My Best Wife

Chapter 2452: Night thinking

"In this way, Mr. Zhang, don't worry. After we meet, we will talk about this in detail. No matter what the difficulties are, as long as the R&D team can persist, we must persist!" Fang Zhiqiang's tone was a little excited Said.

The news that Zhang Zhenguo told himself today was definitely a surprise for Fang Zhiqiang. The downfall of Mingda made Fang Zhiqiang extremely uncomfortable. Recalling the promises he had made to Wang Xia, he couldn't fulfill any of them now. If there is a chance to operate Mingda again, Wang Xia can be considered as an explanation.

But Fang Zhiqiang of course also knows that it is very difficult to achieve this. The current problems are only the early problems. For their entire team now, the source of funds is obviously the biggest problem. The group has already No longer, financing is impossible. It is quite difficult to operate the entire team with just a few people's savings.

After listening to Fang Zhiqiang's words, Zhang Zhenguo also sighed helplessly: "President Fang, to be honest, this is the biggest problem now. If this problem can be solved, the next thing will be logical."

"Mr. Zhang, don’t be so optimistic. It’s just the beginning. The road ahead is still a long way. When we were at Mingda, we encountered the same troubles. I think we will still encounter the same troubles in the future. Having said that, let’s just say something straight. If we decide to stick to it today, the road ahead will be more difficult than that of Mingda at the beginning. Mr. Zhang, have you ever worried about this?"

Fang Zhiqiang's tone is extremely serious, not only asking Zhang Zhenguo's questions, but also asking questions about himself. Does he really have that determination?

"President Fang, I have considered this issue. In fact, for me now, more money and less money are really not that important anymore. After all, I am at this age. It takes too much expense. What makes me determined to stick to it is not that it can bring me much profit, but the strength of not admitting defeat, especially when I see the R&D team standing firmly on me When I was in front of me, my heart was moved by it, and I even found the energy that was when I was young."

Zhang Zhenguo’s serious answer allowed Fang Zhiqiang to find the answer. It’s not that he can’t live a poor life, nor can he stand the unbearable pain and torture of ordinary people. It’s just that things that once belonged to him were just watched by others. Taking it away, but not saying a word, made Fang Zhiqiang unwilling, and he couldn't swallow this breath.

"Well, let's meet at Yueting Media tomorrow morning."

After talking about ten o'clock, he finally hung up the phone. Fang Zhiqiang, who could not fall asleep, was more energetic at this moment. After learning about this, Fang Zhiqiang felt his heartbeat speeded up.

Fang Zhiqiang felt excited as long as he thought that Mingda could make a comeback.

However, after a while, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but frowned.

Mingda Group, if the name that was once such a resounding name really came up one day, how many people would be happy in the entire business district? How many people will be unhappy?

Juying now dominates the entire science and technology circle again. After the fall of their biggest rival, Mingda Group, they naturally went smoothly. In the entire technology circle, no company dared to stand up against them because Mingda is a living example.

In the past, Mingda was so big that it could not escape this fate in the end, let alone those other small and medium-sized enterprises? Even if there are 10,000 people in their hearts that are unwilling, they dare not act.

Juying naturally knows this too. To them, being able to defeat Mingda is honorable and worthy of publicity. On the one hand, to highlight the strength of their group, on the other hand, it also warns those who are dissatisfied with them. If companies want to challenge them, they must first think about whether they have that ability.

As for Juying, if they find that Mingda has once again emerged, will they still give Mingda a chance to rise?

Thinking of this, Fang Zhiqiang frowned. Perhaps, it was time to think about how to make Mingda rise secretly without leaking any wind.

But this is impossible. As a R&D team, behind the large amount of funds required, it is natural that the products they have developed are required for high-profile sales. This, in the entire technology circle, is obviously unavoidable. .

Since this doesn't work, is there any other way?

Fang Zhiqiang fell into a period of thought.

At the same time, at Li Yonggui's home, Li Xiaoxiao was lying on the bed, and the little Ai Li next to him had fallen asleep quietly, while Li Xiaoxiao had her eyes open. She was expressionless and no one knew what she was thinking. what.

"Qianzi...Perhaps this is perfect for you?" After a long time, Li Xiaoxiao said to himself.

In fact, Li Xiaoxiao knew Fang Zhiqiang’s thoughts very well, even including Fang Zhiqiang’s thoughts on Wang Yaxin. Li Xiaoxiao knew everything in her heart. The reason she insisted on leaving Fang Zhiqiang was on the one hand because their lives were really unsustainable, and on the other hand. On the one hand, she really wants to complete Fang Zhiqiang and Wang Yaxin. If they can live happily, it would be a good result for Li Xiaoxiao.

On the one hand, it can solve one's own problems, and on the other hand, it can also be adult beauty. For Li Xiaoxiao, is this not a kind of happiness?

But now that everything is settled, why can't I be happy?

What I gave up was not just Fang Zhiqiang, but also my inner passion for love. Letting go might reduce a lot of pressure on me, but at the same time, I would also have a new perspective on love.

Now Li Xiaoxiao has not found the answer in her heart. She doesn't know what love is. The man she once loved so deeply has now parted ways with herself. Except for Xiao Ai Li, they seem to be no more. There is no other intersection, although I think in my heart, as long as he can be happy, what does it matter even if he allows himself to pay? But another voice in my heart kept telling myself that if Fang Zhiqiang is really with Wang Yaxin, then in this life, maybe I will never have the opportunity to be with my favorite man again.

A woman who pursues love to the extreme, what kind of experience would it be if she let her live with a man she doesn't like that much?

Wang Yaxin is so mature and rational, at least he has tried to be with a new man or even start a new family.

But what about Li Xiaoxiao? She would not even have this idea. For her, it seemed that Fang Zhiqiang was the only one in her life. If she couldn't continue with Fang Zhiqiang, she would only have to go lonely.

In fact, she still doesn’t know what to do next. She had planned everything before, but now it seems to be more difficult to implement. She suddenly realized that when she decided to give up, it was Very easy, after still giving up, all these things that I have to face are so difficult.

Thinking of this, Li Xiaoxiao pursed her lips slightly, and comforted herself: "Maybe, this is also the spring part of my growth!"

Yes, to make such a decision, for Li Xiaoxiao, it is naturally a kind of growth that allows her to see more clearly what everything in the past means to her, and what she will face next Everything, what does it mean.

Turning his head, Li Xiaoxiao looked at Xiao Ai Li next to him. He slept very quietly, and a smile appeared on the corner of Li Xiaoxiao's mouth. If he could be like him, don’t want anything, just need to be happy, that would be great. ?

It's a pity that I have already passed the carefree age. The difficulties and unhappiness in life can be replaced by no one except myself. Even if the parents love themselves again, others should take care of themselves. No, it is precisely because of this that the current Li Xiaoxiao is unwilling to share so many of her own thoughts with her parents, because she knows that even if she speaks it out, her parents have no way to solve it. The only thing that is brought to them is There are only worries. Seeing that they are all seniors in their sixties. In the few remaining years of life, Li Xiaoxiao wants to make them live happily, instead of still worrying about their own affairs.

Over the years, although my parents did not give me enough care when I was a child, my parents played a crucial role in every aspect of my growth. Even if they were wrong sometimes, Li Xiaoxiao could still Clearly felt that it all came from their deep love for themselves.

Turning my head and looking at the night outside the window, it is not as quiet as I thought. The city seems to be in noisy all the time. Even if it is late at night, it still can’t change this. Listening to the vehicles passing by Li Xiaoxiao couldn't help but sighed long.

In this world, there are countless people fighting for their ideals and future every day, but in the end, how much can they get? Like their parents, when they were young, they even spared no expense in their careers. They did succeed. However, what they got was really what they wanted? Are they really happy now?

Li Xiaoxiao couldn't understand whether a person should live to be happy or to be recognized and respected by others.

A person like his father, if he can succeed in his career, if he cannot be recognized and respected by others, even at his current age, he will still not feel that his life is going well. Li Xiaoxiao can totally imagine this. get.

For some people, the source of their happiness comes from others' recognition and respect for themselves.

But Li Xiaoxiao knew that she was not such a person. It was not that only money could bring happiness to herself, and she was never a person who chased fame and fortune.

Even if there is only a simple room and simple three meals a day, there are many ways to be happy. In the past, Li Xiaoxiao felt that as long as he could stay by Fang Zhiqiang, he would be very happy and very happy.

However, everything that happened later made her soberly aware that her thinking was wrong. After so long, Li Xiaoxiao discovered that everyone's requirements and desires for happiness are constantly changing. Now, how can I find my own happiness? Li Xiaoxiao also had no answer in her heart.

Perhaps, the simple girl once no longer exists. Now I am just a woman who has been washed away by reality. My thoughts that I took for granted can no longer continue to work, unknowingly. , I actually became the kind of person I hated the most?

Li Xiaoxiao didn't want to be such a woman. To her, it was like a walking dead, living this life according to the route prescribed by others, almost starting and ending her own life under the control of others.

No matter how poor, she firmly chose not to worship money.

No matter how frustrated, she sticks to her inner moral bottom line.

No matter how sad she is, she insists on her own standards and ideas for the pursuit of happiness.

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