My Best Wife

Chapter 2762: Drinking

Huang Wanting continued to speak: "In the past few years we have known each other, I have seen many things, whether it is Li Xiaoxiao or Wang Yaxin. In fact, you know very well in your heart that their feelings for you are true, but What happened later? The people who should leave still left. In fact, they may not know what they think in their hearts. When they decide to leave, maybe their brains are completely blank!"

"Why are you talking about this all of a sudden?" Fang Zhiqiang heard a little cloud and mist. Although he saw that Huang Wanting today is very wrong, he did not expect that Huang Wanting would say such a thing, and then he pondered for a while. , Fang Zhiqiang said such a sentence.

"Nothing, just have a chat!" Huang Wanting pretended to be calm and waved her hand. In fact, she wanted to continue to extend this topic so that she could better say what she wanted to say, but it depends on Fang Zhiqiang. This emotion at this time seems to be inappropriate to continue.

"Wanting, for my own relationship history, I actually feel a little inferior. I know that when the two people left at the beginning, although there were very good reasons, I still think it is my problem. If it is just leaving alone If it doesn’t, it may not explain much, but if both of them choose to leave, it may not be their problem, but my problem.”

Fang Zhiqiang’s remarks shocked Huang Wanting's heart. Although they had known each other for such a long time, the two of them knew each other very well. However, Fang Zhiqiang rarely talked to Huang Wanting about emotional issues, so Huang Wanting didn’t even know. Fang Zhiqiang actually had such thoughts in his heart, so Huang Wanting stared at Fang Zhiqiang with a stunned look at the moment, and asked, "Why do you have such strange thoughts?"

Huang Wanting does find it very strange. Anyway, in Huang Wanting’s eyes, even if Fang Zhiqiang is not a victim of the two relationships, at least he has not failed to fulfill his responsibilities and obligations as a husband. On the other side, why in the end, he still had such strange thoughts in his own heart? Even inferiority complex?

"In fact, if you think about it carefully, it is true. Many times, we are used to looking for problems from others, but we often ignore our own problems. I think maybe I take a serious look at my own problems. I can understand where the problem is. Maybe everything that happened before is irretrievable, but at least, I can make my own life a little easier in the future, and even prevent similar problems from happening again."

Regarding Fang Zhiqiang’s remarks, Huang Wanting nodded after pondering for a while, and then said again: “Of course, it’s obviously not a wrong thing to be able to find the cause by yourself, but I don’t think you need to take all the responsibilities. Stopped on yourself, and even make you feel inferior..."

Huang Wanting's words are here. The beer moved over. Fang Zhiqiang picked up a bottle of beer and two quilts. After opening them, they poured them on each other. Then he looked at Huang Wanting again and said, "These things are actually very strange. Who are we? Neither can control our own emotions, nor can we control our inner thoughts. When that feeling occurs, no matter how we try to eliminate it, it has no effect."

"Come on! Get a drink!" After Fang Zhiqiang finished speaking, the wine was just full, and he handed Huang Wanting a glass. Fang Zhiqiang took the initiative to take the glass and said so.

Upon seeing this, Huang Wanting did not hesitate to pick up the quilt, beer, this thing hasn’t been drunk for a long time. When the first bite came into her mouth, Huang Wanting felt a sour sensation. In fact, the taste is not It's not delicious, but I don't know why, I actually have such a special feeling for wine, is it just because I drank with Fang Zhiqiang before?

After a cup of food, the two of them faced each other again. Fang Zhiqiang looked at Huang Wanting's expression as if she had taken soup medicine, and then smiled and said, "Looking at you, this wine seems to be very painful. Look! We are all our own. If you don’t want to drink, just drink less and just talk. There is no need to make yourself drunk."

When Huang Wanting heard this, she couldn't help but smile, but after a moment, she said seriously: "Actually, I have always wanted to get myself drunk during this period of time, but I have not been able to find a suitable time. There is no suitable candidate. You happened to be here today, so it is because you were out of luck. You happened to be hit by me. Naturally you can't escape this wine today."

Fang Zhiqiang smiled helplessly, then poured another cup, and continued to speak: "Actually Wanting, I have something to tell you..."

"It's better for me to come first, ladies first!" Huang Wanting heard Fang Zhiqiang's words. For some reason, she seemed even more alarmed, so she interrupted her opening.

Fang Zhiqiang was also at a loss. Huang Wanting had already prioritized it once, so why should he give priority at this time? But Fang Zhiqiang looked at Huang Wanting curiously and asked: "What? Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"Of course!" Huang Wanting did not deny. After saying this, she looked at Fang Zhiqiang with a solemn expression again, and after a while, she said, "I have to talk to you first. I do have a lot of things today. I want to tell you, so you just sit down and be one of my listeners. You don’t need to say so much, just listen to me quietly."

The more Fang Zhiqiang listened, the more interesting he became. Originally, I thought that Huang Wanting looked at everything wrong today. However, after hearing Huang Wanting’s words, he couldn’t help but froze. If this is the case, it would be a good thing, at least It can be explained that Huang Wanting's mood at the moment has stabilized, otherwise, if it is the same as before, not saying a word, that is the most troublesome thing.

"That's good! Tell me, I'll listen honestly!" Fang Zhiqiang nodded slightly, and said with an obedient expression.

"Come on, before I talk, let's touch a glass!" Huang Wanting raised the glass again and actively said this to Fang Zhiqiang. Fang Zhiqiang was taken aback, and then said again: "There is no need to drink so fast, let's talk and drink slowly. Isn't it good?"

"Don't ink! Can you look like a man?!" Huang Wanting said so, and then ignored Fang Zhiqiang, took the cup and drank it by herself, while Fang Zhiqiang looked at Huang Wanting at the moment and swallowed blankly. He spit, and then drank the glass of wine.

At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang seems to have reacted, just like what Huang Wanting said. She was indeed seeking drunk today. She looked at her painful expression when she drank the first cup, but she still drank so much. Violently, this is obviously trying to be drunk.

But in fact Fang Zhiqiang didn’t know a lot. Huang Wanting drank so hard, she really wanted to put herself into a state of drunk and drunkenness earlier, because she had prepared so many words, and when she was not drunk, she was very It’s hard to tell. Today’s Huang Wanting has worked hard several times. She also thinks that she has plucked up the courage several times, but in the end she still couldn’t say it. So at this moment, if she doesn’t use the power of alcohol, maybe those I will never have a chance to say it today.

After drinking a few glasses of wine in a row, the dishes came up. After the two of them took a few simple mouthfuls, Huang Wanting's face looked a little stunned. She looked at Fang Zhiqiang and said, "Qiangzi, do you know? You have been in my heart for so long, but you are not just a friend at all."

"What...what do you mean?" Fang Zhiqiang was completely stunned when he heard this. Although Huang Wanting was a little confused after drinking a few glasses of wine, Fang Zhiqiang at this moment is still very good, looking at Huang Wanting. The slightly sullen expression and the words she had just said made Fang Zhiqiang immediately confused.

"You big idiot, did you always think that I just used you as a buddy?" Huang Wanting smiled helplessly, then looked at the cup in her hand again, and after pouring a glass of wine, Huang Wanting picked it up again , This time she didn't find Fang Zhiqiang to clink glasses at all, she just drank it all, and then her eyes fell on Fang Zhiqiang again, and she raised her eyebrows and said, "Is it?"

Fang Zhiqiang was stunned for a long time, but looking at Huang Wanting's serious expression, it was obviously not like a joke. After pondering for a while, he finally said, "Could it be... isn't it?"

"Haha!" Huang Wanting smiled immediately when she heard Fang Zhiqiang's hesitant answer.

At this time, Fang Zhiqiang was completely messed up. He didn’t know what Huang Wanting would say next, and looking at Huang Wanting’s state at this moment, Fang Zhiqiang seemed to have some reaction. Perhaps today’s scene is actually Huang Wanting’s early. As expected, only oneself has been unaware, until this moment, did he react.

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