My Best Wife

Chapter 2763: Drinking (2)

"Qiangzi, I admit that I am really stupid. I can't even say what I want to say in my heart. I have to use alcohol to say it. But I thought about it and it didn’t make any sense to continue like this. Let’s talk about it, after all, you’re still single now, there’s nothing left to say. As for what will happen next, I don’t know. If the final result is really unsatisfactory, then I have nothing to do. So many people can pursue themselves. What I really want in my heart, why can’t I?” Huang Wanting said, while staring at Fang Zhiqiang’s eyes intently. At this moment, she has completely let go of her heart. Since she has decided to say it all, Then there is no need to twitch as before.

Fang Zhiqiang was stunned for a long time. Before Huang Wanting spoke, Fang Zhiqiang did notice something wrong in his heart, but he did not think about it. At this moment, after hearing Huang Wanting's words, Fang Zhiqiang finally understood completely. Huang Wanting Today, Fang Zhiqiang finally understood what he wanted to say to himself. However, for Fang Zhiqiang at this moment, he was obviously not fully prepared. After hearing those words from Huang Wanting, he should do something. What kind of answer, Fang Zhiqiang did not have any preparation in his heart, the sudden words caught him off guard. But Huang Wanting still keeps his eyes intent. Under her gaze, Fang Zhiqiang is very clear that no matter what the answer is, at least he can't be like what he is now, without saying a word. If this continues, Huang Wanting will naturally not give up.

After pondering for a while, Fang Zhiqiang finally said: "Wanting, in fact, there are many things, you don’t need to say, I also understand in my heart, the relationship between you and me is no longer three or two days, and I know it in my heart. , In fact, for us, no matter what happens in the future, at least under the current situation, none of us should cross the thunder pond half a step. Maybe my words sound a little unfavorable, but I have already told you before , My current state, and the true thoughts in my heart, these things are actually completely impossible to change and control, even if I keep reminding me how I should be, or what I need, but when things come, I still have no way to control my emotions, or even my own actions, to say something ugly. Even now, in an extremely emotional situation, I have made a decision that I had never thought of before, but a few days later, I Maybe you will regret it, so many things happen naturally, not by force."

Fang Zhiqiang’s words have already expressed his meaning very clearly, because he doesn’t want to continue listening to Huang Wanting to speak so seriously. In fact, deep in Fang Zhiqiang’s heart, no matter what his current situation is, it’s impossible. With Huang Wanting, at least in this life, the two people will always have no relationship. Therefore, Fang Zhiqiang does not want to look at Huang Wanting so seriously, but in the end he has a disappointed expression, even if he can't be with her. Together, but Huang Wanting's personality and attitude towards herself, Fang Zhiqiang clearly sees all this in her own eyes, and Fang Zhiqiang is obviously not willing to make her sad.

But it was Fang Zhiqiang’s resolute attitude that almost killed all of Huang Wanting’s inner illusions. At this moment, she stared at Fang Zhiqiang's eyes intently, and began to waver imperceptibly. After coming back for a long time, Huang Wanting finally returned His gaze fell on the wine glass in her hand, and just when Huang Wanting was about to raise the wine glass again to drink it, Fang Zhiqiang on the side finally stopped and said: "Wanting, don't drink anymore, I know you want What to say, even if you don’t say a word, I understand it. What I just said has no other meaning. I just want to tell you that there are some things that we can’t do in our lifetime. Once we do It will not bring us any happiness, but will keep us trapped in it all the time. I have had a very profound experience before, and sometimes it sounds like just a sentence of poisonous chicken soup, but In fact, life is like this, and none of us can escape. If it weren't for this, those poisonous chicken soup would naturally not exist."

A smile appeared at the corner of Huang Wanting’s mouth, but the wine glass in her hand did not lower. She raised her head and glanced at Fang Zhiqiang, her pupils were shining with tears under the dim light, and then she took a long breath. Suddenly picked up the wine glass, and finally drank the glass of wine again. At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang could not help but feel distressed when he saw this scene. No matter what kind of relationship he has with Huang Wanting now, even if it is still just ordinary Fang Zhiqiang couldn’t help but feel the pain in his heart. Fang Zhiqiang understood Huang Wanting’s life, but it was actually full of ups and downs. Watching Huang Wanting’s arduous journey to the present, Fang Zhiqiang knew very well that she In fact, she is a very poor woman. What shouldn't be absolutely wrong is that Huang Wanting once again fell into the whirlpool of emotions because of her own reasons. Although speaking, this is not something she can control, but after all, Or because of myself.

"You want to warn me that you should never drink the poisonous wine of'love', right?" Huang Wanting drank it again, then pondered for a long time, waiting for the cold wine to enter the abdomen and the alcohol to flow into the blood vessels. Huang Wanting spoke again and said something like this. At this moment, Fang Zhiqiang has also noticed that Huang Wanting’s eyes look a little blurred. A woman who often doesn’t drink alcohol has already made her feel a little drunk after drinking three bottles of beer. But there is a good saying: vomiting after drinking. Mantra. Although the words spit out may not all be true words, they are at least more truthful than the usual words. Huang Wanting’s words just now are actually questioning Fang Zhiqiang. After all, Fang Zhiqiang himself is also a A man who is deeply tortured by love, what qualifications does he have to persuade others not to provoke love?

Indeed, this question raised by Huang Wanting is actually a pitfall for Fang Zhiqiang. No matter what answer she makes, there are questions. However, since the words have been asked, Fang Zhiqiang naturally cannot really say nothing. So after pondering for a while, Fang Zhiqiang finally said: "I didn't mean that, but everyone is different, and they also have their own love. For me, my love is long gone. Nowadays, what I am looking for is no longer the vague things of love, but for you, you can pursue your own love, and you can also use your own efforts to get all the things you want, but you can Certainly, some people are not destined to be your love. If you have to force it, perhaps the final result will not only make you feel at a loss."

Fang Zhiqiang thinks that he has said clearly enough. Although some words have not been stated clearly, he has actually expressed his attitude, and he has given Huang Wanting a very clear advice. However, for Huang Wanting at this moment, As if she hadn’t heard the words of Fang Zhiqiang at all, she barely hesitated at the moment, and she said: “Who is your own love? I think this is not judged by others, right? An adult People, if you don’t even know this point, then I think this person might not deserve her own love at all, and I don’t think I am such a dumb person. At least, I can tell the difference clearly. , Who is the person I love in my heart, who is the person I like, the things I seek, or those people, maybe still very far away from the current me, but it doesn’t mean I will give up, after all There will be no pie in the sky. Everything is achieved through my own efforts. If even I am reluctant to make such an effort, then who will give all this to me?"

"So, you mean, no matter what, you have to keep going?" Fang Zhiqiang probably noticed Huang Wanting's determination at this moment. It seems that she will not shrink from this matter, as if she has already If she is fully prepared, she won't say these things to herself if she is not prepared, but once she decides to say them, she can't simply change her mind.

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