at that time she also deliberately made many professionals in this area, including those former partners. I met at that time, but for the current Wang Yaxin, the most important thing is to seize the time to deal with these matters of Huaqiang, and to deal with these matters, although you may need help from others, the most important thing is your own profession. Knowledge and understanding of this matter.

After hearing Wang Yaxin's words, Xiao Zhang on the other side became a little anxious, and immediately said, "Hey, sister Wang, don't hang up!"

"What's wrong? Is there anything else?" Wang Yaxin asked with some doubts.

"Sister Wang, after the closure of the Yayu Law Firm, my work has actually been unsuccessful. As you know, I have been with the Yayu Law Firm since the internship. The law firm can be regarded as having a deep relationship, maybe because it is not suitable for other law firms, I still think that the Asian law firm is the best. Although the law firm is no longer available, as long as you have your law firm, I think they must be the best law firms! So... if Sister Wang doesn’t dislike it, how about this call as my employment notice?

"You mean... you're coming to Xinya to work?!" Wang Yaxin asked in a bit of astonishment.

"Yeah! Why? Sister Wang doesn't want me?" Xiao Zhang replied again.

Wang Yaxin said without hesitation: “That’s not what it meant. New Asia has just been established, and all departments of the law firm have yet to be improved. When joining now is not the best time, you will be very tired. If you want to join, it’s better. After a while, after everything stabilizes..."

"Sister Wang, didn't you slap me in the face when you said this? My Xiao Zhang has been with you for so long. You still don't know what kind of temper it is? I can't ask for something to do for Sister Wang! Just because Xinya needs it now. Manpower, I want to join even more!" Xiao Zhang's tone was extremely solemn.

Wang Yaxin sighed helplessly, and then said: "Well then, you come to work tomorrow."

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