My Best Wife

Chapter 2767: Come back home

The words of Li Xiaoxiao made Fang Zhiqiang speechless. Since the last time he met Li Xiaoxiao, Fang Zhiqiang himself didn’t know how long it had been. For him now, Li Xiaoxiao had gradually faded out of him. He seems to have adapted to life without Li Xiaoxiao, but Fang Zhiqiang knows very well that even if there is really nothing between him and Li Xiaoxiao, there is still Xiao Ai Li as a bridge after all. In this life, he It is impossible to completely cut off relations with Li Xiaoxiao.

However, Huang Wanting in front of her was already drunk like this, and she obviously couldn't let it go. So after a moment of indulgence, Fang Zhiqiang replied: "Or tomorrow, I have something to do now."

"Of course, you just come over to see the child tomorrow, okay?" Li Xiaoxiao replied.

After hanging up the phone, Fang Zhiqiang took a long breath. From the tone of Li Xiaoxiao’s just now, Fang Zhiqiang probably heard that her mood now seemed to be quite stable, but Fang Zhiqiang knew that Li Yonggui’s death would be to her The shock was huge, even if she tried to pretend that she didn't care about anything, in fact, Fang Zhiqiang could clearly feel the scars in her heart.

"Wanting...Wanting?" Fang Zhiqiang called Huang Wanting's name over and over again, just wanting to ask her whereabouts. However, Huang Wanting slept very heavily and ignored Fang Zhiqiang's words at all. After calling it several times Fang Zhiqiang looked back again. Huang Wanting still did not open his eyes at the moment. Fang Zhiqiang sighed helplessly. When she was worried, she suddenly remembered that Huang Wanting should have been living with Xiaoman this time. So Fang Zhiqiang made a call to Xiaoman.

"President Fang? Why did you suddenly call me?" Xiaoman on the other side was surprised when he received Fang Zhiqiang's call, and asked like this.

Fang Zhiqiang also smiled awkwardly: "Xiaoman, sorry to disturb you so late, I want to ask, is Wanting still living with you now?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Xiaoman replied disapprovingly.

Fang Zhiqiang continued: "I just drank some wine. Wanting drank a little too much. I fell asleep now. I want to send her back. Could you please send me the address later?"

Xiaoman listened to Fang Zhiqiang's words word by word, until the moment she finished listening, she finally fully reacted, and then said with a little excitement: "Okay, I'll post it right away!"

When Xiaoman, lying on the bed, looked at the phone in his hand and sent the location to Fang Zhiqiang, he immediately got up and dressed up in front of the mirror. No one knew what Xiaoman was thinking in his heart now. Even Huang Wanting doesn’t know at all. It seems that Xiaoman doesn’t care about Fang Zhiqiang at all now, and no longer actively appears in Fang Zhiqiang’s line of sight, and even seems to be able to avoid Fang Zhiqiang all the time. Huang Wanting even thought that Xiaoman was unlucky looking at Fang Zhiqiang now, so he didn’t want to approach him anymore, but in fact, only Xiaoman knew in his heart that Fang Zhiqiang was what he had in mind for the former self. The male god, the kind that can only be seen from a distance but not profanity, strives to be outstanding, and appears in Fang Zhiqiang’s sight with effort, only to attract Fang Zhiqiang’s attention, at least to let Fang Zhiqiang know, there is another called Xiaoman The girl likes him.

But now Xiaoman has completely changed his mind, not only because of Fang Zhiqiang’s current situation, but also because of Xiaoman’s own thoughts. Fang Zhiqiang will always be a very important man than himself. , He even let himself find himself, find the direction of his efforts, become a better person, and be worthy of the person he likes. For Xiaoman at that time, this is very important.

And now Xiaoman’s thoughts are actually very simple. When Fang Zhiqiang was down, all he could do was not to disturb him. Although he didn’t get along with Fang Zhiqiang much, Xiaoman knew very well. No matter what kind of situation Fang Zhiqiang is in, it is impossible for him to choose to be with himself, not only because of his status and ability, because in Fang Zhiqiang's heart, there have been two women, even for a long time. Over time, even Fang Zhiqiang himself can’t tell who he wants to be with, but he has never appeared in his shortlist. In addition, Fang Zhiqiang’s recent emotional problems, Xiaoman I feel that I shouldn't bother him at this time, and that he should be cleaned up for a while.

However, Xiaoman never expected that Fang Zhiqiang would take the initiative to contact herself. Although it was for others, Xiaoman was still very excited. So at this moment, she dressed up in the mirror very patiently, and just removed it. His makeup, repainted, and the hair that had just fallen apart, was re-tied, and there was a burst of light in his eyes, as if he didn’t know that he was tired, although it was just a simple encounter, even Fang Zhiqiang. He wouldn't look at himself, but Xiaoman still tidied away with him, even if he only appeared in Fang Zhiqiang's eyes for a moment, he must be the most perfect and delicate self.

In the taxi, Huang Wanting slept very deeply. Her profile was leaning against Fang Zhiqiang’s shoulders. Although she was a bit sore, Fang Zhiqiang remained motionless. Feeling Huang Wanting’s body tilted more and more severely, Fang Zhiqiang felt the more It became more and more unnatural. Although the relationship between myself and Huang Wanting has always been an extremely pure friendship, after all, there has never been such a close contact, not to mention that I just happened to say that today.

However, Huang Wanting, who was already asleep, didn't care about that much. After a while, her body fell straight down, her head lying directly on Fang Zhiqiang's thigh.

Looking at Huang Wanting’s messy hair, the trembling eyelashes on her closed eyes, and the faint fragrance on her body, Fang Zhiqiang forced herself to look away. There was a lot of traffic jam on this road. At this moment, the taxi Standing still in place, Fang Zhiqiang was also extremely anxious, while Huang Wanting was lying on her lap, turning her body from time to time. At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang tried to divert her attention to keep herself awake.

"Master, why don't you leave?" Seeing the car in front finally started to move, Fang Zhiqiang immediately spoke to the taxi master.

"Good!" The master heard the sound, then released the brakes, and the car finally moved away slowly like a tortoise.

But what made Fang Zhiqiang even more helpless was that after the car began to move, Huang Wanting's body became even more dishonest and began to wander around. Fang Zhiqiang even wanted to lift her up, but looking at her slightly frowned brow, after all Still softened, can only endure uncomfortable.

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