My Best Wife

Chapter 2454: Other house

Liu Yan's voice fell, and Bi Luochun showed an awkward smile on his face. He knew that Liu Yan had just missed the word and forgot that Fang Zhiqiang and Li Xiaoxiao had divorced.

"Qianzi, Yanzi just woke up, her mind is muddled, don't listen to her!" Bi Luochun said, looking at Fang Zhiqiang with a smile on his face.

Liu Yan also smiled apologetically. If it was normal, Bi Luochun would obviously not dare to speak to her in this tone, but listening to Bi Luochun's unpleasant tone at this moment, Liu Yan did not refute anything. , Obviously, she knew that she had said the wrong thing, and it was still very serious.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard the words, he waved his hand disapprovingly and smiled: "Hurry up and taste it while it's hot, even I myself admire my craft!"

"Okay, then you eat first, let's wash it." Bi Luochun raised his hand, took Liu Yan on the side, and walked to the bathroom.

At this moment, in the bedroom of Bi Luochun and Liu Yan, Liu Yan's mother walked out with her baby in her arms.

While coaxing Xiao Haruko who had just woke up, she looked at Fang Zhiqiang at the dining table, and immediately said, "Hey! Why are you cooking?"

"Auntie, I'm used to it at home, and it's okay to get up in the morning." Fang Zhiqiang took off his apron and looked at Liu Yan's mother with a smile.

"Oh! If you know that Yanzi got up so late, I got up to cook. Really, she got up late the first day you came. It's so shameless!" Liu Yan's mother said with an annoyed look.

"It's okay auntie, you just happen to be able to **** craft. If you think it's okay, I will do the cooking in the future." Fang Zhiqiang laughed.

"Huh?" Liu Yan's mother was stunned. After watching Fang Zhiqiang for a long while, she nodded stiffly, and then said: "Hehe...How can you let the guests cook? You don't have to worry about this mess in the future. Thing."

Although Liu Yan’s mother hadn’t finished what she said just now, Fang Zhiqiang had already seen something in her expression. She seemed quite shocked by what she said just now. Perhaps, she heard her say, “Do it later. I’m shocked by this kind of meal, right? Maybe she was shocked because she thought she would live here forever?

In fact, this is not surprising, Fang Zhiqiang can understand, but at this moment he also finally realized that Bi Luochun and Liu Yan have already formed a complete family. Every day they are in their home, Bother them.

When eating, Fang Zhiqiang kept watching Liu Yan's mother coaxing Xiaochunzi to eat. At the beginning, Fang Zhiqiang didn't think there was anything. After all, this was his godson too, and he teased him from time to time.

However, Xiaochunzi's noise was getting worse and worse, Liu Yan's mother even held up the spoon in her hand anxiously and blew the soup in the spoon for a while before slowly delivering it to Xiaochunzi's mouth.

Looking at this scene, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't help but think of his son, Xiao Ai Li. He had done a lot of such things when he was at home before. Looking back now, it seems that everything happened yesterday, but today, it seems like It is no longer yesterday, and everything from yesterday cannot be repeated.

Bi Luochun seemed to see what Fang Zhiqiang was thinking about. He knew that Fang Zhiqiang was not feeling well now. However, everything in front of him was obviously unchangeable. He just looked at Fang Zhiqiang for a while, but said nothing. Did not say.

After a few bites, Bi Luochun got up and called Fang Zhiqiang over.

"Qiangzi, what's the matter with you? Looking depressed?" Bi Luochun asked straightaway.

"Old Bi, I think it would be better for me to go out and rent a house, and this is not the way to go." Fang Zhiqiang said without any concealment.

"What do you mean? We can't accommodate you in such a big house?" Bi Luochun said displeased.

"I didn't mean that, but..."

"Okay, I'll go back and communicate with my mother. If it doesn't work, I'll let her go back to her hometown, and then you can stay. You can do all the work she does. I think it's good!" Decisively cut the railway.

Of course Fang Zhiqiang could hear that he was doing this for himself, and he clearly saw where his problem was.

"Come on, you! I really think of me as your nanny!" Fang Zhiqiang patted Bi Luochun's chest and said with disapproval.

"Hey! You kid, you said my mother is a nanny! You are not afraid that I will tell them back? I tell you, Yanzi's mother is fierce! I dare not provoke her!" Bi Luochun joked.

In front of Bi Luochun, Fang Zhiqiang couldn't feel the slightest restraint, and he was able to show his truest self, but as long as he was in front of Liu Yan's mother, Fang Zhiqiang would feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, I've been here for so long, and I've done a good job. Suddenly let the family go back. You can't say it. Since you have said that, I won't mention leaving for the time being."

After Fang Zhiqiang finished speaking again, looking at Bi Luochun's frowning expression, he immediately added: "Okay! It's me who got divorced. Why do you look more sad than me?"

"That's not it! Xiaochunzi will no longer have a godmother, I must not be very sad!" Bi Luochun still said in a joking tone. Obviously, he is no longer the original Bi Luochun. When the brothers are in trouble, Bi Luochun will not blink his eyes, whether it is for him to pay time or money, or other things, because he has always remembered Fang Zhiqiang's help to him bit by bit over the years.

Including the fact that Fang Zhiqiang gave him the Mingda Group to himself before, after he screwed it up, Fang Zhiqiang did not say a word to himself, but in fact, Fang Zhiqiang was also extremely uncomfortable in his heart. Will show the slightest displeasure in front of him, just this is enough to make the current Bi Luochun give Fang Zhiqiang such a promise.

"What are you two doing?!" Liu Yan suddenly walked over from the restaurant and asked Fang Zhiqiang and Bi Luochun whispering.

"No...nothing." Bi Luochun turned his head subconsciously and looked at Liu Yan, with a smile of ‘hehe’ on his face, as if to please.

"Qiangzi's food is so delicious, are you full?" Liu Yan frowned and looked at Bi Luochun, and said.

"No, no... Then how can I be full!" Bi Luochun naturally understood the meaning of his wife's words, and immediately did not dare to hesitate at all, and walked towards the dining table again.

And Fang Zhiqiang also shook his head and smiled helplessly. From this trivial matter, you can see Liu Yan's status in this family and Bi Luochun's family status, although he can maintain his true self in front of Bi Luochun. , But now, even in front of Liu Yan, Fang Zhiqiang is not as unrestrained as before.

In fact, Fang Zhiqiang's relationship with Liu Yan is quite good. Over the years, there have been many intersections, but now it is not what it used to be. When Liu Yan was not married, her temperament gave people a feeling of carelessness. , So I don’t need to be restrained in front of her.

But now, after getting married, perhaps because of having a child, or perhaps because of Bi Luochun, some subtle changes have taken place in her temperament. Fang Zhiqiang always feels that the people around him have become different from before. Whether it's Bi Luochun, Li Xiaoxiao, or Liu Yan, even Nie Qian and Chen Qinghe have changed.

Fang Zhiqiang didn't know how much he had changed, let alone whether he had become better or worse.

However, there was only one person who made Fang Zhiqiang feel that she had not changed a little, and that person was Wang Yaxin.

In Fang Zhiqiang’s heart, Wang Yaxin did not change anything. What she was like before, what she is still like now, even her appearance has not changed much. Fang Zhiqiang has never understood why this is. , The final explanation to myself is that perhaps it is precisely because Wang Yaxin has been alone for so long. Marriage can really change a person, completely change.

"Okay, go back and eat. I won't eat anymore. I just want to go out." Under Liu Yan's gaze, Fang Zhiqiang smiled slightly, raised his hand to her, and said.

"Go out now? What do you do?" Liu Yan asked with a puzzled look.

"A little thing, I may not be back at noon, you don't have to wait for me." After Fang Zhiqiang finished speaking again, he walked away from the door.

Staying longer in this home made Fang Zhiqiang feel uncomfortable, especially when facing Liu Yan's mother, it made Fang Zhiqiang feel uncomfortable all over.

As for the fact that he went to Yueting Media to see the R&D team, Fang Zhiqiang still didn't want too many people to know, so he didn't say much to Liu Yan.

And Liu Yan was also at a loss. When she returned to the restaurant, she still mumbled: "Does this kid really want to deliver the courier?!"

Bi Luochun vaguely heard Liu Yan's words and asked: "What did you say?"

"Qianzi ran out this early, what can be the matter? He won't really want to deliver the courier, right?" Liu Yan repeated.

When Bi Luochun heard this, he couldn't help but was taken aback. There was a real possibility, especially the words Fang Zhiqiang just said to him, which made Bi Luochun feel uneasy.

"Okay, you two, what are you doing to worry about so many things? Now that Mingda is bankrupt, what can he do? What's wrong with delivering the courier?" Liu Yan's mother looked at Bi Luochun and Liu Yan. With a puzzled expression on his face, he immediately frowned and said with an impatient expression.

When Bi Luochun and Liu Yan heard this, they naturally did not dare to refute, but the puzzled expression on their faces did not dissipate, and there was even a faint worry.

"Hurry up to eat!" Seeing Bi Luochun and Liu Yan in a daze, Liu Yan's mother immediately spoke again.

Liu Yan immediately sat down. Bi Luochun originally wanted to call Fang Zhiqiang and ask what was going on. When Liu Yan's mother said so, he couldn't help but slowly put down his mobile phone.

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