My Best Wife

Chapter 2761: What's wrong with Huang Wanting (2)

Huang Wanting fell silent. What she said just now was just to divert the topic. In fact, she was in a state of confusion at the moment and didn't know what she should say. After a while, both of them came outside the company. At this time, Fang Zhiqiang glanced at the sky that was already close to dusk through the high-rise buildings, and then turned his head again to look at Huang Wanting and asked, "Shall we find a place to sit?"

This sentence made Huang Wanting fully react, and immediately took the lead. While walking, Fang Zhiqiang said, "Let's go, I know there is a place."

When I arrived at this night market stall, dusk had come completely, and the street lights on the street had already been lit up. Fang Zhiqiang looked at the not-so-bright light bulbs hanging on the stall, looked at the busy boss, and Those smiling diners could not help but ripples in their hearts.

In the past, I used to eat street stalls every day. Even at that time, I thought that it was a very happy thing to be able to eat street stalls every day. At that time, I was just like them, with my face always hanging on my face. With a bright smile, my self at that time...

Fang Zhiqiang didn't dare to think anymore. After struggling for so many years, now he has returned to the original point, back to the time when he had nothing, but unlike before, he no longer has the kind of carefree The feeling of worry, the state of being able to be happy every day, Fang Zhiqiang rarely thinks about such a question, because he knows that it is meaningless, and the things in the daily life are indeed more Many, especially the events of Huaqiang Company some time ago, made Fang Zhiqiang unable to spare time to think about those issues.

Thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult for Fang Zhiqiang to find that almost every time he is full of nostalgia for the previous time, Huang Wanting is always standing next to him. Coincidentally, at this moment, Huang Wanting just happened to speak to Fang Zhiqiang: "How Do you feel that you don’t deserve your current status if you haven’t been to this place for a long time?"

"Haha..." Fang Zhiqiang smiled helplessly, then said: "What identity am I now?"

Yes, Fang Zhiqiang himself didn't know what his identity was. He said that he was the president of Huaqiang Company. That was true. However, in fact, there is no place in his body like a president at all.

"If that's the case, let's go! Why are you in a daze!" Huang Wanting finally showed a sweet smile on her face. This is exactly the same as her before, and it seems that she has only reached this place. After that, Huang Wanting was able to truly experience the happiness of the past, and Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but smile when he saw this scene, and then took the initiative to step forward and said: "Let’s go, it’s indeed been a long time since I came here. I planted a place, and speaking of it, I really miss it!"

Fang Zhiqiang's words were just casual, but when she heard Huang Wanting in her ears, she felt a sense of loss inexplicably. She didn't know why she was lost. She hasn't been here for a long time. Place, should I miss it so much? What was wrong with Fang Zhiqiang's words just now? Obviously there is no problem.

But for Huang Wanting, the problem is not Fang Zhiqiang’s words just now, but Fang Zhiqiang’s inner thoughts. What he said'somewhat nostalgic' made Huang Wanting feel that everything related to the stalls in the past was not at all present. What a deep impression Fang Zhiqiang left in her heart, as she said, it was just a little nostalgic.

"Boss! Come and get the skewers!" Huang Wanting pretended to be proficient in sitting on the chair, and shouted to the stall owner. She wanted to return to the former feeling and wanted to make everything the same as before. Sitting across from him was the former Fang Zhiqiang, and he was also the former self, including beer and small skewers, which were all the same tastes of the past.

However, after a while, the stall owner said to Huang Wanting: "I'm so sorry for the beauty, it's cold now, we no longer sell skewers."

When Huang Wanting heard this, she couldn't help but froze, and then her eyes circled around involuntarily, and finally looked at the stall owner again and asked, "If you don't sell skewers, what do you sell?"

"Hot dishes, and hot pot." The stall owner responded enthusiastically.

When Huang Wanting heard the words, she couldn't help but froze again. It seemed that she had ignored the season and time. Now the weather has indeed turned cold. Look at the diners around, indeed there are no skewers, and Fang Zhiqiang at this moment He kept staring at Huang Wanting and seeing Huang Wanting's somewhat sluggish expression, Fang Zhiqiang immediately turned his eyes to the stall owner and said, "Then give me some hot dishes!"

After simply ordering a few hot dishes, Fang Zhiqiang sat down next to Huang Wanting. Although the skewers had been cancelled, the stall was still there. There were still many people sitting outside for dinner. Fang Zhiqiang naturally understood Huang Wanting. The thoughts in my heart, the reason why I came to this place and ordered skewers as soon as I opened my mouth, is naturally to re-experience the former feeling, but if you want to eat hot pot, naturally you have to enter it, so naturally there is no The feeling of the past.

"Hot dishes are also very good. At this time, it's really not very suitable for skewers, right!"

Fang Zhiqiang turned his head to look at Huang Wanting, with a smile on his face, and said disapprovingly. Obviously, Fang Zhiqiang’s words were just to comfort Huang Wanting’s mood at the moment, but wanted to tell Huang Wanting that what he was eating was not The important thing is the mood of the two people at this moment.

Huang Wanting nodded after hearing the words, then turned around again, and continued to say to the boss who had not yet entered the house: "Bring us a box of beer!"

"Good!" After the boss responded, he walked into the house.

The table was cleaned and there was nothing. Huang Wanting stared at the table intently at this moment. The dishes were ordered and the beer was ordered. At this time, the two of them fell into silence again. Huang Wanting felt that There is a little embarrassment, but I really don’t know what I should say. With so many words prepared before, I can’t say a word at this moment, and Fang Zhiqiang at this time obviously feels the same. Looking at so many people around who are smiling so happy, his face is full of sadness.



Before the beer moved in, the two people suddenly spoke in unison, their voices overlapped, and both of them were once again caught in embarrassment.

Immediately, Huang Wanting took the lead and said: "Let me talk first, ladies first!"

Fang Zhiqiang smiled and nodded. Although the expression on his face looked a little stiff, after all, it was a smile.

"Actually, I really want to say something to you." Huang Wanting sorted out her emotions, and after pondering for a moment, she said this again.

Fang Zhiqiang stared at Huang Wanting curiously, and did not speak, but the meaning was already very obvious, and he continued to wait for Huang Wanting's next words.

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