My Best Wife

Chapter 2768: Drunk talk

He endured the uncomfortable all the way, so he went to Huang Wanting’s rental house and knocked on the door. Soon, Xiaoman opened the door and looked at Xiaoman with a smile on his face. Fang Zhiqiang nodded slightly, and then left. Coming in, with the help of Xiaoman, after putting Huang Wanting on the sofa, Fang Zhiqiang wiped the sweat from his forehead, then turned to look at Xiaoman, and said with a serious face: "It's so late, I will disturb you. Sorry."

It was at this time that Fang Zhiqiang noticed that the makeup on Xiaoman's face hadn't been removed yet, but Fang Zhiqiang didn't think much about it. Maybe Xiaoman just came back from outside, but Xiaoman's next words , But it made Fang Zhiqiang stunned: "Unexpectedly, I was able to receive a call from Mr. Fang. Although it was for Sister Qingqing, I still have to take it seriously. After all, we haven't seen each other for so long. , You can’t let you see me at first sight and don’t recognize me, right?"

Xiaoman obviously had something in the words, and Fang Zhiqiang naturally heard it instantly, but Fang Zhiqiang at this time didn't even have the intention to take these into account. Seeing Huang Wanting closed his eyes, Fang Zhiqiang immediately said: " It’s dawn, and she’s afraid of catching a cold here, so help me help her to the house."

Hearing this, Xiaoman also hurried forward, and Fang Zhiqiang raised Huang Wanting's arm, and the two of them walked into the room together. The moment they walked into the room, Fang Zhiqiang smelled a faint smell. The smell is very similar to that on Huang Wanting. After Xiaoman turned on the light, Fang Zhiqiang took a look at the furnishings in the room. Although the room is not large, there are still guitars and pianos. This is Fang Zhiqiang. I realize that although Huang Wanting has already withdrawn from the entertainment industry, she has never given up on her pursuit of music. Perhaps it is for this reason that Huang Wanting has always been working in Xiaowu’s company. Maybe , Huang Wanting actually participated in the production of music, but now she may not let her name appear in the public eye.

After finally putting Huang Wanting on the bed, Fang Zhiqiang once again looked up at the furnishings in the room, while Xiaoman was standing aside at this moment, his mouth squirmed a few times, as if he wanted to say something, but he groaned. After a while, but still remained silent, Fang Zhiqiang raised his head and caught a glimpse of Xiaoman's hesitant appearance, and immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

"No... I just..." Xiaoman was vomiting nervously, no one knew what she was really thinking in her heart, and no one knew what she wanted to say at the moment, but what she said next was: "I was just thinking, do you want to help Sister Qingqing dress..."

Hearing this, Fang Zhiqiang reacted. Huang Wanting was already lying on the bed safely. It seemed that it was not a suitable thing to stay by herself. So after a moment of indulging, Fang Zhiqiang lifted his steps. , Preparing to leave, at the last moment of turning around, Fang Zhiqiang glanced at Huang Wanting’s cheek again, wondering what the relationship between himself and Huang Wanting would be like after tonight’s events, in short, I should say tonight What shouldn't be said, I have already said it. As for how Huang Wanting would remember tonight after waking up from the wine, or how he would treat the words she said to her, this is a mystery.

After a while, Fang Zhiqiang finally turned around completely. Since sooner or later, he has to leave, since sooner or later he has to go through this day, one day earlier and one day later, what's the difference?

But at this moment, a palm of Fang Zhiqiang's wrist suddenly grabbed, which made Fang Zhiqiang's body just turned stiff in place. Before he turned around, Fang Zhiqiang felt something about him. The sound of rapid breathing.

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang’s brain was blank. After a while, he had a sense of consciousness. He was already drunk and unconscious when he just looked at Huang Wanting. Now, the person holding his wrist can hardly be Huang Wanting. Right? Then, there is only another possibility, that person is Xiaoman!

If it was Xiaoman, Fang Zhiqiang would be able to breathe a sigh of relief. After all, when he was in front of Xiaoman, his psychological pressure was a little less, but if it was Huang Wanting, then Fang Zhiqiang really didn’t know how to deal with it. All right.

"Don't... don't go..."

Just as Fang Zhiqiang was thinking about these messy things in his mind, that almost begging tone came from behind, making Fang Zhiqiang's stiff body tremble again, but the voice sounded like Huang Wanting's voice, but Fang Zhiqiang couldn't understand why, Huang Wanting was clearly drunk just now, how could she do such a thing at this moment?

At the same time, the rapid breathing just became more intense, Fang Zhiqiang heard a voice again: "Uh...Fang President...I...I'm going out first..."

Fang Zhiqiang turned his head slowly, but he saw Xiao Man on the side already facing the door. When Xiao Man walked out of the room, Fang Zhiqiang's gaze slowly moved away from Xiao Man. Suddenly, he felt a warm breath coming from the base of his ears, turning his head like an electric shock. Fang Zhiqiang suddenly found that Huang Wanting was kneeling on the bed at the moment, staring at herself with blurred eyes, muttering in her mouth. What he was talking about, those rosy and full red lips were facing his face, this scene made Fang Zhiqiang take a step back subconsciously.

It was at this moment that Fang Zhiqiang finally understood what Huang Wanting was muttering vaguely: "The strong son... don't go... don't leave me, I... I love you very much, you really Don't you know? Can you really not feel it at all? Don't leave me, even if it's just a day, can you?"

Fang Zhiqiang can’t tell if Huang Wanting’s words are sober or confused. Looking at Huang Wanting’s squinted eyes, Fang Zhiqiang doesn’t know if she is awake or asleep, but the tone is very clear. Fang Zhiqiang felt extremely uncomfortable as if begging after another.

Have you ever thought of hurting such a kind girl? Huang Wanting has been able to go to this day, it is already very difficult, she has not helped in any way, if now because of herself, let her suffer such pain, how can Fang Zhi be stronger than his heart?

" you know? For countless nights, I can dream of you, holding hands with you, dreaming of singing with you, dreaming of drinking with were clear then and sometimes The fuzzy face, like a light, is beckoning me to move forward, let me follow in your footsteps, I admit that I am not good enough, neither Yaxin's ability nor Xiaoxiao's innocence and cuteness, I am like a marginal type of person, unable to go up and down, maybe such a person is not qualified to get any happiness, I understand, so I chose to leave at the beginning and chose to fulfill your happiness, but Has anyone ever thought that for a person like me, it is also necessary to care and care? In your eyes, I am a very self-aware person, so you think I can handle myself well Isn’t it right? Isn’t it me that I don’t deserve anyone’s sympathy at all? Isn’t it, you... at all... never cared about my feelings?"

At the end of the talk, Huang Wanting suddenly lay on the bed again without warning. Her body was bounced up by the soft mattress, causing Huang Wanting's throat to make a strange sound.

Fang Zhiqiang thought that Huang Wanting was going to throw up, and immediately there was no time to think so much, so he bent down and wanted to bring a trash can by the bed to prevent Huang Wanting from throwing up directly on the bed.

But at the moment Fang Zhiqiang had just bent down, Huang Wanting suddenly stretched out her arms again and took Fang Zhiqiang's body into her arms.

Feeling the softness in his chest and the frantic heartbeat, Fang Zhiqiang stiffened his bent body in place, his hands not knowing where to put them, warm breathing around his ears, and the frantic heartbeat in his chest. It's like how I felt when I first fell in love.

How ridiculous!

He is already a 31-year-old middle-aged man, so he still has such naive ideas? But in fact, how can Fang Zhiqiang know that feelings are always limited by age, but in the past, he never carefully thought about the feelings between himself and Huang Wanting. Now the two people suddenly have such close contact. , Fang Zhiqiang couldn't adapt completely at once. Perhaps he realized at this moment that for himself, Huang Wanting has always lived in her heart, never left, and cared about her in the name of a'friend' , Remember her, but in fact, her meaning in her heart has already surpassed any friendship.

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang no longer wanted so much, and finally slowly raised his hands and took Huang Wanting’s soft body into his arms, even though this posture had already numbed Fang Zhiqiang’s legs. But he still didn't move, just hugging the woman in front of him tightly, this was the first time.

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