My Best Wife

Chapter 2451: Unexpected news

"Which way to go?"

Before Liu Yan could answer, Fang Zhiqiang was the first to ask.

Listening to Fang Zhiqiang’s doubtful tone, Bi Luochun turned his head immediately, looked at Fang Zhiqiang, and said seriously: "You see you are taciturn now. You can't even get a girl. You see more than 30 people. , If you keep going like this, finding a job is hard, you don’t worry about your future?"

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he couldn't help but smile, and then said: "It's a big deal, I will continue to do my job!"

"What kind of business?" Bi Luochun asked suspiciously.

"Send express delivery! There is no requirement for eloquence at work. I am a strong man, can't I do it?" Fang Zhiqiang spread his hands, disapproving.

"Send... the former president of dignified Mingda, ran to deliver couriers to others, you are not ashamed of me, but also ashamed!" Bi Luochun said angrily.

"What is so embarrassing about you? How can you throw it at you? I said Lao Bi, you can't get used to a rich life and forget the past! Don't we all slowly climb up from nothing? Go back, can't you accept it?" Fang Zhiqiang said earnestly.

"It's okay, don't talk about those useless, you two, I still have two money in the hands of old Bi, you will stay temporarily, anyway, it is impossible for us to let you deliver the courier, not lose it. It's not a shame, the main thing is that neither of us are as cruel as you!" Liu Yan waved her hand.

Fang Zhiqiang heard this, although his face was expressionless, but in fact, his heart was already happy. In life, he can have such a friend to accompany him, what can his husband want?

Fang Zhiqiang may not have found his true thoughts about the relationship between men and women, but Fang Zhiqiang clearly sees the affection of friends. What Liu Yan said just now is obviously from the heart, and he can treat himself like this. Friends of yours are worth cherishing for a lifetime.

"Then since you said that, I'm not polite! Next, don't be the same as before, you are not doing anything, you plan to drive me out!" Fang Zhiqiang said facelessly.

"You!" Liu Yan suddenly felt like she was in a trap?

Bi Luochun hurriedly said: "Look, this is like a Qiangzi! It's a shameless guy all the time!"

Fang Zhiqiang grinned'hehe' and didn't answer.

"But let me tell you Qiangzi, don't be too proud of you too early. If you dare to lead a woman to the house and make a fool of yourself, let alone Yanzi, I will be the first to drive you out with a kitchen knife!" Bi Luochunshen He took out a **** and said to Fang Zhiqiang.

"Oh... So that's what happened? Then I really haven't seen you carrying a kitchen knife. I can't wait to say that!" Fang Zhiqiang looked forward to it.

"You shameless and skinless, give you some sunshine and you will be bright, right?!" Bi Luochun said helplessly.

Several people returned home talking and laughing. After helping Fang Zhiqiang clean up the room, Bi Luochun and Liu Yan walked out again.

When Fang Zhiqiang was left alone, the disguised smile on his face disappeared immediately. In front of Bi Luochun and Liu Yan, the mood that he didn't care about everything was obviously disguised. At this moment, only himself was left. When you are alone, the truest thoughts deep in your heart, the truest self, emerge again.

The faces of Bi Luochun and Liu Yan who walked out of the room were also sad.

The words Fang Zhiqiang said in the car deeply hurt their hearts.

The once dignified president of Mingda is now reduced to the point where he wants to deliver express delivery. For Fang Zhiqiang, is this more than an insult? It is a blow to the soul!

Fang Zhiqiang said that there is nothing wrong with him, and he can live a well-fed life, but he cannot forget the difficult past, but anyone who is obedient will say that when it is really at that point, who can feel better in his heart?

Especially looking at Fang Zhiqiang's still strong smile, not to mention Bi Luochun, even Liu Yan was upset.

"Old Bi, what should you do?" Liu Yan asked Bi Luochun just after entering the room.

"Hey... At the moment, this can only be done temporarily, let him rest for a while." Bi Luochun frowned helplessly.

After lying on the bed, Fang Zhiqiang was not at all sleepy, looking at the ceiling with his eyes open, reminding him of his past life.

Crowded in such a small room with Bi Luochun, every day listening to Liu Yan’s nagging and their unsuitable voices for children, Fang Zhiqiang didn’t know that if he let himself live like that now, he would be a kind of What kind of mentality, but he remembers clearly. At that time, he was actually very happy inside. Even though there were so many annoying things every day, but now recalling, those annoying things are like jokes and even I couldn't help but smile.

Because, at that time, I had goals, and I wanted to pay off the hundreds of thousands of debts I owed as soon as possible. Although my monthly salary was pitifully small, I believed that as long as I could persevere, there would always be The moment when the clouds and mist saw the blue sky.

Now, after so long, I have experienced so many things, but on the contrary, I can't find what I really want in my heart. Even the most terrifying thing is that I don't even have a goal.

In retrospect, it was the few minutes that I lay on the bench that afternoon that I let myself give up my career, in order to be able to live a better life with Li Xiaoxiao, and to make my marriage happier, that afternoon, I made a decision to look at the whole world from the eyes of a giant, without paying attention to everything, and automatically ignoring some things, maybe I can make my heart more pure and happier.

I did exactly what I thought in my heart, but now, what result has it got?

Fang Zhiqiang didn't even know whether his thoughts were right or wrong, and he didn't even understand, what's the point of what he did?

The heart-packed thoughts made Fang Zhiqiang unable to fall asleep for a long time. When it was almost ten o'clock, a phone call suddenly made Fang Zhiqiang a little surprised.

Picking up the phone, Zhang Zhenguo actually called.

Speaking of Zhang Zhenguo, Fang Zhiqiang has not contacted him for several days. Since Mingda declared bankruptcy, Fang Zhiqiang has no idea where Zhang Zhenguo is going. Fang Zhiqiang is indeed quite surprised when he receives a call from him again.

"President Fang, have you heard that you have been discharged from the hospital?" Zhang Zhenguo said straight to the point.

"Yes, I just left the hospital today and we haven't seen each other for many days. How are you doing now?" Fang Zhiqiang asked with a smile.

"What can I do, the same way!" Zhang Zhenguo said with a smile.

However, Fang Zhiqiang knows very well that with the bankruptcy of Mingda, all the companies that merged with Mingda before will be implicated. The current Lingxin Group, if nothing else, should have ceased to exist. How could he be possible? Still the same as before?

After listening to Zhang Zhenguo's lies, Fang Zhiqiang did not reveal him, because Fang Zhiqiang could understand his feelings. If it were his own words, maybe he would tell the same lies as him?

"President Fang, when I am calling you today, I have an important news to tell you." Zhang Zhenguo suddenly became serious and said.

"What important news?" Fang Zhiqiang was curious.

"Our scientific research team has not been disbanded, and now, we are continuing our research and development work in Yueting Media. Recently, there have been very obvious breakthroughs. I have not told you this before because I am not fully sure, but now, I finally dared to speak to you!"

Zhang Zhenguo's serious tone made Fang Zhiqiang immediately sit up from the bed. He knew that the scientific research director had a heart that was unwilling to be mediocre, but he didn't know that they could actually give so much for understanding!

"What you said is true?" Fang Zhiqiang asked in an incredulous tone.

"Of course, if I'm not sure, how dare I tell you this? Ms. Huang and Ms. Zhang found me before and asked me to place the R&D team in their company. During this time, there has been no problem. , I believe that as long as they can persist, as long as they can develop a new product, Mingda still has the possibility of a comeback!"

Zhang Zhenguo's tone sounded extremely excited. Obviously, the re-emergence of Mingda also means their re-emergence. So many companies are looking forward to it.

Fang Zhiqiang was a little flustered for a while. During the time he was hospitalized, he didn't expect such a thing to happen!

"Then they, what's the situation now?" Fang Zhiqiang pondered for a long while, and said something like this.

In fact, Zhang Zhenguo has answered Fang Zhiqiang’s question very clearly, but now Zhang Zhenguo can also understand Fang Zhiqiang’s excitement, just like when the research director found himself, he was too excited to say it. Words come.

"President Fang can rest assured that the arrangement is very good. No one noticed them. The people in Juying have never investigated Yueting Media. Few people can imagine that they will be hidden in this small company!" Zhang Zhenguo was confident. Said.

"If you have time tomorrow, take me over to see them?" Fang Zhiqiang asked.

"What President Fang said, you can come anytime you want to come! I will ask them to prepare in advance!" Zhang Zhenguo agreed without hesitation.

"No need to prepare, don't tell them, just as usual." Fang Zhiqiang said.

"President Fang, in fact, there is one more thing, I am embarrassed to speak..." Zhang Zhenguo's tone suddenly became a little hesitant.

"What's the matter? Just say it!" Fang Zhiqiang is categorical. Zhang Zhenguo left this batch of R&D teams. For Fang Zhiqiang, it can be said that he has made a great contribution! Now he has any request, as long as he can fulfill it, Fang Zhiqiang will never say a'no'!

"The R&D team needs a lot of funds, and I can't get as much as they need in a short time now, so..." Zhang Zhenguo is still hard to say about this. Since the merger of Lingxin and Mingda, he has gained benefits. It is more than twice as much as when I was in Lingxin before!

Now that Mingda is encountering difficulties, it is only natural for him to take out some funds, but some time ago, with the fall of Mingda, all the equity in their hands was lost, and Zhang Zhenguo also contributed part of the compensation.

Coupled with the financial support for the scientific research team over this period of time, Zhang Zhenguo is indeed a little nervous.

Of course, it hasn't reached the point of exhaustion. The real reason is that his family members warned him that if he continues to throw money into it like a bottomless pit, he will declare a divorce!

It was for this reason that Zhang Zhenguo said such words at this time.

When Fang Zhiqiang heard this, he couldn't help frowning slightly. This was indeed a difficult task.

Fang Zhiqiang had already injected Mingda into his family’s money before, and with the fall of Mingda, the money would obviously not be recovered.

Even when the compensation was finally paid, Fang Zhiqiang even sold the car under his own name!

And that house has also been given to Li Xiaoxiao, now Fang Zhiqiang is really poor and white!

He couldn't help but regret it, regretting that he didn't buy more real estate in the first place, and now he won't be so embarrassed.

But there is no if, and the road we have traveled cannot be changed.

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