My Best Wife

Chapter 2769: Drunk Talk (2)

Xiaoman, who had already left the room, stood at the door, turned her head and glanced at the door that she had closed, and couldn't help taking a long breath. Although she couldn't hear what Huang Wanting and Fang Zhiqiang were saying, she passed Fang Zhiqiang’s performance tonight is enough to understand the difference between Huang Wanting’s weight in Fang Zhiqiang’s heart and her own weight in his heart. In fact, for Xiaoman, this is not particularly surprising. After all, Fang Zhiqiang before. I have already said it to myself. Although those words sound very hurtful, Xiaoman also knows that they are Fang Zhiqiang's words from the bottom of his heart. At least, he has not deceived himself. In fact, this is a very rare quality. Right!

However, thinking about it, Xiaoman couldn't figure out what happened to Fang Zhiqiang and Huang Wanting tonight? If the two of them declared together in this way, wouldn't it be a big joke? At least, it couldn't be the two people who decided to be together after drinking and drinking. Whether it is for Huang Wanting or for himself, Xiaoman feels that if this is the case, it would be too inappropriate.

So after pondering for a moment, Xiaoman turned around again, stretched out his fingers, and hovered over the door, Xiaoman hesitated again. Anyway, no one can say about the relationship between Fang Zhiqiang and Huang Wanting. Qing, Xiaoman, who has been around Huang Wanting for so long, is even more clear. If the two of them really want to be together, then no matter what others say, they can’t stop it, let alone. With his own ability.

Even if I can really prevent them from happening tonight, what about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? For so long, I can't stay by Huang Wanting's side forever, right? Therefore, even if there is a lot of unwillingness and reluctance in my heart, in fact, I can't change anything.

At the same time, Huang Wanting held Fang Zhiqiang tighter and tighter, and even Fang Zhiqiang felt that it was difficult to breathe at the moment. However, feeling Huang Wanting's sometimes silly laughter sound, Fang Zhiqiang still endured the numbness of his legs. Holding Huang Wanting like this.

After all, Xiaoman outside the door couldn’t hold back his impulse. No matter what happened to them, it was their own business. But tonight, Huang Wanting had become so drunk that she had such a good relationship with Sister Qingqing, absolutely Can't watch her suffer like this!

Of course, this was a reason Xiaoman gave himself, just a reason to interrupt them to continue, and with this reason, Xiaoman would naturally no longer have any concerns, and immediately stretched out his finger. Knocked on the door of the room.

Fang Zhiqiang remained motionless when he heard the knock on the door outside. In fact, Fang Zhiqiang knew exactly what he was doing now. Even though the posture between himself and Huang Wanting at this moment seemed unsightly, Fang Zhiqiang did not think of hiding it. Who, let alone feel that this is a shameful scene, so Fang Zhiqiang immediately said: "Come in."

Obviously, in this suite, besides himself and Huang Wanting, the remaining person is naturally Xiaoman, so who else is knocking on the door at this moment, besides Xiaoman?

Sure enough, after Fang Zhiqiang's voice landed, after a while, Xiaoman slowly walked into the room, looking at Fang Zhiqiang who was still holding Huang Wanting motionless, Xiaoman immediately went up. Qian said: "What are you doing?"

It sounds like Xiaoman’s tone is righteous, and it seems that it is indeed for Huang Wanting’s safety, and he does not want Huang Wanting to suffer in this way, and Fang Zhiqiang also replied very seriously: “Wanting drinks a lot and is a little excited. , It will be fine in a while."

"You..." Although Xiaoman has found a reason for herself, she still knows very well that she is actually deceiving herself at this moment. Even if she is watching this scene between Fang Zhiqiang and Huang Wanting at this moment, Xiaoman is still It is clear that in fact, I have no position to say that they are not.

"What's the matter?" Fang Zhiqiang still didn't move, listening to Xiaoman's hesitant voice, just a faint question.

Xiaoman is also riding a tiger at this moment. Since he has already entered, he can't do nothing, right? Summoning his courage, Xiao Man suddenly said: "You know that Sister Qingqing drank too much, so you still treat her like this? I warn you not to do anything excessive!"

Fang Zhiqiang reacted when he heard Xiaoman's words, and realized Xiaoman's purpose of entering the room again, and then Fang Zhiqiang slowly took Huang Wanting away from the palm of his hand, and then stood up straight. Then he patted his numb legs, then looked up at Xiaoman and said: "You misunderstood, I didn't think about it, just..."

"Don't explain! I originally thought you were a gentleman, but I didn't expect that you were also a hypocrite taking advantage of others!" Xiaoman might not even know what she was talking about. After speaking, she began to regret it. However, looking at Fang Zhiqiang's dumbfounded expression, he had no choice but to continue to bite the bullet and say: "I advise you to leave now, otherwise, I will call someone!"

Fang Zhiqiang looked at Xiaoman as if it didn’t seem to be a joke. He smiled helplessly, then turned his head and glanced at Huang Wanting again, and said, "Take care of her tonight. If she says anything nonsense, Just listen, she really drank too much."

After finishing talking, Fang Zhiqiang finally walked towards the door. Xiao Man had not reacted yet. Seeing Fang Zhiqiang's back gradually disappearing, she had an urge to rush forward and stop Fang Zhiqiang for some reason.

Xiao Man was taken aback. This was in Sister Qingqing's house, and he had just disturbed the two of them, so there were still such evil thoughts in his heart at this moment! What is going on with yourself? Do you really want to be a bad woman with no morals? Do you really have to sorry Sister Qingqing?

I kept reminding myself that Xiaoman didn’t open his mouth after all, so he watched Fang Zhiqiang walk out of the room quietly, and then he let out a sigh of relief. Before he took a breath in his heart, he heard lying on the bed again. Huang Wanting continued to mumble: "Don't go..."

Xiaoman looked at Huang Wanting's uncomfortable look, and immediately walked over, took Huang Wanting's hand, and said over and over again: "Sister Qingqing, I'm here, I'm not going, don't worry..."

"Qianzi...Don't you very much..." However, the response Xiaoman got was Huang Wanting's reply. He mumbled a lot before, but Xiaoman didn't hear it clearly. Yes, that's what Huang Wanting said very clearly. Listening to what Huang Wanting said, Xiaoman couldn't help shaking her eyes and eyelashes. She suddenly felt that she was already a bad woman.

After leaving Huang Wanting’s rental house, Fang Zhiqiang did not go directly to the garage. Instead, he walked on the side of the quiet road in the dead of night, in the huge Pearl City. At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang felt an inexplicable sense of loneliness. She has been with someone and has known Huang Wanting for so long. She has never left herself. No matter how far the distance between the two people is, Fang Zhiqiang always feels that he cares about her in his heart, and he can also feel her love for himself. Worry, this subtle feeling makes Fang Zhiqiang feel very comfortable. Although it is not as good as the feeling between himself and Wang Yaxin or Li Xiaoxiao, it has a different taste. The tranquility and indifferent makes Fang Zhiqiang feel that this life may be possible. Will not change.

However, I did not expect that after the wine tonight, the relationship between myself and Huang Wanting will be destined to change. Maybe this is not Huang Wanting’s original intention, nor her own expectations, but in this case, this Once something is pierced, it is destined not to be the same as before. This is inevitable.

On the other side, I originally thought that Wang Yaxin was able to stay this time. It was good news for myself. Perhaps the story between myself and Wang Yaxin has never ended. Now, it has finally continued. The signs of development, but Li Yonggui's sudden death gave Fang Zhiqiang the first blow, and Fang Zhiqiang clearly realized that perhaps the original idea in his heart was too naive and too ideal.

Where is Li Xiaoxiao? It can’t be said that she betrayed herself. She left at the beginning to ease the relationship between herself and her. In other words, she just couldn’t figure out some things for a while, and wanted to let this way Just think about some things clearly. In this way, I can’t say that she is wrong, but I don’t know why, I just feel that with her departure, the relationship between myself and her is far from the end. It seemed that it was over, and it was precisely because of this that I felt that Wang Yaxin's choice to stay this time was great news.

However, God’s will is unpredictable, and creation makes people. After all, destiny arranges itself to be entangled again between the two of them, and once again a dilemma, only this time, not because of the vacillation in my heart, nor because of my own. He hesitated, but because of Li Yonggui’s death, perhaps he is now mature and correct in making his own judgments in the relationship, but Fang Zhiqiang has always been aware of his weaknesses in his personality. He knows he is a People who are overwhelmed with compassion know that they are always eager to maintain their ridiculous sentiment in this society full of money and full of open and secret struggles. Therefore, Li Yonggui's entrustment to himself before his death has become Fang Zhiqiang's greatest heart A knot.

Speaking of which, apart from himself and Li Yonggui, no third person knew about this matter. Even Xiaoma didn’t even know the existence of this matter. However, Fang Zhiqiang knew very well that since he had agreed to Li Yonggui, Then you have to fulfill your promise. I have always done this. Even if no one knows about this, I must not violate my promise. Even though, that may not be my original intention...

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