My Best Wife

Chapter 2453: Night Thoughts (2)

Even if she knows that a person’s life can be very difficult, even if she knows that while taking care of her children, she must also take care of her parents. This is a very difficult thing, but she will not lower herself because of this. The standard of choosing a spouse is not because of this, because this is her bottom line, this is her principle.

Abandoning Fang Zhiqiang may make Li Xiaoxiao feel regretful at this moment, but if she is given another chance to choose, she will still do so.

Rather than guarding the one he loves most, but feeling the unprecedented loneliness, it is better to let go for love and let him find the happiness that belongs to him. As for himself, even if he is in hell, he will be the beauty of adult after all. The person you love continues to be happy, as if he has taken his place and passed his own life.

Let it go, how can you give up if you don't torture people all over your body as a dog thing in life?

There is also Wang Xia who can't sleep.

Li Yonggui told Wang Xia about the divorce between Li Xiaoxiao and Fang Zhiqiang. Since it is now a fact, there is no need to keep hiding it. When Wang Xia heard the news, he was not surprised. Fang Zhiqiang During the hospitalization, Li Xiaoxiao's performance had already made her guess about this, and now, watching Li Xiaoxiao take this last step, Wang Xia's heart is also extremely complicated.

Fang Zhiqiang is also a man she is very familiar with. Wang Xia also understands his character. Can a man who would rather give up his career for his wife not love his wife? Besides, Fang Zhiqiang is still a man who is so enthusiastic about his career?

But Wang Xia also understands that this is the end of the matter. It is obviously meaningless to discuss the topic of love and not love now. She doesn't know why Li Xiaoxiao will do things so decisively, but she understands that Li Xiaoxiao gives up It is not only Fang Zhiqiang, but also love, or a man.

She knew very well that for Li Xiaoxiao, Fang Zhiqiang was her best choice. If she did not choose to be with Fang Zhiqiang, she would not be able to find another man in the future. After all, the age was different. Now, her perception of love is completely different from the past. Once she was able to love Shang Zhiqiang so purely, it can only be said that Fang Zhiqiang appeared at the right time.

At that time, Li Xiaoxiao was so pure and innocent. She had never been in love before, and Fang Zhiqiang lived and died in love. That feeling can be remembered by a woman for a lifetime.

Fang Zhiqiang is honored to be the first man Li Xiaoxiao loves deeply, but for a woman, she will only love one man in her entire life. Even if she meets other people in the future, she will never treat the first one again. The feelings of men do not depend on whether men are good, but on women's thinking.

When she is willing to give everything for a man, the whole world is that man, but once this relationship is over, it will also teach a woman a painful lesson, letting her realize what the world is like, the legendary love, What is it like?

Maybe they don’t understand for the time being, but they no longer have the innocent love they used to have. They subconsciously remind them all the time, before deciding to pay, to weigh the pros and cons, to see if this man is worthy of being unconditionally and without a bottom line. Give, if there is no good result in the end, how should I respond? How should the relationship between two people be handled?

Therefore, after leaving Fang Zhiqiang, Li Xiaoxiao is no longer the same Li Xiaoxiao she used to be. There are only two choices she faces, either sinking in this way, or looking at life and love again, perhaps, for her own children. For the future of her parents, she will find a man again and get married hastily.

However, based on Wang Xia's understanding of Li Xiaoxiao, she thinks it is almost impossible for Li Xiaoxiao to do so.

Even if she has the heart to abandon her love, even for her children, even for her parents, she will not ruin her life, let alone her body.

Li Xiaoxiao was originally such a person, this point will not change no matter when.

"Hey... life, why do you like torturing these kind-hearted people?"

At this moment, Wang Xia was sitting on her balcony and looking at the night sky outside, she sighed and said to herself.

Men would never understand women's minds, and Fang Zhiqiang would never know the thoughts of Wang Xia and Li Xiaoxiao.

Speaking of it, Fang Zhiqiang should be the most at a loss, and the person who least knows where he should go next. Even though he had thought of such a result during his hospitalization, he still did not expect that Li Xiaoxiao finally really Will such a decisive choice to abandon this relationship, the love they have jointly managed, the love crystallization they have cultivated together, these, Li Xiaoxiao has not cared at all? Is she really disappointed in herself to this point?

I once promised her, no matter what, I will try my best to give her a happy life, no matter what, I will make the next life more and more happier.

She believed in herself, maybe, she didn't do it, or maybe it was the happiness she wanted that she could never give.

Fang Zhiqiang couldn't understand the reason, and couldn't understand what he should do. If Li Xiaoxiao didn't file for divorce, how would he manage the rest of his life? Can Li Xiaoxiao feel happy?

Fang Zhiqiang seemed to be trapped in this vicious circle, and he was still unable to get out. He couldn't think of a way to deal with it, and he didn't know what he should do to do better.

In retrospect, after Li Xiaoxiao told herself about divorce, it was really difficult for her to accept it for a while. Proposing to Wang Yaxin was indeed mixed with selfish desire to resolve embarrassment. Now Fang Zhiqiang, who has completely calmed down, looks back again When I was thinking about it, I realized that no matter what time I was supposed to bear, I still couldn’t escape it. Even if Li Xiaoxiao didn’t file for divorce at that time, their current living conditions could How long will it last?

It just so happened that Wang Yaxin was standing by his side at the time, and he could use Wang Yaxin to resolve the embarrassment and at the same time give Wang Yaxin an account of what he has done to him over the years.

But now Fang Zhiqiang has already figured it out. This idea of ​​his is actually naive. Even though he was really successful at that time, the relationship between himself and Wang Yaxin has completely changed.

Fang Zhiqiang is now a little scared. He is afraid that examples like himself and Li Xiaoxiao will happen to him and Wang Yaxin again at that time. He is afraid that he will bear the kind of heart that Li Xiaoxiao brings to him again.

However, I was afraid that it would not be able to solve any problems. At least Fang Zhiqiang knew very well in his heart that Wang Yaxin wanted nothing more than a stable home and constant companionship for her so long dedication. In other words, when she had troubles, she could Find a listener and listen to her heart carefully. After all, no one's life is easy.

However, it is such a simple point that has become a problem for Fang Zhiqiang now.

He even rejoiced that Wang Yaxin was sober at the time. If she really agreed to her, then what exactly was the relationship between herself and her? Is it just a return? Or pity?

Today, Fang Zhiqiang has been thinking about the words of Bi Luochun and Liu Yan. Is it really that difficult to let himself say a word that Wang Yaxin wants to hear?

In fact, it’s not difficult at all. Fang Zhiqiang knows that only a word from herself, Wang Yaxin will definitely agree to and accept it, and she will live happily from now on, the relationship between herself and her , It will not change the taste.

But in the end he didn't say anything. Until this moment, Fang Zhiqiang fully understood that what he wanted was not only Wang Yaxin's happiness, but also the trace of persistence in his heart.

Thinking back to the marriage between myself and Wang Yaxin, her departure caused a lot of harm to me. At that time, I was unwilling and sad, but over the years, those sadness has long since disappeared with time. There was no trace of her, and even as Wang Yaxin did more and more things for herself, she still had a trace of gratitude for her.

But feelings, after all, are only feelings, moved, and after all, they are only moved.

The two should not be conflated, let alone betray their feelings because they are moved. That would be irresponsible to oneself and also irresponsible to Wang Yaxin.

Fang Zhiqiang believes in his own inner voice. At present, he does not have much love for Wang Yaxin. More, he is just moved. But he can't understand that even if he wants to make Wang Yaxin feel happy and happy from his heart, why he Can't you try to fall in love with her? Isn't this what she wants most?

If one day, I can do this and say to her with a clear conscience: ‘I love you’, wouldn’t it be the best ending? Wang Yaxin got what she had always wanted, and she could finally have a clear conscience, and after being with Wang Yaxin, it was no longer just for repaying her.

However, that day may be very far away, at least for now, Fang Zhiqiang has no such idea.

Closing his sour eyes, Fang Zhiqiang rubbed his eyelids, his eyes were a little moist, and he felt sleepy.

Thinking of going to see the current situation of the R&D team tomorrow, Fang Zhiqiang finally put aside all the troubles and tried to fall asleep.

Even if you want to choose Wang Yaxin, you should at least have enough capital. Even if you can't let Mingda return to its former glory, at least, it can't be what it is now.

The next day, when the sky was dark, Fang Zhiqiang woke up naturally, without any urging in his head, nor any interruption, Fang Zhiqiang opened his eyes in a ghostly manner.

Looking at the bright sky outside, Fang Zhiqiang frowned and rubbed his eyes to check the time. It was only six o'clock in the morning.

Maybe it was because I suddenly fell asleep in someone else's house and I was not used to it.

After getting up from the bed, Fang Zhiqiang simply washed, and then went to the kitchen to get busy. No matter how good Bi Luochun has a relationship with him, after all, Fang Zhiqiang would still feel a little uncomfortable in someone's house.

Especially when passing by the door of Liu Yan's mother's bedroom, Fang Zhiqiang had to slow down deliberately, for fear of making noises and waking them up.

When Bi Luochun and others got up, Fang Zhiqiang had already prepared breakfast. Looking at the hot food on the table, Bi Luochun suddenly exclaimed: "My God! I haven't seen you in a few days, Qiangzi has become a Master cooking?!"

"Not bad, it seems that Xiaoxiao has trained him well!" Liu Yan also said with a smile.

But as soon as the voice fell, Liu Yan realized that she seemed to have said something wrong, and immediately changed her words again: "But now, it's cheaper for us, haha!"

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